Page 46 Flashcards
aeger, -gra, -grum
aestus, -us
m. heat, glow
afflicto 1-tr
to distress, torment
bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitum
to drink
comparo 1-tr
to collect
congrego 1-tr
to assemble
consensio, -onis
f. agreement, unanimity
curia, -ae
f. the Senate house
desino, -ere, -sii, -situm
to cease, stop
diligentia, -ae
f. attention, energy
fax, facis
f. torch, firebrand
febris, -is
f. fever
frons, -ntis
f. forehead
gelidus, -a, -um
very cold, icy
iacto 1-tr
to throw, hurl
illustro 1-tr
to make clear
inflammo 1-tr
to set on fire
ingravesco, -ere
def. v. to worsen, become aggravated
inscribo, -ere, -scripsi, -scriptum
to write upon
insidior 1-tr
with dat. to lie in wait for, plot against
malleolus, -i
m. small hammer, firebrand
morbus, -i
m. disease
murus, -i
m. wall (of a city)
obsideo, -ere, -sedi, -sessum
with dat. to besiege, lie in wait for
opprimo, -ere, -pressi, -pressum
to crush
patefacio, -ere, -feci, -factum
to lay open, disclose
adv. at first, in the beginning
profectio, -onis
f. departure, a setting out
qua re
and for this reason, therefore
secedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum
to withdraw, go away
secerno, -ere, -crevi, -cretum
to separate, set apart
tribunal, -alis
n. platform
urbanus, -a, -um
of the city, urban
vena, -ae
f. vein, artery
vindico 1-tr
to punish
viscus, -eris
n. (usually pl.) internal organs, vitals