Page 40 Flashcards
conj. (between two questions) Or…? Or is it that…?
auctor, -is
m. promoter, leader
cognosco, -ere, -novi, -nitum
to learn; in perf. to know
commendatio, -onis
f. recommendation
comperio, -ire, -peri, -pertum
to find out, learn
deficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum
to defect, abandon
effero, efferre, extuli, elatum
to raise
evocator, -is
m. recruiter
exspecto 1-tr
to wait for
gradus, -us
m. step
gratiam referre
to return a favour
immitto, -ere, -misi, -missum
to send against
impedio, -ire, -pedivi, -peditum
to hinder, prevent
invidia, -ae
f. unpopularity
macto 1-tr
to put to death, kill
maiores, -um
m. pl. subst. ancestors
adv. promptly, at the right time
mos maiorum
traditions of the ancestors, customs
multo 1-tr
to punish
perditus, -a, -um
(from perdo) corrupt
very often
posteritas, -atis
f. the future, future generations
praeclarus, -a, -um
distinguished, famous
rogo 1-tr
to ask, (of laws) to pass
supplicium, -i
n. punishment, penalty
tu ne
vinculum, -i
n. bond, chain