Petronius 72 Flashcards
algeō algēre alsī —
to be cold, feel cold
assentor assentārī
to assent constantly, flatter, fawn
caleō –ēre –uī
to be warm; to glow
catēnārius –a –um
of or pertaining to a chain:
cōgitō cōgitāre cōgitāvī cōgitātus
to think
exspīrō exspīrāre exspīrāvī exspīrātus
to breathe out
extrahō extrahere extrāxī extractum
to draw out
furnus –ī m.
fūror –ārī fūrātus sum
to steal
gurges –itis m.
interventus –ūs m.
a coming between, intervention
Labyrinthus –ī m.
the Labyrinth
lāmentātiō –ōnis f.
a wailing, lamentation
lātrō lātrāre lātrāvī lātrātus
to bark
ops opis f.
paenitet paenitēre paenituit
to it causes to regret
piscīna –ae f.
fish pond
plācō plācāre plācāvī plācātus
to soothe
subsequor sequī secūtus sum
to follow (closely)
supprimō –primere –pressī –pressum
to hold back, check
tremō tremere tremuī
to tremble
āvocō āvocāre
to call off, call away