Page 20 Flashcards
absum, abesse, abfui, abfuturus
irr. v. to be away
adulescentulus, adulescentuli
m. (diminutive) little young man
consulo, -ere, -sului, -sultum
to consult
corruptela, -ae
f. corruption, temptation
cumulo 1-tr
to heap up
dedecus, -oris
n. disgrace
delecto 1-tr
to please, delight
exisisto, -ere, exstiti, exstitum
to appear, exist
prep. with acc. outside of
facinus, -oris
n. deed, outrage
fax, facis
f. torch, firebrand
flagitium, -i
n. outrage, disgrace
haereo, -ere, haesi, haesum
to stick to, cling to
Idus, Iduum
f. pl. the Ides (15th of March, May, July, and October, 13th of every other month)
ignominia, -ae
f. shame, dishonor
illecebra, -ae
f. enticement, charm
immanitas, -atis
f. enormity, ferocity
impendeo, -ere
def. v. with dat. : to threaten
inuro, -ere, -ussi, -ustum
with dat. to burn in, brand upon
irretio, -ire, -retivi, -retitum
to catch in a net, ensnare
libido, -inis
f. desire, passion
metuo, -ere, metui
to fear, to be afraid of
nota, -ae
f. mark, brand
adv. recently
nuptiae, -arum
f. pl. wedding, marriage
odi, odisse
def. v. in perf. tenses only: to hate
perditus, -a, -um
(from perdo) corrupt
praefero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum
to carry acc. before/in front of dat.
praetermitto, -ere, -misi, -missum
to pass over, leave out
ruina, -ae
f. ruin, destruction
sileo, -ere, -ui
to be quiet, leave unmentioned
sponte (tua)
f. abl. sg. only: of your own accord, voluntarily
suadeo, -ere, suasi, suasum
with dat. of pers. : to advise, urge
superior, -ius
(from superus) comp. adj. previous, last
turpitudo, -inis
f. disgrace, shame
vacuefacio, -ere, -feci, -factum
to make empty, clear
vindico 1-tr
to avenge, punish
vitium, -i
n. crime, punishment