EAPI Flashcards
my learner is associative because…
they understand some requirements of the skill however still make mistakes when executing them
skill strength 1 is…
race start
when i talk about race starts i will talk about the…
ATP-PC system
ATP-PC energy system is a ____ reaction
the food fuel used for ATP-PC system is…
the ATP-PC reactions occur in the…
the first reaction in the ATP-PC system is…
and the reaction is…
and catalysed by….
P + C = energy
creative kinase
the energy released in the first step of the ATP-PC reaction is used…
in the second
the second reaction of the ATP-PC system is
ADP + P + Energy = ATP
for every one mol of PC broken down in the ATP-PC reaction….
one mol of ATP is re synthesised
the second reaction of the ATP-PC system is..,
does the ATP-PC system produce any by-products?
skill strength 2 is…
leg action
when i talk about leg action i will talk about….
movement analysis
when a swimmer kicks their legs they kick from the hip and the hip joint goes through….
flexion and extension
what type of joint is the hip?
ball and socket
the agonist in flexion of the hip is ___ and the antagonist is ____
gluteus maximus
the agonist in flexion of the hip is ____ and the antagonist is ______
the joints used during the leg kick are…
hip ankle knee
the articulating bones at the ankle are
the articulating bones at the knee are
femur and tibia
skill strength 3 is…
body position
when i talk about body position i will talk about…
axis and planes
when the arms move they are in the _____
sagittal axis
the body rotates around the ____ axis when swimming
this rotation means the arm….
reached further improving efficiency
skill strength 4 is…
arm action
when i talk about arm action i will talk about….
use of the latisimuss dorsi for EVF
type of contraction
when the arm reaches forwards with EVF in the stroke the ______ is predominantly used instead of the ____
latissimus dorsi
biceps brachii
the use of this muscle means stroke is longer and continues past the ______ and meaning more ____ is moved and they are _____ forwards
the hip
fitness strength 1 is….
cardiovascular endurance
when i talk about cardiovascular endurance i will talk about
average HR
stroke vol, HR and cardiac output
sub maximal exercise
the average resting HR of a person is…
the swimmer will have undergone _____ due to large training volume so
their _____ HR will be less due to their heart _____ in ____
increasing in size
bradycardia causes resting HR to ____ and stroke volume to ____
stroke volume is….
the volume of blood pumped out the left ventricle per beat
heart rate is….
the no. of beats per minute
cardiac output is….
the volume of blood pumped out the left ventricle per minute
cardiac output =
stroke volume x heart rate
they are working at a ______ level of exercise