Nephro - General Examination Flashcards
Def of Pallor
- Decrease visibility or oxyhemoglobin
Sites of Pallor
Causes of Pallor
Causes of Pallor
- True
Causes of Pallor
- False
Def of Jaundice
- Yellowish discoloration of the skin & mucous membrane due to increased level of serum bilirubin
Sites of Jaundice
Causes of Jaundice
DDx of Jaundice
Causes of Hypercarotenemia
Sites of Hypercarotenemia
- soles & face
- but not in the sclera & MM
Def of Cyanosis
bluish discoloration of skin & mucous membrane (mm)
Etiology of Cyanosis
Inc. Level of reduced HB in capillaries › 5 gm /di or abnormal HB in capillaries
Types of Cyanosis
Types of Cyanosis
- Central
Types of Cyanosis
- Peripheral
Causes of Plethora
Causes of Malar Rash
Difference Between
- decubitus
- Position
- Attittude
- Gait
Def of Orthopnea
- Dyspnea on lying flat improves on semi setting position.
Causes of Orthopnea
Def of Platypnea
Dyspnea in the erect position relieved by recumbency
Causes of Platypnea
- Huge apical lung tumors
- hepatopulmonary syndrome.
Def of Trepopnea
- Patient prefer to lie on one side and dyspnea occur on the opposite side
Causes of Trepopnea
pleurisy or lung abscess.
Causes of Squatting Decubitus
Causes of Praying position
- Pericardial effusion
- mediastinal syndrome
- acute pancreatitis.
Causes of Opisthotonous
High arched back as in:
- meningitis
- tetanus
- strychnine poisoning.
Causes of Flexion Attitude
- Passive in abdominal colic.
- rigid in peritonitis.
- Parkinsonism.
Causes of Restlessness
Renal Colic
Causes of Waterhammer Pulse
Causes of Unequal Pulse Volume
Factors affecting Blood Pressure
Classification of BP
Pulse/Temperature Ration
Causes of Relative Tachycardia
Causes of Relative Bradycardia
Indication of Rectal Measurment of Temperature
Causes of Tachypnea
Causes of Bradypnea
Causes of Puffy Eyelids
Causes of Congested Neck Veins
Causes of Flapping Tremors
Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Grades of Clubbing
Causes of Clubbing
Causes of Clubbing
- Pale (Toxemic)
Causes of Clubbing
- Blue (Hypoxic / Cyantotic)
Causes of Unilateral Edema
Causes of Bilateral Edema