Page 42 Flashcards
ardeo, -ere, arsi, arsum
to be on fire, burn
complures, -ia
several, many
conflagro 1-tr
to burn up, be consumed
contamino 1-tr
to pollute, stain
existimo 1-tr
to estimate, judge
(from facio) supine, ‘to do’
Flaccus, -i
m. Flaccus
fortitudo, -inis
f. bravery
gladiator, -ir
m. gladiator, king
Gracchi, -orum
m. pl. the Gracchi brothers
honesto 1-tr
to dignify, honour, adorn
hora, -ae
f. hour, time
impendeo, -ere
def. v. with dat. to overhang, threaten
incendium, -i
n. fire, pl. arson
inertia, -ae
f. laziness
interficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum
to kill, murder
iudico 1-tr
to judge, decide
multo 1-tr
to punish
neglego, -ere, -lexi, -lectum
to disregard, neglect
nequitia, -ae
f. worthlessness
pario, -ere, peperi, partum
to acquire, get
parricida, -ae
m. assassin, parricide
redundo 1-tr
with dat. to wash back over, overwhelm
sanctus, -a, -um
consecrated, inviolable
sanguis, -inis
m. blood
Saturninus, -i
m. Saturninus
severitas, -atis
f. seriousness, sternness
superior, -ius
(from superus) compl. adj. before, previous
tecta, -orum
n. pl. houses, homes
vasto 1-tr
to lay waste, destroy
comp. adv. more strongly, more forcefully
vexo 1-tr
to harass