Patient Assessment Flashcards
Newborn vitals
HR: 90-180
RR: 30-60
BP: 50-70
Temp: 36.7-37.8
Infant (1mo to 1yo) vitals
HR: 100-1(0
RR: 25-50
BP: 70-95
Temp: 36-37.6
Toddler (1-3yo) vitals
HR: 90-150
RR: 20-30
BP: 80-100
Temp: 36-37.6
Preschool (3-6yo) vitals
HR: 80-140
RR: 20-25
BP: 80-110
Temp: 36
School age (6-12yo) vitals
HR: 70-120
RR: 15-20
BP: 80-110
Temp: 36
Adolescent (12-18yo) vitals
HR: 60-100
RR: 12-16
BP: 90-110
Temp: 36
Adult vitals (19+)
HR: 70
RR: 12-20
BP: 90-140
Temp: 36
Safe residual pressure of O2 tanks
200 psi or below.
Oxygen cylinder constants
D= 0.16 E = 0.28 M = 1.56 G = 2.41 H = 3.14 K = 3.14
Formula for O2 cylinder duration of flow
Tank pressure in psi - 200 psi x cylinder constant/flow rate in l/min = duration of flow in minutes.
2000 - 200 x 0.16 / 15 = 288 / 15 = 19.2 (19 L/min)
O2 delivery devices
Nasal cannula: 1-6Lpm (24-44% O2 delivery)
NRB: 15Lpm (90-100% O2 delivery)
BVM: 15Lpm (nearly 100% O2 delivery)
MOANS for difficulty with BVM
M: mask seal O: obesity A: age (elderly) N: no teeth S: stiff lungs
Eyes: 4
Verbal: 5
Motor: 6
Total of 15 points.
Landmark myotomes
C3-5 (diaphragm); C5 (elbow flexors); C6 (wrist extensors); C7 (elbow extensors); C8 (finger flexors); T1 (hand intrinsics); T2-T7 (intercostals); L2 (hip flexors); L3 (knee extensors); L4 (ankle dorsiflexors); L5 (long toe extensors); S1 (ankle plantar flexors); S4-S5 (anus, bladder, bowel)
Landmark Cervical dermatomes
C2 (occipital protuberance); C3 (supraclavicular fossa); C5 (lateral side of antecubital fossa); C6 (thumb and medial index finger); C7 (middle finger); C8 (little finger)
Landmark thoracic dermatomes
T2 (apex of axilla); T4 (nipple line); T10 (umbilicus)
Landmark lumbar dermatomes
L1 (inguinal line); L2 (mid anterior thigh); L3 (medial aspect of knee); L5 (dorsum of foot)
Landmark sacral dermatomes
S1-S3 (back of the leg); S4-S5 (perianal area)
Alcohol Epilepsy, endocrine, electrolytes Insulin Opiates and other drugs Uremia Trauma, temperature Infection Psychogenic Poison Shock, stroke, subarachnoid, spaceoccupying lesion
Considerations when taking a blood pressure
Avoid taking a BP on a painful/injured extremity, arm with an AV shunt or fistula, or on a post mastectomy side.
DCAP-BTLS mnemonic
Deformities Contusions Abrasions Punctures/penetrations Burns Tenderness Lacerations Swelling