Paper 2 Exam Questions Flashcards
Define stress and identify a cause of stress
2 marks
- Perception of an inability to cope
- the presence of a crowd
Using sporting examples describe how an emergent leader and a prescribed leader could be selected
2 marks
- emergent - A team member would be selected by the netball team to be leader
- football teams manager selecting the new headcoach
Use a practical example from sport to show an internal, stable attribution for failure
1 mark
the other tennis player was much better than me
Use a practical example from sport to show an external, unstable attribution for success
1 mark
we were really lucky to score in the last minute of extra time
Using a tennis player as a prcatical example, describe 3 characteristics of their performance in the cognitive stage of learning
3 marks
- trial & error - lots of trial and error trying out different shots
- feedback - need lots of help from coach to tell them what went wrong with their serve
- inconsistent - their tennis serve will be inconsistent
Suggest 2 reasons why visual guidance alone may not allow a performer to move to the associative stage of learning
2 marks
- demo may be incorrect
- demo may be too detailed for performer to make sense of
- the demo may be too quick for the performer to understand
Identify two ways of limiting the effect of negative transfer
2 marks
- make sure first skill is well learnt
- make sure practices are done in a competition-like situation
- don’t teach conflicting skills at the same time
Explain the levels of Craik and Lockharts’s levels of processing model
6 marks
- How deeply we consider information determines how long the memory lasts
- 1st level - structural that involves paying attention to what info looks like
- 2nd level - phoenetic which refers to processing sounds
- 3rd level - semantic which considers the actual meaning of the info
- 1st and 2nd are shallow because they don’t involve much processing
- 3rd is deep because it involves more processing
give an example of whole practice
1 mark
a gymnast practices her vault in full
give an example of varied practice
1 mark
a football team practices a corner with the defenders responding in different ways
evaluate the use of whole practice in sport
3 marks
1. Experience true kinaesthetic feel
2. Skill can be learned quickly
3. Hard for a beginner to grasp a whole skill
at once
4. Some skills are too dangerous to learn
as a whole
Evaluate the use of varied practice in sport
3 marks
1. enables athlete to experience range of situations
2. prevents boredom
3. may overwhelm beginners
4. basic skills need to be learned before this type of practice
Analyse when an autocratic leadership style might be most effective
4 marks
- when a situation is dangerous the group might need to be told what to do to ensure safety
- when performers are beginners so won’t know what to do so leader may need to make decisions
- when decisions need to be made quickly
- males prefer autocratic leaders to get a better response
Discuss the possible effect of an audience on a players performance
6 marks
- arousal increases
- increasing likelyhood of dominant response
- simple skills audience has +ve effect
- complex skills audience has -ve effect
- gross skills audience has +ve effect
- fine skills audience has -ve effect
- intovert -ve effect
- extrovert +ve effect
Define the term anxiety
1 mark
negative emotional state associated with stress
Describe trait anxiety
2 marks
- general predisposition to be anxious
- it is stable
Give an example of how the body responds to cognitive anxiety and to somatic anxiety
2 marks
cognitive - nervouness
somatic - sweating
Explain the frustration-agression hypothesis
3 marks
- frustration develops when goal-directed behaviour is blocked
- frustration leads to agression
- if individual releases aggression it feels good
- if they don’t aggression increases
Identify a strength and weakness of the frustration-aggression hypothesis
2 marks
strength: more realistic than the instinct theory
weakness: frustration doesn’t always lead to agression
Define the term learned helplessness
1 mark
a belief that failure is inevitable
Define the term mastery orientation
1 mark
a feeling of being in control of the outcome
Identify two characteristics of effective leadership in sport
2 marks
- Good communication skills
- Confident
- Motivated
- Clear goal
Identify two cognitive stress managment techniques used by sports performers
2 marks
- Positive thinking
- Negative thought stopping
- Rational thinking
- Mental rehearsal
- Mindfulness
- Goal setting
Explain why frontcrawl can be classed as an open skill
2 marks
- Open water (swim) in the sea
- weather have an effect on the swimmer
- When the swimmer has to make decisions