Page 38 Flashcards
bacchor 1-tr
to revel, exult
bona, -orum
n. pl. subst. goods, property
concupisco, concupiscere, concupivi, concupitum
to long for, desire
confectus, -a, -um
(from conficio) weakened
conflo 1-tr
to blow together, throw together
consulatus, -us
m. consulship
deprecor 1-tr
to pray to avert, plead against
derelinquo, -ere, -liqui, -lictum
to abandon
detestor 1-tr
to curse, denounce
conj. and in deed, and really
exsul, -is
m./f. exile
exsulto 1-tr
with dat. to revel in, delight in
fames, -is
f. hunger, starvation, want, famine
frigus, -oris
n. cold, chill
gaudium, -i
n. gladness, enjoyment
(from humus) loc. on the ground
improbus, -a, -um
wicked, base
insidior 1-tr
with dat. to lie in wait for, plot against
laetitia, -ae
f. joy, delight
mando 1-tr
to hand over, entrust
maritus, -i
m. husband
meditior 1-tr
to contemplate
nanciscor, -i, nactus sum
to obtain
nomino 1-tr
to name, call
obeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
with dat. to meet, go up to
obsideo, -ere, -sedi, -sessum
with dat. to lie in wait for
ostento 1-tr
to show, display
m. pl. subst. the neutral ones, the idle
patientia, -ae
f. endurance
adv. deeply
percipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum
to observe, learn
perfruor, -i, fructus
with abl. to enjoy fully, be greatly delighted with
conj. rather than
proficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum
to accomplish
querimonia, -ae
f. complaint, lament
repello, -ere, -ppuli, -pulsum
to drive acc. back from abl.
somnus, -i
m. sleep
stuprum, -i
n. debauchery, lewdness
suscipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum
to undertake, attempt
vigilo 1-tr
to stay awake, be watchful
voluptas, -atis
f. pleasure, delight