Paper 2 (UK): Topic 4 EQ3-4.5 – Challenges for coastline Flashcards
Why is the sea level rising?
As air temperatures rise (due to climate change) the water in the oceans is warmed and expands. This process is called thermal expansion.
As ice sheets and glaciers melt, they increase the amount of water in the oceans.
How bad will sea level get and how will it affect different places around the world (give examples)?
Sea level will get bad in the next few years because climate change is happening. This is happening by glaciers and ice sheets on land, increasing the amount of water at the sea. It will affect different places around the world by rising sea levels, it will flood some islands and it will disappear. For example, the Maldives.
How will climate change affect erosion/deposition?
Erosion and deposition will increase as climate changes and it will get worse as this does happen due to more waves and winds destroying the land around.
How will climate change affect storm frequency, intensity, and storm surges?
How will storms and storm surges affect people and the environment?
It will effect the people and the environment by flooding because there could be a lot of storms. It could be climate change. A lot of rainfall in certain countries like the UK. No household materials such as power cuts and food and drink
Explain how groynes and sea walls work
Groynes and seawalls work by taking the power of the sea and waves and using it as an advantage instead of the waves negatively affecting the coast around it. This is important as it produces
Explain how beach replenishment and slope stabalisation work
Beach replenishment: Sand and shingle from elsewhere (e.g. from the seabed) or from lower down the beach are added to the upper part of beaches. It creates wider beaches which slows the waves. This gives greater protection from flooding and erosion
Slope stabilisation: Slopes are reinforced by inserting concrete nails into the ground and covering the slope with metal netting. It prevents mass movement by increasing strength of the slope
What are the advantages and disadvantages for each
management type?
What is the difference between hard and soft engineering? Which is best?
Hard engineering: man-made structures built to control the flow of the sea and reduce flooding and erosion
Soft engineering: schemes set up using knowledge of the sea and its processes to reduce the effects of flooding and erosion
The best one is hard engineering
What is strategic realignment, which areas might be left to erode?
Strategic realignment is removing an existing defence and allowing the land behind it to flood
Explain why ITCM schemes are a sustainable form of coastal