This class was created by Brainscape user Jess Sails. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Skeletal and muscular systems (1.1a)
What a the 5 common features of a...,
Describe the structure and functi...,
Describe the structure and functi...
101  cards
Cardiovascular System (1.1b)
What type of muscle is the hard,
What does myogenic mean,
Name the 5 structures involved in...
89  cards
Respiratory System (1.1b)
Define gaseous exchange,
Define partial pressure,
What are the units for partial pr...
56  cards
Energy for Exercise (1.1c)
Atp stands for,
Atp is stored in,
What is the only immediate availa...
84  cards
Environmental effects on body systems (1.1d)
Define altitude,
Define baromatric pressure,
When altitude increases what happ...
45  cards
Diet and Nutrition and their effect on physical performance (1.2a)
The government recommendation for...,
The government recommendation for...,
The goverment recommendation for ...
134  cards
Preperation & Training Methods (1.2b)
What is the acronym used for a ma...,
The m in mrspov is this means,
The r is mrspov stands for
144  cards
Injury Prevention and Rehab (1.2c)
An acute injury is,
A chronic injury is,
Common causes of acute injuries
103  cards
Biomechanical principles, levers and the use of technology (1.3a)
Newtons first law is,
Newtons second law is,
Newtons third law is
72  cards
Linear Motion, angular motion, fluid mechanics and projectile motion (1.3b)
Linear motion is,
Direct force is,
In a distance time graph the grad...
87  cards
Biomechanics Equations (1.3)
Acceleration m s s,
Force n
5  cards
Paper 1 Exam Question Practice
Which joints do the following mus...,
Describe the terms active and pas...,
Outline what is meant by the term...
103  cards
Skill Acquisition (2.1)
On the musular movemenr continuum...,
On the environmental influence co...,
On the continuity continuum skill...
147  cards
Sports Psychology (2.2)
Define personality,
Define trait,
What is the trait theory
125  cards
Paper 2 Exam Questions
Define stress and identify a caus...,
Using sporting examples describe ...,
Use a prcatical example from spor...
87  cards
Sport and Society (3.1)
What socio cultural factors affec...,
In pre industrial britain the low...,
In pre industrial britain the upp...
85  cards
Deviance in sport (3.2)
Match fixing is,
Give an example of match fixing,
Spot fixing is
13  cards
Paper 3 Exam Questions
Idetify two ways the old boys fro...,
Describe how univerisities contri...,
Using a practical example for eac...
47  cards
Stuff I forget
Why is a gymnast in a bridge more...,
Describe angular motion,
Give an example of angular motion
10  cards
My learner is associative because,
Skill strength 1 is,
When i talk about race starts i w...
101  cards

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a level pe

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