[PATHO] REVISION 2 Flashcards
purulent inflammation 2ry to introduction of bacteria from uterine cavity to tubal lumen
acute salpingitis
MC causative agent of acute salpingitis
Neisseria gonorrhea
acute salpingitis gross picture
tube is swollen congested
lumen filled w/ pus
acute salpingitis microscopic picture
acute inflammatory process
polymorphs & pus cells
chronic non specific salpingitis gross picture (4)
1-tube is irregular, distended
2-fibrous adhesion over serosal surface
3-permanent bridging b/w plicae
4-wall infiltrated by lymphocytes + plasma cells
salpingitis complications (5)
1-extension–> pelvic peritonitis
2-extension–>tubo-ovarian abscess
3-chronicity—> hydrosalpinx/ pyosalpinx
4-if bilateral–>sterility
5-ectopic pregnancy
if chronicity of salpingitis is mild this leads to
if chronicity of salpingitis is severe this leads to
TB salpingitis gross picture (3)
1-serosal tubercles
2-tube is elongated, nodular, irregularly distended
3-adhesions to nearby organs
TB salpingitis microscopic picture
caseating granuloma
tubal pregnancy gross picture
tube distended by hemorrhagic clot enmeshing chorionic villi
tubal pregnancy fate
2-rupture & intraperitoneal bleeding
tubal pregnancy pathogenesis
1-factors ↑ tubal receptibility (endometriosis)
2-factors blocking zygote passage to uterine cavity (chronic salpingitis/ congenital tubal diverticulae)
purulent inflammatory process following introduction of neisseria gonorrhea from uterine cavity to tubal lumen
acute salpingitis
obliteration of fimbriated end w/ dilatation of tube
wall is whitish, thin, translucent
tube contains clear serous fluid
uterus is enlarged
mass of grapelike structures of translucent white cysts
no fetal parts
weighs > 200g
hydropic swelling of chorionic villi
chorionic villi filled w/ avascular loose myxoid stroma
hyperplastic sheets of cytotrophoblasts & syncytiotrophoblasts
cytologic atypia is present
complete hydatidiform mole
obliteration of fimbriated end w/ dilatation of tube
wall is thick & opaque
lumen distended w/ pus
tubes are swollen & congested
lumen is filled w/ pus
tubes show polymorphs & pus cells
acute salpingitis
tube is distended, irregular
fibrous adhesions on serosal surface
healing & organization
permanent bridging b/w plicae
lymphocytes & plasma cells
chronic salpingitis
blood borne organism lodged in tubes
tube is elongated, nodular, irregularly distended
adhesions to nearby organs
serosal tubercles
caseating granuloma
TB salpingitis
MC routes of lymphatic spread in TB salpingitis
tube is distended w/ hemorrhagic clot enmeshing chorionic villi
tubal pregnancy
uterus may be enlarged
few vesicles
few fetal parts seen
villous edema of some villi
trophoblastic proliferation is focal & slight
partial hydatidiform mole
gross picture of complete hydatidiform mole (4)
1-usually uterus is enlarged
2-grape-like structures of thin translucent cysts
3-NO fetal parts
4-weighs> 200g
complete hydatifirom mole microscopic picture (4)
1-hydropic swellings of chorionic villi
2-chorionic villi filled w/ avascular loose myxoid stroma
3-hyperplastic sheets of cyto & syncytiotrophoblasts
4-cytologic atypia
complete hydatiform complications
invasive mole
invasive mole micro picture
chorionic villi show active proliferation of both cyto & syncytiotrophoblasts
grape like clusters in uterine cavity
complete hydatidiform mole
hyperplastic sheets of cyto & synctiotrophoblasts
complete hydatidform mole
uterine bleeding
possible rupture of uterus
↑ hCG
complete mole
penetrates myometrium & can perforate uterine wall
villi show active proliferation to cyto & syncytiotrophoblasts
invasive mole
large hemorrhagic necrotic mass destroying uterine wall
invades uterine wall, BV, lymphatics
no stroma
no BV
no chorionic villi formed
extravasated blood & necrosis
contains cytotrophoblasts & synyctial cells
choriocarcinoma spread
polymorphs & pus cells seen in
acute salpingitis
lymphocytes & plasma cells seen in
chronic salpingitis
cytotrophoblasts & syncytiotrophoblasts seen in
1-complete mole
2-partial mole
3-invasive mole
cytotrophoblasts & syncytial cells seen in
cannon ball appearance seen in
choriocarcinoma spread to lungs
coffee bean nucleus seen in
cuboidal cells of granulosa cell tumor
tuboovarian abscess gross picture (2)
fibrotic wall
cavity containing purulent material
wall of ovary is fibrotic
cavity filled w/ purulent material
granulation tissue
inflammatory cell infiltration
fallopian tube bound to ovary in distorted mass
tubo-ovarian abscess
tubo-ovarian abscess micro picture (3)
granulation tissue
inflam cell infiltration
chronic granulomatous oophritis caused by
