Page 36 Flashcards
affero, aferre, attuli, allatum
to bring to
altaria, -ium
n. pl. altar
amentia, -ae
f. madness, folly
aquila, -ae
f. eagle (and by synecdoche the whole legionary standard or pole on which a metal eagle was placed)
armati, -orum
m. pl. subst. armed men
careo, -ere, -ui
with abl. to be without, go without
confido, -ere, -fisus sum
semi-dep. to trust, be confident
constituo, -ere, -stitui, -stitutum
(in line 228) to decide, designate
(in line 231) set up
dextra and dextera, -ae
subst. f. the right hand
dolor, -is
m. pain, suffering
effrenatus, -a, -um
unbridled, unrestrained
exerceo, -ere, -ercui, -ercitum
trans. v. to practice, train
Forum Aurelium, -i
Forum Aurelium (a small market town about 75 miles north of Rome on the Via Aurelia)
funestus, -a, -um
fatal, mournful
furiosus, -a, -um
mad, insane
invito 1-tr
to invite, ask
nefarius, -a, -um
unspeakable, wicked
nex, necis
f. slaughter, murder
pango, pangere, pepigi, pactum
to arrange, agree upon
pario, parere, peperi, partum
to produce
perniciosus, -a, -um
with dat. destructive to
praemitto, -ere, -misi, -missum
to send forward, dispatch in advance
praestolor 1-tr
with dat. to wait for, expect
sacrarium, -i
n. shrine
transferro, -ferre, -tuli, -latum
to carry acc. across, pass acc. over
veneror 1-tr
to worship, pay homage to
voluntas, -atis
f. will, wish