Pachyderm Flashcards
Short Definition : thick-skinned animal
যে কোন স্থুলচর্ম জন্তু , অনুভূতিহীন ব্যক্তি
Animal who live in pack tend to have pachyderm skin..:)
(noun) any of various nonruminant hoofed mammals having very thick skin: elephant; rhinoceros; hippopotamus
Short Definition : one opposed to force; antimilitarist; ADJ. N. pacifism: opposition to war as a means of resolving disputes
শান্তিবাদী (N), শান্তিবাদে বিশ্বাসী (N)
pacify means to make calm or soothe.. and a person who pacifies.. is opposed to war and force..
(noun) someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes
Synonyms : disarmer , pacificist
(adj) opposed to war
Synonyms : dovish , pacifistic
Short Definition : chaplain (in the armed forces)
খ্রিস্টান পুরোহিত , যাজক , পাদ্রি
(noun) a chaplain in one of the military services
Synonyms : holy joe , military chaplain , sky pilot
(noun) Father' is a term of address for priests in some churches (especially the Roman Catholic Church or the Orthodox Catholic Church);
Padre’ is frequently used in the military
Synonyms : father
Short Definition : song of praise or joy; Ex. paeans celebrating the victory
জয়সঙ্গীত বা বন্দনা-গান
it is pronounced exactly as P.N. remember it by ‘Priase Number’=praise song
Paean sounds like “pian+o” which is used in praise songs
(noun) a formal expression of praise
Synonyms : encomium , eulogy , panegyric , pean
(noun) (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
Synonyms : pean
Short Definition : taking pains; showing hard work; taking great care; very careful and through
ohh..pretty easy…divide it like..pain+s+taking….so someone WHO is TAKING A LOT OF PAIN to complete his work.
(adj) characterized by extreme care and great effort
Synonyms : conscientious , scrupulous
Example Sentence
- conscientious application to the work at hand
- painstaking research
- scrupulous attention to details
Palatability is the hedonic reward provided by foods or fluids that are agreeable to the “palate” in regard to the homeostatic satisfaction of nutritional, water, or energy needs
Short Definition : agreeable; pleasing to the taste
স্বাদু , রুচিকর
PAL+AT+TABLE - u nd ur PALs At Table……obviously food is gonna very tasty.
(adj) acceptable to the taste or mind
Synonyms : toothsome
Example Sentence
- palatable food
- a palatable solution to the problem
The palate is the roof of the mouth in humans and other mammals.
Short Definition : roof of the mouth; sense of the taste
তালু (N), টাকরা (N), রসনা (N), ক্ষুধাবোধ (N), স্বাদবোধ (N)
remember PAL+ATE, ur pal eats everything u hav cooked it means he has good sense of taste
Remember Plateau - Roof of the mountain
(noun) the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities
Synonyms : roof of the mouth
Short Definition : of or suitable for a palace; magnificent
প্রাসাদসংক্রান্ত , প্রাসাদতুল্য
Read it: palashial i.e., like a palace
ek raj barite ek raja pala tial rakhto..:)
(adj) relating to or being a palace
Example Sentence
- the palatial residence
- *
(adj) suitable for or like a palace
Example Sentence
- palatial furnishings
- a palatial yacht
Paleontology or palaeontology (or) is the scientific study of prehistoric life.
Short Definition : study of prehistoric life or fossils; CF. paleo-: ancient or prehistoric; Ex. paleography: study of ancient written documents
জীবাশ্র্মবিজ্ঞান (N)
paleontology = pale (dull) + eon (age) + to + logy(study) = dull age means prehistoric life’s study
(noun) the earth science that studies fossil organisms and related remains
Synonyms : fossilology , palaeontology
Short Definition : board on which painter mixes pigments(coloring matters)
palette = চিত্রকরের রঙ গোলার ও মেশানর জন্য ক্ষুদ্র তক্তাবিশেষ
palette-knife = চিত্রকর কর্তৃক রঙ মিশাইবার জন্য ইস্পাতনির্মিত ছুরিকাবিশেষ
(noun) the range of colour characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art
Synonyms : pallet
(noun) board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used
Synonyms : pallet
(noun) one of the rounded armor plates at the armpits of a suit of armor
Synonyms : pallette
A palimpsest is a manuscript page from a scroll or book from which the text has been scraped or washed off and which can be used again.
