Page 32 Flashcards
adduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductum
to prompt, induce
adulescens, -ntis
m./f. young (man), a youth
auctoritas, -atis
f. support, approval
circumsto, -are, -steti
to surround, threaten
contineo, -ere, -tenui, -tentum
to restrain, hold in check
corrigo, -ere, -rexi, -rectum
to straighten out, fix
(from do) archaic pres. subj. to give, grant
euqes, equitis
m. knight, member of the equestrian order
exaudio, -ire, -ivi, -itum
to hear clearly, perceive
frango, -ere, fregi, fractum
to break, destroy
frequentia, -ae
f. crowd
honestus, -a, -um
worthy, honorable
impendeo, -ere
def. v. with dat. to threaten
induco, -ere, -duxi, -ductum
to bring, persuade
animum inducere
to decide
infero, inferre, intuli, illatum
to bring acc. against dat.
invidia, -ae
f. envy, ill will
meditor 1-tr
to contemplate, consider
perspicio, -ere, -spexi, -spectum
to see plainly, observe
posteritas, -atis
f. the future
probo 1-tr
to approve, recommend
prosequor, -i, -secutus sum
to pursue, escort
quiesco, -ere, quievi, quietum
to keep still, take no action
studeo, -ere, -ui
with dat. to be eager for
studium, -i
n. eagerness, zeal
conj. and yet
tempestas, -atis
f. storm
adv. all the way
adv. would that, oh that
adv. clearly, obviously
vilis, -e
cheap, poor