Petronius 64 Flashcards
for some time
Apellēs –is or –itis m.
Apelles (a name)
ascendō ascendere ascendī ascēnsus
to ascend
camella –ae f.
wine-cup, cup
candēlābrum and –us –ī n./m.
a candlestick, chandelier, lamp-stand
canturiō canturīre
to chirp
catella –ae f.
female puppy
comminuō –minuere –minuī –minūtum
to divide into small parts, crumble
Croesus –ī m.
Croesus (name)
cubō cubāre cubuī cubitum
to lie down, recline
Cārĭca –ae f.
a dried fig, Carian fig
dorsum –ī n.
the back
dēcurrō –ere –cucurrī or currī –cursus
to run down
dēverbium –(i)ī n.
the spoken part of a play (i.e. no music)
extensively; loosely; freely, immoderately
exceptiō –ōnis f.
an exception, restriction, limitation
exsībilō sībilāre
to hiss out, hiss from the stage
fōrma fōrmae f.
shape; beauty
hortor hortārī hortātus sum
to urge
by day
lātrātus –ūs m.
barking; baying
melica –ae f.
a kind of vessel; a song, lyric poem
nausea –ae f.
nausea, sea-sickness
phthisicus or thisicus –a –um
consumptive, phthisical
Plocamus –ī m.
Plocamus (a name)
plānus –a –um
level, flat
podagricus –a –um
gouty, podagric
praesidium praesidi(ī) n.
quadrīgae –ārum f.
yoke or team of four horses
reprimō reprimere repressī repressus
to restrain
respergō –ere –spersī –spersus
to sprinkle over; besprinkle
sagīnō sagīnāre
to fatten, cram, feast
scapulae ārum f
the shoulder-blades, shoulders
Scylax –ācis m.
Scylax (a name)
sēmēsus –a –um
tubicen –inis m.
a trumpeter
ēvertō ēvertere ēvertī ēversus
to overturn, overthrow
ōsculor –ōsculārī
to kiss