Consent/Ethics/Medical Directives Flashcards
Implied Consent
Inferred consent based on signs, actions, or conduct of the patient rather than oral communication
Expressed consent
Consent that is either given by oral or written words
Informed Consent
Consent that ensures the patient or guardian of the patients knows, understands, and accepts the treatment that has been explained.
Capacity to think, decide, and act on one’s own free will and initiative
The principle that ethics should be based on what is consistent and fair to all involved
The general moral principle of doing the “most good” or doing what is best for patients
Principle of “do no harm” to the patient or to the fewest number of people in society
What are ethics?
The rules, standards, and moral principles that govern a person’s behavior and on which the person bases decisions
What are common ethics?
Also known as group ethics, is a system of principles and rules of conduct accepted by a group based on ethnicity, political affiliation, or cultural identity
What are professional ethics?
Type of ethics that aims to define, clarify, and criticize professional work and its typical values
Advance Directive
A set of requests that patients put in writing for their health care provider, family, and other health care professionals to carry out in the case the patient is incapacitated/unable for themselves
Living Will
Legal document stating what procedures patient would want, which ones they would not want, and under what conditions these decisions would apply
Durable Power of Attorney
Legal document that names a health care agent or proxy to make medical decisions for patients when they are not able to do so in the case they become incapacitated/unable to communicate
What are some examples of people who can become durable power of attorney? (5)
- adult child
- adult sibling
- nearest living relative
- spouse or domestic partner
- court appointed guardian or conservator
Do Not Resuscitate
Legal order written either in the hospital or on a legal form to communicate the wishes of a patient to not undergo CPR or advanced cardiac life support if patient stops living
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
Life sustaining treatment form that contains a set of medical orders completed by the health care provider detailing the patient’s end of life care