Page 44 Flashcards
adultus, -a, -um
full-grown, mature
aggrego 1-tr
to collect
alo, alere, alui, altum
to support
animadverto, -ere, -verti, -versum
to punish
comprimo, -ere, -pressi, -pressum
to suppress
consulatus, -us
m. consulship
corroboro 1-tr
to strengthen, encourage
adv. cruelly
dissimulo 1-tr
to cover up, conceal
eicio, -ere, -ieci, -iectum
to drive away, banish
adv. in the same place
erumpo, -ere, -rupi, -ruptum
to break out, rush out
exstinguo, -ere, -stinxi, -stinctum
to destroy, annihilate
fateor, fateri, fassus sum
to admit, acknowledge
adv. perhaps
immeneo, -ere
def. v. with dat. to overhang, threaten
imperitus, -a, -um
insidiae, -arum
f. pl. ambush, trap, plot
intendo, -ere, -tendi, -tentum
to intend, go
lactrocinium, -i
n. band of robbers
maturitas, -atis
f. ripeness, maturity
mollis, -e
soft, weak
nascor, nasci, natus sum
to grow, arise
naufragus, -i
m. survivor, a bankrupt
nescio, -ire, -ivi, -itum
to be ignorant, not know
adv. for a little while
adv. deeply, deep
pestis, -is
f. plague, destruction
quo pacto
adv. in the manner of a king, despotically
relevo 1-tr
to relieve, ease
reprimo, -ere, -pressi, -pressum
to restrain, confine
resideo, -ere, -sedi
to stay behind, be left
semen, -inis
n. seed, origin
stirps, -is
f. stem, source
tollo, tolere, sustuli, sublatum
to destroy, wipe out
adv. from everywhere, on all sides
vena, -ae
f. vein, artery
versor 1-tr
to live, dwell
vetus, veteris
long-established, old