reservoir for sperms
head of epididymis is connected to testis via
vas efferentia
lenght of epididymis
6 meters
epididymis shape
comma shaped
epididymis site
close to upper end & posterior border of testis
body of epididymis is formed of
a single coiled duct
body of epididymis site
posterior border of testis
tail of epididymis is continuous with
vas deferens
epididymis arterial supply
1-testicular artery (br of abdominal aorta)
2-artery of vas (br of superior vesical artery)
3- cremasteric artery (br of inferior epigastric artery)
epididymis venous drainage
1-right testicular vein (–>IVC)
2-left testicular vein (–>left renal vein)
epididymis lymphatic drainage
pre-aortic LNs
lateral aortic LNs
epididymis nerve supply
sympathetic fibers accompanying testicular artery
(& connected to T10)
content of spermatic cord (12)
3 arteries: (1) testicular artery
(2) cremasteric artery
(3) artery of vas
3V’s : (4) Vas deferens
(5) Venous plexus
(6) Vestige of processus vaginalis
3 nerves: (7) genital br of genitofemoral nerve
(8) sympathetic plexus around testicular artery
(9) sympathetic plex around artery of vas
3L’s: (10) Loose areolar tissue
(11) Lymphatics of testis
(12) Lymphatics of epididymis & vas
function of vas deferens
transport spermatozoa from epididymis to ejaculatory duct
thick walled muscular duct with narrow lumen
vas deferens
covering of spermatic cord (3)
1- external spermatic fascia
2-cremasteric muscle & fascia
3-internal spermatic fascia
external spermatic fascia arises from
external oblique aponeurosis
internal spermatic fascia arises from
fascia transversalis
cremasteric muscle & fascia arise from
internal oblique muscle
parts of penis
free part of penis
attached part of penis
attached part of penis
parts of root
2 crura
parts of body
corpus spongiosum
corpus cavernosa
run along centers of corpus cavernosa
deep arteries of penis
enter corpus spongiosum to supply spongy urethra
urethral artery
elongated mass of erectile tissue attached to midline of inferior surface of perineal membrane
bulb of penis
root of penis lies in
superficial perineal membrane
bulb of penis is covered by
bulbospongiosus muscle
bulb of penis is pierced by
1- urethra
2- ducts of bulbourethral glands
3-arteries of bulb
2 elongated masses of erectile tissue continuous with corpora cavernosa
2 crura of penis
bulb of penis contains
spongy urethra
one ventral elongated body continuous proximally with bulb of penis
C. spongiosum
C. spongiosum ends distally in
glans penis
C. spongiosum is traversed by
spongy urethra
C. spongiosum is continuous proximally with
bulb of penis
2 C. cavernosa is continuous proximally with
2 Crura
2 dorsal elongated bodies of erectile tissue continuous proximally with 2 crura
2 corpora cavernosa
arterial supply of penis
1-dorsal arteries of penis
2-deep arteries of penis
3-arteries to bulb
4-urethral artery
all arteries supplying penis are branches of
internal pudendal artery
muscle covering bulb of penis
muscle covering 2 crura
which artery enters corpus spongiosum and why
urethral artery
to supply spongy urethra
penis venous supply
1-superficial dorsal vein
2-deep dorsal vein
superficial dorsal vein drains
prepuce & skin
deep dorsal vein drains
glans & corpora cavernosa
superficial dorsal vein divides into
2 external superficial pudendal veins
deep dorsal vein drains into
prostatic venous plexus
penis nerve supply
dorsal nerves branches of pudendal nerve
lymphatic drainage of skin of penis
superficial inguinal LNs
lymphatic drainage of glans penis
deep inguinal LNs
external iliac LNs
spermatic cord begins at
deep inguinal ring
spermatic cord ends at
site of spermtic cord
partly in inguinal canal
partly in scrotum