Page 30 Flashcards
abeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go away, depart
abhorreo, -ere, -ui
with abl. to be inconsistent with ab+abl
animadverto, -ere, -verti, -versum
to notice
attendo, -ere, attendi, attentum
to pay attention to
auctoritas, -atis
f. lead, sign
carcer, -eris
m. cell, prison
custodio, -ire, -ivi, -itum
to guard, watch over
demigro 1-tr
to depart, leave
dignus, -a, -um
with abl. worthy of
diligens, -ntis
careful, attentive
dubito 1-tr
to hesitate
ecquis, ecquid
anyone, anything; any noun at all
egredior, -i, -gressus sum
to go out, leave, depart
emorior, -i, -mortuus sum
to die off, die
futurum esse
fuga, -ae
f. flight, escape
iustus, -a, -um
right, just
pres. participle from loquor
mando 1-tr
to hand over, entrust
mos, moris
m. habit, custom; pl. character, practice
obtempero 1-tr
to comply, obey
with adj./adv. how adj./adv.
in the phrase ad senatum referre, to present before the Senate for debate
sagax, -acis
keen, quick, shrewd
silentium, -i
n. silence
solitudo, -inis
f. loneliness, lonely place, wilderness
supplicium, -i
n. punishment
suspicor 1-tr
mistrust, suspect
adv. obviously, namely, of course
vinculum, -i
n. chain
vindico 1-tr
to punish
voluntas, -atis
f. will, desire