Page 24 Flashcards
adventus, -us
m. approach, arrival
assido, -ere, -sedi
to sit down
casus, -us
m. chance, mishap
constituo, -ere, -stitui, -stitutum
to designate
consularis, -e
of consular rank, consular
contingo, -ere, -tigi, -tactum
with dat. to happen to
contumelia, -ae
f. reproach, insult
defigio, -ere, -fixi, -fixum
to plunge
desisto, -ere, -stiti, -stitum
to stop, cease
devoveo, -ere, -vovi, -votum
to devote, consecrate
elabor, -i, -lapsus sum
to slip away, escape
excido, -ere, -cidi
to fall out, fall
extorqueo, -ere, -torsi, -tortum
to wrest away, take by force
frequentia, -ae
f. crowd
inanis, -e
initio 1-tr
to initiate, consecrate
iudicium, -i
n. judgement, sentence
(interjection) by Hercules!
metuo, -ere, metui
to fear, be afraid of
misericordia, -ae
f. compassion, pity
necessarius, -i
m. relative, client
indecl. adj. with esse to be necessary
nudus, -a, -um
odium, -i
n. hate, grudge
(from pactum) abl. sg. in a way
paulo ante
adv. a little while ago, shortly before
permoveo, -ere, -movi, -motum
to arouse
adv. very often
sica, -ae
f. dagger
simul atque
conj. as soon as
subsellium, -i
n. seat, bench
taciturnitas, -atis
f. silence
indecl. num. adj. so many, in such numbers
vacuefacio, -ere, -feci, -factum
to make empty, vacate