Short Definition : parchment or piece of writing material used for second time after original writing has been erased
যে পাণ্ডুলিপিতে নূতন লেখা ঢুকাইবার জন্য মূল লেখা ঘষিয়া তুলিয়া ফেলা হইয়াছে
palimp (alim) sest…
(noun) a manuscript (usually written on papyrus or parchment) on which more than one text has been written with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible
Short Definition : become boring; grow tiresome
pall = ক্লান্তিকর হওয়া , নীরস বলিয়া মনে হওয়া
- *pall-bearer** = যে ব্যক্তি অন্ত্যেষ্টিক্রিয়াকালে শবযানের বা কবরের আচ্ছাদনবস্ত্রের কোনা তুলিয়া ধরিয়া শোক করে
- *pall-mall** = প্রাচীন ক্রিড়াবিশেষ
A Song from Lage Raho Munna Bhai “Pall Pall Pall Pall Har pal Har Pal Kaise katega pal” If you are bored then you say “Kaise Katega Pall Har Pall
A pallet sometimes inaccurately called a skid (a skid has no bottom deck boards), is a flat transport structure that supports goods in a stable fashion while being lifted by a forklift, pallet jack, front loader, work saver or other jacking device
Short Definition : small poor bed; Ex. straw pallet
খড়ে ভড়া জাজিম , তৃণশয্যা
pal(PALANG)+let(LIE DOWN or latena)…read let as”late” in hindi….so you lie on a bed…But the bed is pallid.
(noun) the range of colour characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art
Synonyms : palette
(noun) a portable platform for storing or moving goods that are stacked on it
(noun) a hand tool with a flat blade used by potters for mixing and shaping clay
(noun) a mattress filled with straw or a pad made of quilts; used as a bed
(noun) board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used
Synonyms : palette
Short Definition : ease pain (without curing); make less severe or offensive (a crime or illness)
ক্ষমা করা (V), আংশিক ক্ষমা করা (V), আংশিক লাঘব করা (V), প্রশমিত করা (V), উপশম করা (V)
(verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
Synonyms : extenuate , mitigate
Example Sentence
- The circumstances extenuate the crime
- *
(verb) provide physical relief, as from pain
Synonyms : alleviate , assuage , relieve
Example Sentence
- This pill will relieve your headaches
Short Definition : pale; wan; Ex. pallid complexion
ফেকাশে (Adj.), বিগতদু্যতি (Adj.), মলিন (Adj.), ম্লান (Adj.), বিবর্ণ (Adj.), পাণ্ডুবর্ণের (Adj.)
pallid = pale + lid.(jus take the 1st four letters hence ‘pale’)
(adj) lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness
Synonyms : pale
(adj) (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble
(adj) abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress
Short Definition : insignificant; petty; trifling; contemptible; Ex. paltry sum; CF. trash
তুচ্ছ (Adj.), নীচ (Adj.), জঘন্য (Adj.), অকিঁচিৎ (Adj.), অকিঁচিত্কর (Adj.)
ur pal tried to stop you doing from something bad that he thought would be paltry for you…
(adj) contemptibly small in amount
(adj) not worth considering
Synonyms : negligible , trifling
Short Definition : criticize harshly
আর্কেডিয়া-বাসীদেব উপাস্য সঙ্গীতপ্রিয় ও ছাগসদৃশ পদবিশিষ্ট পশুপাল চরণভূমি ও বনভূমির গ্রীকদেবতা
- *skid pan** = ব্রেক করার যন্ত্রকৌশল
- *scale pan** = তুলপাত্র
- *scale-pan** = তুলাপাত্র
- *Pan-Islamic** = নিখিল ইসলামি
- *patty-pan** = প্যাটি-ভাজার চাটু
- *stew-pan** = একধরনের চ্যাপ্টা ঢাকা পাত্র যা মাংস ইঃ ভাপে সিদ্ধ করার জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয়
- *Pan-American** = নিখিল মার্কিন
- *pan off** = ছেকেঁ বা ধুয়ে নেওয়া
the way people eat “pan”(hindi) and spit everywhere deserves harsh criticism..
(verb) express a totally negative opinion of
Synonyms : tear apart , trash
Example Sentence
- The critics panned the performance
(noun) (Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat’s legs and horns and ears; identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunus
Synonyms : goat god
(noun) shallow container made of metal
(noun) chimpanzees; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids
Synonyms : genus pan
(verb) make a sweeping movement
Example Sentence
- The camera panned across the room
- *
(verb) wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals
In Greek mythology, Panacea was a goddess of Universal remedy.
Short Definition : cure-all; remedy for all diseases
সর্বরোগহর ঔষধ
THIS WORD sound like pan of asia,which suggest remedy for all problems occuring in asia.
(noun) (Greek mythology) the goddess of healing; daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia
(noun) hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists
Synonyms : catholicon , cure-all , nostrum
Panache is a French word origin that carries the connotation of a flamboyant manner and reckless courage.
