external genital organs (5)
4-spermatic cord
internal genital organs (4)
2-seminal vesicles
3-vas deferens
4-ejaculatory duct
scrotum contains
spermatic cord
site of scrotum
below symphysis pubis
b/w anteromedial aspects of thighs
layers of scrotum
2-superficial fascia (dartos & colle’s)
3-external spermatic fascia
4-cremasteric muscle & fascia
5-internal spermatic fascia
6-loose areolar tissue
superficial fascia covering scrotum consists of
dartos muscle
colle’s fascia
external spermatic fascia is an extension of
external oblique aponeurosis
internal spermatic fascia is an extension of
fascia transversalis
cremasteric muscle & fascia are an extension of
internal oblique muscle
loose areolar tissue of scrotum connects which 2 structures
internal spermatic fascia w/ parietal layer of tunica vaginalis
dartos muscle characteristics
1-smooth muscle
2-supply: sympathetic fibers
3-regulates temp of testis & scrotum
nerve fibers supplying dartos muscle accompany____
genital branch of genitofemoral n.
scrotum is divided into 2 halves by
scrotal septum
scrotal septum indicates
bilateral origin of scrotum from 2 genital swellings
which side of scrotum is longer & why?
longer left spermatic cord
characteristics of skin covering scrotum
has longitudinal median raphe
thin, pigmented, rugose
sebaceous & sweat glands
longitudinal median raphe of scrotum demarcates
line of fusion of 2 halves of scrotum during development
anterior 1/3 of scrotum nerve supply
1-ilioinguinal nerve
2-genital br of genitofemoral
posterior 2/3 of scrotum nerve supply
1-scrotal br of perineal nerve
2-perineal br of posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
L1 supplies
anterior 1/3 of scrotum
S3 supplies
posterior 2/3 of scrotum
scrotum arterial supply
1-external pudendal br of femoral artery
2-scrotal br of internal pudendal artery
3-cremasteric br of inferior epigastric artery
1ry sex organ
tunica albuginea is thickened along the
Mediastinum of testis
describe structure of testis in detail
1- Tunica albuginea sends fibrous septa & divides testis into 200-300 lobules
2-each lobule has 2 seminiferous tubules
3-seminiferous tubules unite & form seminiferous ductules
4-seminiferous ductules unite & form rete testis @ mediastinum testis
5-rete testis give rise to 12-20 vasa efferentia
6-vasa efferentia form head of epididymis
7-unite & form duct of epididymis
testis arterial supply
1-testicular artery: br of abdominal arota
2-artery of vas: br of superior vesical
3-cremasteric: br of inferior epigasteric
testis venous drainage
right testicular vein
left testicular vein
right testicular vein drains into
left testicular vein drains into
left renal vein
testicular artery is a branch of
abdominal aorta
@ L2
testicular artery is a branch of
abdominal aorta
@ L2
abdominal aorta branches into testicular artery at level
artery of vas is a branch of
superior vesical artery
cremasteric artery is a branch of
inferior epigastric artery
testis lymphatic drainage
pre-aortic LNs
lateral aortic LNs
plexus regulating temperature of testis
pampiniform plexus
pampinform plexus condenses into
4 veins @ superficial inguinal ring
2 veins @ deep inguinal ring
testis nerve supply
sympathetic fibers accompanying testicular artery
nerve fibers supplying testis are connected to
how to identify the side
1-epididymis is posterior to testis
2-vas deferens lies postero-medially
3-sinus of epididymis is lateral
testis are kept cool for spermatogenesis by
1-vascularity of scrotal skin
⤷ rich in sweat glands
2-absence of subcutaneous fat
3-Relaxation of dartos muscle
testis are kept warm through
1-contraction of dartos muscle
2-contraction of cremaster muscle
relaxation of dartos muscle causes
elongates scrotal skin
↑surface area of scrotum
sinus of epididymis is located
site of testis
suspended in scrotum by spermatic cord
posterior border is related to
vas deferens
upper pole of testis provide attachment for
spermatic cord
upper pole of testis is related to
appendix of testis
border not/partially covered by tunica vaginalis
posterior border
the lateral part of the posterior border is related to
posterior border of testis is separated from epididymis by
sinus of epididymis
coverings of testis
T. vaginalis
T. albuginea
T. vasculosa
innermost covering
T. vaginalis
deepest covering
T. vasculosa
T. vaginalis represents
lower end of processus vaginalis
tunica vaginalis covers___except__
whole testis except posterior border
layers of T. vaginalis
parietal & visceral
T. albuginea is covered by parietal T. vaginalis all around except
posteriorly (entrance of BVs)
T vasculosa
innermost vascular layer
vascularized CT
T vasculosa lines
proximal part of T. vaginalis is obliterated at_____to form____
birth to form vestige of processus vaginalis