Page 16 Flashcards
adv. at some time, at last
coetus, -us
m. meeting, gathering
comperio, -ire, -peri, -pertum
to find out, discover
custos, custodis
m./f. guardian
desidero 1-tr
to long for, miss
(from diu) comp. adv. longer
egredior, -i, -gressus sum
to go out, leave
excludo, -ere, -clusi, -clusum
to shut out
infestus, -a, -um
hostile, dangerous
adv. early in the morning
Manlianus, -a, -um
of Manlius
metus, -us
m. fear, anxiety
comp. adv. not
modo=dum modo
conj. so long as, provided that
adv. too, too much
pateo, -ere, patui
to be open
pergo, -ere, perrexi, perrectum
to keep on, proceed, go forward
pestis, pestis
f. plague, destruction
praedico, -ere, -dixi, -dictum
to foretell, predict
purgo 1-tr
to cleanse, to purify
saluto 1-tr
to greet, pay respects to
sino, -ere, sivi, situm
to permit, allow
Stator, -oris
m. the Stayer (a name given to Jupiter)
taeter, -tra, -trum
loathesome, foul
adv. so many times
versor 1-tr
to be among, be around
adv. hardly yet, barely