MC cause of enlarged ovaries
palpable ovarian mass
pelvic pain
menstrual abnormalities
unilocular cyst 1-5cm
outer surface is smooth
thin wall
cyst contains clear serous fluid
cyst lined by granulosa cells surrounded by theca internal cells
follicular cysts
follicular cyst gross picture (7)
2-1-5 cm
3-unilateral/ bilateral
5-smooth outer surface
6-thin wall
7-filled w/ clear serous fluid
follicular cyst micro picture
lined by granulosa cells surrounded by theca interna cells
follicular cysts originate from
unruptured graafian follicle
follicle which had ruptured & immediately sealed
corupus luteum cyst orignates from
delayed resolution of corpus luteum
corpus luteum gross picture (2)
1-unilocular 3-6 cm
2-yellow festooned lining
corpus luteum cyst micro picture
lined by luteinizing granulosa cells
that may be hemorrhagic
estrogen secreting cyst
follicular cyst
progesterone secreting cyst
corpus luteum
menstrual irregularities
↑ progesterone
cyst diameter: 3-6cm
cyst lined w/ luteinizing granulosa cells
unilocular cysts w/ yellow festooned lining
corpus luteum cyst
patient taking gonadotropin therapy for infertility/pregnant/ pt w/ choriocarcinoma/ pt w/ hydatidiform mole
hyperplastic luteinized theca interna cells
Hg & rupture
may require surgical intervention
theca lutein cyst
theca lutein cyst forms due to
↑ gonadotropins
PCOS gross picture (3)
1-both ovaries enlarged 2-5x their original size
2-capsule is thickened
3-capsule is studded w/ multiple small cysts
PCOS micro picture(4)
1-thickened T.albuginea
2-cysts lined w/ granulosa cells & hyperplastic luteinizing theca interna cells
3- no corpora luteum
4-no T. albicantia
Cl/P of PCOS
2-Stein-leventhal $
↑estrogen + irregular bleeding
stein leventhal $
2ry amenorrhea
progressive hirustism
voice changes
breast atrophy
ovarian endometriosis gross picture (4)
1-punctate red-brown spots or patches w/ dense fibrous adhesions
2-thick fibrotic cyst wall
3-shaggy/smooth red-brown inner lining
4-cyst filled w/ red-brown chocolate material
ovarian neoplasm can be lethal dt
late symptoms & detection
ovarian neoplasms RF
family history
genetic mutation in BRACA 1&2
genetic mutation possibly leading to ovarian neoplasms
BRACA 1&2 mutation
(suppressor genes)
punctate red brown spots
patches w/ dense fibrous adhesions
thick fibrotic cyst wall
smooth/ shaggy red-brown inner lining
cyst contains red brown chocolate material
ovarian endometriosis
type I ovarian tumors progression
benign neoplasms–>borderline tumors–>low grade carcinoma
Type II ovarian tumors progression
inclusion cysts from ovary/fallopian tube via STIC –>high grade serous tumors
serosal tubal intraepithelial carcinoma
surface epithelial tumors derived from
coelomic mesothelium
surface epithelial tumors form dt
repeated ovulation–>surface scarring–>mesothelium pulled into ovarian cortex–>epithelial cysts—>metaplasia & neoplastic transformation—> surface epi tumors
serous tumors types
benign serous cystadenoma gross picture (5)
1-thin walled distended unilocular cysts
2-clear straw colored fluid
4-smooth outer+inner surfaces
5-may be: serous cystadenofibroma/ papillary serous cystadenoma
benign serous cystadenoma w/ stromal fibrous component=
serous cystadenofibroma
benign serous cystadenoma w/ exophytic/ endophytic papillae
papillary serous cystadenoma
benign serous cystadenoma micro picture
cyst lined w/ cuboidal epi/columnar partially ciliated epithelium resembling fallopian tubes
borderline serous cystadenoma micro picture
cytological atypia
NO stromal invasion
malignant serous cystadenoma micro picture
cytologic atypia + stromal invasion
mucinous tumors gross picture (7)
2-outer surface is smooth
3-thick fibrotic wall
6-variable sized locules separated by fibrous tissue septa
7-filled w/ mucinous fluid
mucinous tumor types
benign mucinous tumor micro picture
1-lined by tall columnar cells
2-basal nuclei
3-basophilic mucin containing cytoplasm
resembling endocervical mucosa
tumor lined by cells resembling endocervical mucosal cells
benign mucinous tumor
tumor lined by cells resembling fallopian tubes cells
benign serous cystadenoma
tumor lined by cuboidal cells/columnar partially ciliated cells
benign serous cystadenoma
tumor lined by tall columnar cells w/ basal nuclei + basophilic mucin containing cytoplasm
benign mucinous tumor
borderline mucinous tumor micro pic
cytologic atypia
NO stromal invasion
malignant mucinous tumor micro pic
cytologic atypia + stromal invasion
endometrioid tumors of ovary are usually
brenner’s tumor gross picture (4)
2-up to 20 cm in diameter
3-solid, circumscribed, firm-rubbery
