Ankle and Foot Flashcards
Talocrural joint - articulations
Talocrural joint - trochlear surface is
concave (med/lat)
Wider ant/post (wedge shaped)
Talocrural joint - talus is
concave sup/inf
convex ant/post
Subtalar joint - articulations
two separate articulations - anterior and posterior talocalcaneal
Subtalar joint - posterior talocalcaneal articulation
Post sup articulation is convex in ant/post and concave in med/lat
Articulations with inferior surface of talus
Subtalar joint - anterior talocalcaneal articulation
Biconvex inferior surface of neck and head of talus resting on biconcave ant surface of calcaneus
Talonavicular joint
Biconvex head of talus aritculates with biconcavity formed by navicular surfaces
Calcaneocuboid joint
Ant calcaneus is concave med/lat and convex sup/inf
Post cuboid is concave sup/inf and convex med/lat
Key to lateral arch
Cuneonavicular joint
Biconvex ant of navicular has three facets to articulate with concave surface of three cuneiform bones
Metatarsal heads are convex
Proximal phalanges concave
Tib ant
Ext hall long
Ext dig long
Peroneus T
Gastroc Soleus Tib post Flex dig long Flex hall L Peroneus L and B
Peroneus longus and brevis
Tib post
Tib ant
Flex dig long
Flex hall long
Pronation (DF/EV)
Ext dig long
Per T
Supination (PF/IV)
Flex hall long
Tib post
Capsule - Talocrual joint -
Fibrous capsule lined with synovial membrane strengthened by collateral, ant, and post ligaments
Thin ant and post and thickened laterally
Capsule - Subtalar joint -
Post articulation has ind. capsule with synovial membrane
Ant articulation has capsule with synovial membrane that includes talonavicular joint
Capsule - talonavicular joint
Fibrous capsule with synovial lining shared with ant subtalar joint
Capsule - Calcaneocuboid
Ind. fibrous capsule with synovial membranve
Capsule - Tarsometatarsal
First MT with medial cuneiform
2nd and 3rd with cuneiform capsule is continueous with intercuneiform and cuneonavicular joint cavity
3rd cuneiform with base of 4th MT capsule encloses 4th MT with cuboid and third cuneiform
Capsule - Cuneonavicualr
COntinuous with those of intercuneiform and cuneocuboid joints
Metatarsalphalangeal and IP joint - capsule
FIbrous capsule present for each articulation
Ligaments - Talocrural
Medial collateral ligament (deep and sup fibers)
Lateral collateral ligament
Ligaments - Talocrural - Medial collateral - deep fibers
Anterior talotibial ligament and posterior talotibial ligament
Ligaments - Talocrural - Medial collateral - superficial fibers
deltoid ligament
Ligaments - Talocrural - lateral collateral -
anterior talofibular ligament
calcaneofibular ligament
posterior talofibular ligament
Ligaments - subtalar joint -
Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (taut with ever)
Lateral talocalcaneal ligament
Posterior talocalcaneal ligament
Medial talocalcaneal ligemant
LIgaments - Talonavicular
Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament)
Dorsal talonavicular ligament
Ligaments - Calcaneocuboid joint
med band of bifurcate lig (lateral calcaneonavicular ligament) med calcaneocuboid (lateral band of bifurcated ligament) long plantar ligament (superficial plantar calcaneocuboid) plantar calcaneocuboid (short plantar)
Tarsometatarsal joints - medially ___ lgament
dorsal ligament runs from medial cuneiform to base of second mT
Tarsometatarsal joints - laterally ___ ligament
dorsal ligaments with straight fibers from middle cuneiform to second MT, lateral cuneiform to third MT,
cruciate fibers are lateral cuneiform to second mT, and middle cuneiform to 3rd MT
Cuneonavicular joint
Three dorsal cuneonavicular ligaments - one att to each cuneiform
PLantar fascia
Broad, dense band of longitudinally arranged collagen fibers that can be divided into 3 components
Plantar fascia tightens with
Tightening causes supination of calcaneus, inversion of subtalar joint
Bursa -
Post calcaneal
Talocrural joint biomechanics - conjunt rotations
Talus rotates 30 from DF to PF
Talocrural joint biomechanics - open chain - during PF
Talus describes ant glide on morise with slight IR and add
Talocrual joint biomech - closed chain - during PF
tibia glides post on talus with slight ER
Subtalar joing biomech - joint axes
Oblique axis extends from post plantar and lat to ant dorsal and med
Subtalar joing biomech - joint axes - numbers
Joint oriented obliquely with avg of 42 from horizontal and 16 from midline of foot
Subtalr joint - conjunction rotation
Calcaneus can move in many directiosn due to multiple articulations
Subtalar joint - arthrokinematics - open chain during inversion
calcaneus moves into add, sup, and PF on fixed talus
Subtalar joint - arthrokinematics - closed chain during inversion
supination of calcaneus with abd and DF of talus
Talonavicular - ioen chain during inversion
navicular PF, add, and ER on talus
Talonavicular - closed chain during inversion
Navicular PF, add, and IR