Paper 2 (UK): Topic 4 EQ4-4.7 – River landscapes and human activity Flashcards
Explain how human factors (urbanisation, land-use change and
deforestation) can affect flood hydrographs.
Human factors such as a urbanisation would affect the flood hydrograph because the city and concrete would be impermeable as the water would not be able to go through the ground which could lead to an increase in flood risk
Explain how physical and human factors cause river flooding in the River Eden.
Physical factors can affect river flooding, for example the amount of water that precipitates from the rain would increase the amount of flooding that occurs as if it rains too much, it could be increasing the flood risk as more water could affect the surface run off and make the risk of flood occurring within the river a lot greater.
What are the effects of flooding on people and environment? What problems were caused?
The effects of flooding are often very bad, it could damage the land, cause increased erosion, sediment from the river may be scattered along the floodplain and even worse animals and humans habitats would be damaged, the towns and villages of the effected by the flood would be damaged badly and could be even destroyed as well in the worst possible scenario.