4- may have cystic component (not common)
brenner’s tumor micro picture
transitional epithelium nests in fibrous stroma
thin walled unilocular cysts
dilated w/ clear straw-colored fluid
lined by cells resembling fallopian tube cells
may have stromal fibrous components or show papillae on external/internal cyst surface
lined by cuboidal epithelium/ columnar partially ciliated epithelium
benign serous cystadenoma
ovoid lobulated tumor
outer surface is smooth
thick fibrotic wall
variably sized lobules supported by fibrous tissue septa
filled w/ mucinous fluid
mucinous tumors
rare unilateral tumor 20 cm
arising from surface epithelium
solid circumscribed
may have cystic component (not common)
surface epithelium underwent metaplasia–>transitional urothelium
brenner’s tumor
malignant surface epi tumors gross picture (4)
1-cystic, solid or partly cystic/partly solid
2-endophytic/exophytic papillary growths
3-areas of necrosis + Hg
4-cystic spaces content: serous/mucoid and/or hemorrhagic
malignant surface epi tumors micro pic
adenocarcinoma w/ different differentiation grades :serous
clear cell
postmenopausal women
abnormal bleeding
possibility of endometrial hyperplasia/carcinoma
unilateral tumor
solid/ partly cystic
can grow to fill pelvis
cuboidal cells w/ longitudinal nuclear groove
granulosa cell tumors
granulosa cell tumor gross picture (4)
3-can grow to fill pelvis
4-solid/partly cystic /totally cystic
granulosa cell tumor micro picture
cuboidal cells w/ coffee bean nucleus arranged in following patterns:
- diffuse sarcomatoid
Cl/P granulosa cell tumor in pre-menarchal age
precocious puberty
Cl/P granulosa cell tumor in reproductive age (5)
1-abnormal bleeding
3-endometrial hyperplasia
4-fibrocystic disease
5-carcinoma of breast
Cl/P granulosa cell tumor in postmenopausal age (3)
1-abnormal bleeding
2-endometrial hyperplasia
biological behavior of granulosa cell tumor
sometimes behaves benign & sometimes malignant
thecoma gross picture (3)
2-solid firm rubbery
3-grey-ish white w/ yellow tinge
thecoma microscopic picture (2)
1-spindle shaped theca cells arranged in fibroma-like pattern
2-foci of luteinization
sertoli cell tumor gross picture (3)
2-solid firm
sertoli cell micro picture
tubules lined by cells w/ clear cytoplasm & basal nuclei
estrogen producing tumor
solid firm rubbery
grey-ish white w/ yellow tinge
cells are spindle-shaped arranged in a fibroma like pattern
foci of luteinization is seen
thecoma cell tumor
testosterone-producing tumor
solid firm
yellow-orange colored
tubules lined w/ cells w/ clear cytoplasm & basal nuclei
sertoli cell tumors
leydig cell tumor gross picutre
small solid w/ yellow tinge
Leydig cell tumor micro picture
sheets of Leydig cells w/ eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm
secrete testosterone
rarely malignant
breast atrophy
clitoris enlaregement
male voice
sertoli & Leydig cell tumors
large tumor
pink-grey color
immature cells
central nuclei
prominent nucleoli that’s arranged in cords/groups
supported by fibrous stroma
infiltrated by lymphocytes
malignant cell tumor w/ extra-embryonic differentiation
yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
tumor infiltrated by lymphocytes
large tumor
10-20 yo
extra-embryonic differentiation
nodular cut surface
firm rubbery
microcystic pattern of flat/cuboidal cells
Schiller-Duvan bodies
yolk sac tumor
yolk sac tumor microscopic picture
1-microcystic pattern of flat/cuboidal cells
2-Schiller-Duval body
pathognomic sign of yolk sac tumors
schilelr-duval body
AFP is increased in
yolk sac tumors
central BV enveloped by germ cells resembling glomerulus
Schiller-Duval body
solid grey white tumor
necrosis & Hg in large tumors
solid aggregates of epithelial cells
nucleus: hyperchromatic/vesicular
prominent nucleoli
contain choriocarcinoma/ yolk sac tumor elements
embryonal carcinoma
Meig’s $
metastatic tumors of ovary
originating from GIT/breasts
enlarged ovary
multinodular surface
signet ring cell appearance in hypercellular stroma
Krukenberg tumor
Krukenberg tumor stains pink by
Mucin stain
Krukenberg tumor mico picture
signet ring cells in hypercellular stroma
implantation of mucinous tumor cells from borderline/malignant mucinous tumors in peritoneum w/ ↑mucin production
pseudomyxoma peritonii
pseudomyxoma peritonii MC caused by
metastasis from appendix
CA-125 elevated in
epithelial ovarian cancer
CEA elevated in
mucinous ovarian cancer
inhibin elevated in
granulosa cell tumor
AFP elevated in
yolk sac tumor
embryonal carcinoma
HCG elevated in
embryonal carcinoma
psammoma bodies seen in
malignant serous cystadenoma