Page 14 Flashcards
comp. adv. more harshly
adv. even, in fact
amentia, -ae
f. madness, folly
prep. with acc. of person: at the house of, at the foot of
complures, compluria (complura)
several, many
convinco, -ere, -vici, -victum
to prove wrong
deligo, -ere, -legi, -lectum
to choose
discribo, -ere, -scripsi, -scriptum
to describe
distribuo, -ere, -tribui, -tributum
to divide, assign
adv. in the same place
exeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go out, leave
exitium, -i
n. ruin, destruction
falcarii, -orum
m. pl. Scythemakers’ Street (a neighborhood in Rome)
ferrum, -i
n. iron, sword
adv. here
adv. with future tense: soon
incendium, -i
n. fire, pl. arson
interitus, -us
m. ruin, death, destruction
lectus, -i
m. bed, crouch
mora, -ae
f. delay
adv. far, much
orbis, orbis
m. circle, globe
orbis terrae
the world
paulum, -i
n. a little bit
placet, placere, placuit
impers. v. it is pleasing
polliceor, -eri, pollicitus sum
to promise
prior, prius
comp. adj. before last
quidam, quaedam, quoddam (quiddam)
indef. pron./adj. certain, some
reperio, -ire, -pperi, -pertum
to find
rogo 1-tr
to ask
sententiam rogare
to ask the opinion of acc.
salus, salutis
f. safety
sententia, -ae
f. thought, opinion
statuo, -ere, statui, statutum
to decide
superior, -ius
(from superus) comp. adj.: before last
taceo, -ere, tacui, tacitum
to be quiet, silent
adv. at length, finally
trucido 1-tr
to slaughter, butcher
ubinam gentium
where in the world
adv. together
vigilo 1-tr
to be attentive
vulnero 1-tr
to harm, offend