Pediatric orthopedic conditions Flashcards
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - foot progression angle is the angle made by the foot with respect to
a straight line plotted in the direction the child is walking
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - foot progression angle can be normal in children with combined torsional deformity - (+) sign denotes? (-) sign denotes
+ sign denotes out toeing angle
- sign denotes in toeing angle
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - thigh foot angle is the angle between
axis of foot and axis of thigh measured with child prone and knees at 90
The angle describes the degrees of tibial torsion
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - toeing in (pigeon toed) is common in
W sitting and is caused by three types of deformities
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - toeing in is caused by what 3 types of defomities
metatarsus adductus
internal tibial torsion
increased femoral anteversion
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - most common congenital foot deformity
metatarsus adductus
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - matatarsus adductus greater occurance in
females on left side
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - most common cause for metatarsus adductus
intrauterine packing
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - metatarsus adductus - types
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - metatarsus adductus - Rigid form results in
medial subluxation of tarsometatarsal joints
Hindfoot slightly in valgus with navicular lateral to head of talus
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - matatarsus adductus - flexible form is observed as
adduction of all five metatarsals at the tarsometatarsal joints
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - metatarsus adductus - flexible form treatment
85-90% identified at birth will resolve without treatment in 1 year
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - most common cause of toeing in
internal tibial torsion
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - increased femoral anteversion
Normal is 10-15 degrees
Considered excessive if angle is greater than 25-30 degrees
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - toeing out is how common? can be caused by what?
less common
can be caused by femoral retroversion, external tibial torsion, flat feet
Torsional conditions - toeing in/out - toeing out - retroversion defined as
less than 10 degrees
Talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) - etiology
postural from intrauterine malposition
Talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) - observation
PF, adducted, and inverted foot
Talipes equinovarus is defined as
PF at talocrural joint
Inversion at subtalar, talocalcaneal, talonavicular, and calcaneocuboid joints
Supination at midtarsal joints
Angular conditions - genu valgum
excessive lateral tibial torsion, referred to as knock knees
Excessive lateral patellar positioning