Part 19 Small Business Flashcards
When is coordination with SB required
Over $10K
If a procurement is
automatically set aside, if not, must coordinate with SB
Over SAT?
Shall be set-aside for SB if there are 2 responsible sources and at fair market prices
When is a J&A required for and 8(a)?
When is a subcontracting plan required?
Actions over $700K and $1.5M for construction
What are exceptions to subcontracting plan?
Prime contractor is a small business
No subcontracting opportunities exist (must be coordinated with SB and determination required and approved one level above the CO.
What are elements of a sub contracting plan?
Separate % gaols for SB and each category of SB
Total $ panned for subcontracting and $$ planned for each category of SB
Principal types of supples/services to be subcontracted
method used to develop subcontracting goals
efforts offeror will make to ensure each SB category will have equitable opportunity to compete for subcontracts
If goal is 5% or less, it must be approved one level above CO.
What is a certificate of competency CoC?
certificate issued by SBA stating the holder is responsible to received and perform a specific contract
required when an apparent successful SB offeror is determined non-responsible by the PCO
What should PCO do if needed a C0C?
shall withhold award and refer matter to SBA
How long does SBA have?
15 days to inform SB and offer a chance to apply for CoC
Deny issuance of CoC
Indicate decision to issue CoC and notify PCO
Can the PCO appeal issuance of CoC?
if the action is greater than $100K
WHo makes the final decision about CoC?
After selection of the apparent successful offeror in a SB set aside?
CO must notify other offerors of intent to award
What does the intent to award do?
Other offerors have the opportunity to protest that the apparent successful offeror does not mee the sixe standard to be considered as a small business in that particular NAICS code
When must the protest be filed?
within 5 days of notice
How long does SBA have to make a decision on protest?
10 days
What must the CO do?
Delay the award or if the decision isn’t made within 10 days CO may award
Who has final authority on small business size status?