External genital organs
internal genital organs
fallopian tubes
vulva parts (6)
1-Mons pubis
2-labia majora
3-labia minora
6-bulbs of vestibule
mons pubis
subcutaneous fat overlying pubic bones
mons pubis is covered by
hairy skin
labia majora is homologous of
scrotum in males
clitoris is homologus of
penis in males
median cleft b/w labia majora is called
pudendal cleft
lateral surfaces of labia majora are__1__ & medial surfaces are___2___
(1) hairy
(2) smooth.
labia minora
thin folds of skin
devoid of fat
b/w 2 labia majora
anterior pair of labia minora joins to form
prepuce of clitoris
posterior pair of labia minora joins to form
frenulum of clitoris
2 labia minora unite posteriorly to form
clitoris is formed of
2 corpora cavernosa ONLY
clitoris crura are covered by
ischiocavernous muscle
clitoris ends in
glans clitoridis
vestibule orifices (3)
3-orifices of Bartholin’s glands
bulbs of vestibule are covered by
bulbospongiosus muscle
arterial supply of vulva
1-superficial & external pudendal branches of femoral artery
2-posterior labial br of internal pudendal artery
veinous drainage of vulva
same as arteries
nerves of vulva
1-ilioinguinal nerve (L1)
2-genital br of genitofemoral nerve (L1)
3-Posterior labial br of perineal nerve of pudendal nerve (S3)
4-perineal br of posterior cutaneous n of thigh (S3)
lymphatic drainage of vulva
superficial inguinal LNs
female 1ry sex organ
ovary site
ovarian fossa of lateral pelvic wall
ovary is bounded anteriorly by
obliterated umbilical artery
ovary is bounded posteriorly by
internal iliac artery
ovary is attached to upper end of broad ligament by
size of ovary
3m long
1.5 cm wide
1cm thick
shape of ovary
almond shaped
before puberty ovary is
smooth & greyish-pink
after puberty ovary is
puckered & irregular + greyish
in old women ovary is
long axis of ovary is nullipara women is
long axis of ovary in multipara women is
tubal end of ovary is related to
uterine tube
tubal end of ovary is attached to ____&_____by______
ovarian fimbria & side wall of pelvis by suspensory ligament of the ovary
uterine end of ovary is connected to superolateral aspect of uterus by
ligament of ovary
anterior attached border of ovary forms
hilum of ovary
anterior attached border of ovary is attached to____by____
broad ligament by mesovarium
posterior border of ovary is related to
uterine tube & ureter
lateral surface of ovary is related to
parietal peritoneum
parietal peritoneum separates ovary from
obturator nerve & vessels
medial surface of ovary is related to
fimbriated end of fallopian tube
uterine tube triple relations w/ ovary
tubal end
posterior border
medial surface
ovary arterial supply
ovarian a
uterine a
ovary venous drainage
pampiniform plexus–>ovarian veins
right ovarian v—> IVC
left ovarian v—> left renal vein
lymphatic drainage
lateral & pre-aortic LNs
ovary nerve supply
autonomic plexus around ovarian artery
fallopian tube site
medial 4/5 of broad ligament
fallopian tube length
2 end of fallopian tube
lateral peritoneal end
medial uterine end
lateral peritoneal end of fallopian tube
infundibulum: open into peritoneal cavity
(abdominal ostium)
medial uterine end of fallopian tube
intramural part: opens into superior angle of uterus
(uterine ostium)
infundibulum length
ampulla length
isthmus length
intramural part of fallopian tube length
uterine ostium
intramural part of fallopian tube
abdominal ostium
infundibulum of fallopian tube
longest widest part of fallopian tube
shortest narrowest part of fallopian tube
site of fertilization
ampulla of fallopian tube
infundibulum attaches to ovary by
ovarian fimbria
pt of broad ligament b/w mesovarium, ligament of ovary & tube
MC pathway for ascending infections to the peritoneum
abdominal ostium
inflammation of tubes
accumulation of pus in tubes
MC site of ectopic pregnancy
fallopian tubes
ligation of fallopian tube used for
birth control
blood supply of medial 2/3 of fallopian tube
uterine vessels
blood supply of lateral 1/3 of fallopian tube
ovarian vessels
nerve supply of lateral 1/3 of fallopian tube
ovarian plexus
blood supply of medial 2/3 of fallopian tube
uterine plexus
most of fallopian tube sends lymphatics along
with fundus & ovary—> lateral aortic & pre-aortic LNs
isthmus & utero-tubal junction send lymphatics along
round ligament—> superficial inguinal LNs