Neuro - Ex (Rest) Flashcards
Dermatomes in Sensory Examination
Site of Lesion in Each Pattern of Sensory Loss
Pathways of Superficial Sensations
Bony Prominences in Vibration Sense
Signs of meningeal Irritation
Trophic Changes
Vasomotor Changes
Different Types of Gaits & Their Causes
Signs of Lateralization
Surest Signs of UMNL
Foster-Kennedy Syndrome
Does Unlateral lesion in uncus cause anosmia?
How to diffrentiate between a lesion in the optic tract or after the optic tract, Clinically?
What are surgical Third & Medical Third?
Causes of Myosis
Causes of Mydriasis
What are the muscles in the body that push not pull?
Primitive Reflexes
- Examples
Causes of Transient Hemiplegia
Causes of Motor Neuropathy
Causes of Sensory Neuropathy
Causes of Tender Calf Muscles
Causes of Thickened Nerves
Causes of Lost Ankle with preseved Knee
Causes of Preserved Ankle with Lost Knee
Causes of Myopathy
Causes of Pseudohypertrophy
Causes of Pes Cavus
Causes of Wasting in Hand Muscles
Diffrentiate Between
- Gower Disease
- Gower Sign
- Gower Test
Diffrentiate between true & Pseudo bulbar Palsy