Patient Care Coordination and Education Flashcards
Communicable Diseases to Report (8)
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Escherichia coli (E. coli)
- Foodborne diseases
- Lyme disease
- Hepatitis B, C, D, and E
- Gonococcal infections (Gonorrhea)
- COVID 19
Where do you report communicable disease?
Local/state health department
Surgical removal of tissue for later microscopic examination
Removal of a foreign object
Surgical removal of an object
Splinter forceps are commonly used
Removal of a small growth (cyst, wart, mole)
Surgical removal of a small growth from the body
Procedures that uses an endoscope to view a hollow organ or body caivty
Examination of the vagina and cervix using a colposcope
Patient is in the lithotomy position
Procedure using local application of intense liquid or a cryoprobe to destroy unwanted tissue
Incision and Drainage (I & D)
Lancing a pressure buildup caused by pus or another fluid under the skin
What is the golden hour?
The first hour after an injury has occurred
What is the critical information to obtain when someone calls a MA for an emergency? (5)
- patient’s name
- contact info
- location
- status of patient
- What the situation is and when did it start
What are some examples of durable medical equipment? (4)
- mobility aids (crutches, wheelchairs)
- personal care aids (bath chairs)
- ventilators
-dialysis machines
What are some examples of enteral administration for medication? (6)
- oral
- sublingual
- buccal
- inhalation
- otic/ocular
- transdermal
What are the 2 common forms of identification for financial issues with a patient?
- asking for patient’s full name
- verifying the last for digits of Social Security #
What are the different ways to measure temperature on the body?
tympanic - ear
axillary - armpit
orally - under tongue
temporal artery - forehead and behind ear
rectal - anus
What are the 5 phases of the Korotkoff sounds for blood pressure?
Phase 1: The first sound heard, systolic
Phase 2: swishing sounds as blood flows thru artery
Phase 3: Sharp tapping sounds as blood surges
Phase 4: Soft tapping sounds that begin to muffle.
Phase 5: Founal sound heard, diastolic
After palpating the radial pulse and inflating the cuff until it disappears, how much more do you inflate?
Inflate 33 mm Hg more to get above the systolic pressure
Where is the preferred pulse for measuring children pulse and blood pressure?
Brachial Pulse
Where is the preferred pulse for taking an adult pulse?
Radial Pulse
Where is the preferred pulse for emergency procedures?
Carotid (located in the neck below the jawbone)
Where is the temporal artery located?
on the side of the forehead
Where is the femoral artery located?
inner groin area
Where is the popliteal artery located?
Behind the knee
Where is the posterior tibial artery located?
Behind the ankle
Where is the dorsalis pedis artery located?
On top of the foot
What is the apical pulse?
Listening with a stethoscope to the heartbeat at the apex of the heart
What happens if a claim gets denied?
Resubmit after any corrections
If it gets denied again, attach supporting documents and submit with an appeal
Accountable Care Organization must accept/accommodate patients from which health plan?
What are some tips for leaving a voicemail for a patient?
- Only state the patient’s name, date/time of call, MA’s name, name of practice, return phone number, and hours for returned calls
What are the 6 primary nutrients?
- water
- carbohydrates
- proteins
- fats
- minerals
- vitamins