Introduction Flashcards
Functions of Pyramidal System (UMN)
Functions of Extrapyramidal System
- REGULATION et the voluntary motor activity.
- Regulation of the emotional & associated movements.
- Inbibition of muscle tone.
Functions of Cerebellar System
- Co-ordination the voluntary motor activity initiated by pyramidal system.
- Maintenance of equilibrium
Functions of LMN
Transmission of the motor impulse from the AHCS to the voluntary muscles.
Def of Deep Reflex (Tendon Jerk)
This is an INDUCED (Dynamic) local axon stretch reflex.
What is Deep Reflex (Tendon Jerk) Induced by?
It is induced by:
- Sudden stretch of the muscle by tapping the tendon with a hammer.
- This induced sudden stretch will suddenly & temporarily activate the local axon reflex → this will result in sudden transient contraction of the muscle (jerk).
Components of Deep Reflex
Types of Deep Reflex
- Normal deep reflex (Tendon Jerk).
- Pathological deep reflex.
Def of Pathological Reflexes
- reflexes which are normally absent → its presence indicates U.M.N.L. (Don’t elicit them in patient with normal or hyporeflexia)
Examples of Pathological Reflexes
adductor, patellar and finger flexion reflexes
Effect of Pyramidal System on Deep Reflexes
The deep reflex receives inhibition from the Pyramidal system
UMNL & Deep Reflexes
UMNL results in loss of inhibition on the deep reflex, leading to:
- Increased deep reflex (hyperreflexia) below the level of the lesion.
- Appearance of pathological reflexes.
LMNL & Deep Reflexes
LMNL results in interruption of the reflex arc, leading to:
- Decreased deep reflex (hyporeflexia) at the level of the lesion.
Def of Muscle Tone
This is a SPONTANEOUS (Static) local axon stretch reflex:
Why is Muscle Tone spontaneous?
It is spontaneous because:
- The length of any skeletal muscle is shorter than the distance between the origin & the insertion (bone growth is faster than soft tissue growth) → so any muscle is always in a state of persistent spontaneous slight stretch.
- This spontaneous persistent stretch will persistently activate the local axon reflex → this will result in persistent (maintained) contraction of the muscle (tone).
Pyramidal & Extrapyramidal system & Muscle Tone
The Muscle tone receives inhibition from the Pyramidal & Extrapyramidal systems
UMNL & Muscle Tone
LMNL & Muscle Tone
LMNL results in interruption of the reflex arc, leading to:
- Decreased muscle tone (flaccidity) at the level of the lesion.
Absent Reflex in Plantar Reflex
Def of Fasiculations
oscillatory movements of the muscles caused by an irritating lesion of the AHCs
Compare between UMNL & LMNL