Neuro - Hx & Ex (Till Motor) Flashcards
Neurological Diseases in 1st Decade
- Fredric’s ataxia.
- Duchene myopathy.
Neurological Diseases in 2st Decade
- Hereditary spastic ataxia
- Baker’s myopathy.
- Peroneal muscle atrophy
Neurological Diseases in 3st Decade
Multiple Sclerosis
Neurological Diseases in 4st Decade
Cerebrovascular Stroke
Def of Radicular Pain
Special type of pain in neurology
- increases by cough & straining
- decreases by rest and support.
Value of Radicular Pain
- Paraplegia (leveling).
- cauda equina.
Types of Memory
Types of Memory
- Immediate
Types of Memory
- recent
Types of Memory
- remote
Causes of Amnesia
Def of Aphasia
- impairmery of formulation
Def of Dysarthria
Impairment of Articulation
Causes of Dysarthria
Def of AR Pupils
Small, irregular, unequal which doesn’t react to light but reacts to accommodation.
Causes of AR Pupils
- D.M.
2 Neurosyphilis. - D.S.
- Encephalitis
Eye Muscles
Compare Between 3rd Nerve Palsy (Para) & Horner Syndrome (Symp) in terms of:
- Ptosis
- Pupil
- Association
- Diplopia
Trigemenal Nucleus Lesions
Jaw Reflex
- afferent
- efferent
- Significance
Corneal Reflex
- afferent
- efferent
- Significance
Palatal Reflex
- afferent
- efferent
- Significance
Glabellar Reflex
- Afferent
- efferent
- Response
- Significance
In Glabellar Reflex, habituation is absent in ……..
Weber test
- Normal
- SN Deafness
- Conductive Deafness
Watch test
- Normal
- SN Deafness
- Conductive Deafness
Rinne’s test
- Normal
- SN Deafness
- Conductive Deafness
Palatal reflex
- Afferent
- Efferent
- 5
- 10
Phatyngeal Reflex (Gag Reflex)
- Afferent
- Efferent
- 9
- 10
Hypoglossal Nerve Lesions
Relation of CVS To Neurological Examination
Relation of RESP To Neurological Examination