Peripheral Neuropathy Flashcards
Classification of Peripheral Neuropathy
Causes of Mononeurpathy & Mononeuropathy Multiplex
- Traumatic
- Infective
- Vascular
- Metabolic
Causes of Mononeurpathy & Mononeuropathy Multiplex
- Traumatic
Causes of Mononeurpathy & Mononeuropathy Multiplex
- Infective
- Leprosy
- Herpes Zoster
Causes of Mononeurpathy & Mononeuropathy Multiplex
- Vascular
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Causes of Mononeurpathy & Mononeuropathy Multiplex
- Metabolic
Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Heredofamilial
- Acquired
Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Heredo-Familial
- Peroneal muscle atrophy.
- Hypertrophic interstitial polyneuropathy.
- Refsum disease.
Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Acquired
Acquired Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Infective
- Viral: mumps, measles.
- Bacterial: Typhus, Typhoid, Tetanus.
- Mycobacterial: Leprosy.
Acquired Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Toxic
- Inorganic: lead, copper, arsenic, antimony, gold. (Heavy metals).
- Organic: alcohol, insecticides.
Acquired Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Metabolic & Endocrine
Diabetes mellitus, uremia, amyloidosis, acromegaly, myxedema.
Acquired Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Nutritional
Pellagra, Beri-Beri, subacute combined degeneration.
Acquired Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Iatrogenic
Isoniazid, sulphonamides, phenytoin, vincristine.
Acquired Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Autoimmune
Guillain Barre Syndrome, collagen vascular disorders.
Acquired Causes of Polyneuropathy
- Paraneoplastic
Bronchogenic carcinoma, lymphoma.
Pathology of Axonal Neuropathy
Pathology of Demyelinating Neuropathy
CP of Polyneuropathy
- General
- Bilateral
- Symmetrical
- Distal more than Proximal
- Lower Limbs earlier than Upper Limbs.