paper 2 economic development and quality of life Flashcards
what is meant by a countries level of development
how far it has grown economically and technically and the quality of life there
how do you calculate the average wealth of a citizen
measure gross national income by adding together
all goods and sevices produced by the population and income earned from investments, its people and businesses have made over seas
how do you compare level of economic development for different countries
GNI is divided by population
converted into US dollars
adjust each figure based on countries income
How can quality of life be measured (4)
economic - income job security, standard of living
Physical - diet, waste supply, climate, environment
psychological - happiness, security and freedom
social - fa,mily, friends, education and health
How can quality of life be measured (4)
economic - income job security, standard of living
Physical - diet, waste supply, climate, environment
psychological - happiness, security and freedom
social - fa,mily, friends, education and health
Name the 3 groups countries are classified into based on economic development and GNI
LIC - 30 countries classified by world bank as having low income, agriculture is still important to their economy
NEE (newly emerging economy) 80 countries classified by world bank as having lhigher rate of economic growth due to rapid factory expansion and industrialisation
Hic 80 countries classified by world bank as having average or above income - generally office work has overtaken factory employment
where are majority of HICs
northern hemisphere plus australia and new zealand
why is the distribution of NEE and LICs complicated
constantly changing
what is the Brandt line
marks the divide on the map between rich global north and poor global south
why is Brandt line outdated
china is worlds largest economy and many of worlds largest income countries lie south of Brandt line
GNI of some countries in EU is lower than Brazil
large numbers of millionnaires are found on every continent
why does GNI data sometimes give a misleading picture of economic development for a society especially a LIC (8)
1 mathematical mean is a crude way to calculate
2People in LICs and Nees often work hard but not shown in GBI data because subsistence farmers or informal industries
3csome may lie about earnings
4cdata is hard to collect becasue of conflict or disaster
5 rapid migration makes it hard to know how many people live in a place and what they earn
6 GBI conversion into US dollars but value of currency changes
7 errors or ommissions can be made in calculations
8 some LICs might really be NEEs
state the measures of development (5) - the global variations and the limitations of the measurement
1 Literacy rate - % of population who can read and write
most EU countries 99% LICs 40-50%
hard to determine in rural ares, conflict zones, squatter settlements
2 People per doctor
Uk 1:340 in India 1:5000
In India often get healthcare advice by phone and this is not considered
3 access to safe water
All EU citizens must have this by law In Angola 34%
water quality can decline due to flooding. poor maintainence, rising costs force the poor to use unsafe water, data may underestimate
4 Infant mortality - death under age of 1
UK 4 each year Somollia over 100
In poorest countries not all deaths are recorded so official data is underestimated
5 Life expectancey - average years of life
most NEEs 65-70 years + In LICs 55yrs and HICs 75yrs+
what is the corrolation between infant mortality and life expectancy
where infant mortality is high life expectancy is higher than the mean
why is world population growth slowing
more countries are gaining higher levels of development
what is the prediction for population growth in 2050
it will level off at 9 billion as only a few of the worlds countries will be experiencing rapid growth
why is social development such an important factor to consider when looking at population growth
there is a strong corrilation bewteen social developmnet and ecconomic measures
why is human development index important
There are so many factors to think of we combine several development measures into one formula to achieve the human development index
Which are the 3 highest scoring countries on the index
Norway Australia and Switzerland