Page 22 Flashcards
aio, ais, ait, aiunt
def. v. to say
assequor, -i, -secutus sum
to accomplish, gain
comitium, -i
n. the Comitium, (the meeting place in front of the Senate House)
conicio, -ere, -ieci, -iectum
to throw together, hurl
declinatio, -onis
f. a bending, sidestep
designatus, -a, -um
(from designo) elect
difficultas, -atis
f. trouble, difficulty
effugio, -ere, -fugi, -fugitum
to escape, avoid
iucundus, -a, -um
obscurus, -a, -um
covered, concealed
obstito, -ere, obstiti, obstitum
with dat. t resist, thwart
omitto, -ere, -misi, -missum
to leave out, disregard
pertineo, -ere, -ui
to pertain to
petitio, -onis
f. blow, attack
adv. later on, afterward
princeps, -cipis
m. subst. leading man, chief
indecl. adj. how many
(exclamation) how often…!
salus, -utis
f. health, safety
spiritus, -us
m. breath, air
telum, i
n. weapon, javelin
turpitudo, -inis
f. disgrace, shame
vito 1-tr
to avoid, evade