Short Definition : flair; manner of doing things without any difficulty (causing admiration); flamboyance; bunch of feathers (on a helmet); Ex. with great panache;
শিরস্ত্রাণের উঅপরে ব্যবহৃত পাখির পালক
ir reminds of the movie FASHION.all de top models wer frm panache..therefore u cn relate it to stylish way of dressi
(noun) distinctive and stylish elegance
Synonyms : dash , elan , flair , style
Example Sentence
- he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
- *
(noun) a feathered plume on a helmet
Short Definition : wild tumult(commotion); wild noisy disorder; CF. Paradise Lost
অত্যন্ত উচ্ছৃঙ্খল-ও-হল্লাপূর্ণ স্থান
Pan (all) + Demon (devil) + ium (like) = like full of devils (wild place).
(noun) a state of extreme confusion and disorder
Synonyms : bedlam , chaos , topsy-turvydom , topsy-turvyness
Short Definition : cater to (the low desires of others)
pander = অবৈধ প্রণয়ের দালাল বা দূত
female pander = কুট্টনী
pander(panther) =panther used for vulgar desire
(noun) someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce)
Synonyms : fancy man , pandar , panderer , pimp , ponce , procurer
(verb) yield (to); give satisfaction to
(verb) arrange for sexual partners for others
Short Definition : formal praise; encomium; Ex. I don’t deserve such panegyrics.
প্রশংসামূলক (Adj.), প্রশংসাপূর্ণ (Adj.), স্তুতি (N), প্রশংসাবাদ (N), স্তুতিবাদ (N), প্রশস্তি (N)
pane sounds like paean means praise and gyric sounds like lyric, so panegyric means expression of praise
(noun) a formal expression of praise
Synonyms : encomium , eulogy , paean , pean
(adj) formally expressing praise
Synonyms : encomiastic , eulogistic , panegyrical
Pang Tong (龐統), strategist and advisor from the late Han Dynasty
Short Definition : sudden sharp feeling of pain
আকস্মিক তীব্র বেদনা বা যন্ত্রাণা
If something bangs me, I feel a pang.
(noun) a sudden sharp feeling
Example Sentence
- pangs of regret
- she felt a stab of excitement
- twinges of conscience
(noun) a mental pain or distress
Synonyms : sting
Example Sentence
- a pang of conscience
- *
(noun) a sharp spasm of pain
A panorama (formed from Greek πᾶν “all” + ὅραμα “sight”) is any wide-angle view or representation of a physical space, whether in painting, drawing, photography, film/video, or a three-dimensional model.
Short Definition : denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view; N. panorama: unbroken view of a wide area
:“দৃশ্য বা চিত্র সংক্রান্ত”
(adj) as from an altitude or distance
Synonyms : bird’s-eye
Example Sentence
- a bird’s-eye survey
- a panoramic view
Pantomime (informally, panto)not to be confused with the theatrical medium of mimeis a form of musical comedy stage production, designed for families, developed in the United Kingdom and mostly performed during the Christmas and New Year season
Short Definition : acting without dialogue; V.
নির্বাক অভিনয়ে ভূমিকা গ্রহণকারী রোমান অভিনেতা , নির্বাক নাটক বা অভিনয়
Pant of mine is gone, can’t talk because of embarrassment.
(noun) a performance using gestures and body movements without words
(verb) act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only
Synonyms : mime
Example Sentence
- The acting students mimed eating an apple
Papyrus is a thick paper-like material produced from the pith of the papyrus plant, Cyperus papyrus, a wetland sedge that was once abundant in the Sudd of Southern Sudan along with the Nile Delta of Egypt
Short Definition : ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
papyrus: sounds like paper thing
(noun) paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat; used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans
(noun) tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times
Synonyms : cyperus papyrus , egyptian paper reed , egyptian paper rush , paper plant , paper rush
(noun) a document written on papyrus
A parable is a succinct story, in prose or verse, which illustrates one or more instructive principles, or lessons, or (sometimes) a normative principle.
Short Definition : short simple story teaching a moral
মতাদির ব্যাখ্যাপূর্ণ , নীতিগর্ভ রূপক-কাহিনী
para+able.. is a small PARAgraph that makes u able.. (i.e. gives morals)
(noun) a short moral story (often with animal characters)
Synonyms : allegory , apologue , fable
(noun) (New Testament) any of the stories told by Jesus to convey his religious message
Example Sentence
- the parable of the prodigal son
Short Definition : model; example that serves as a model; pattern; list of all the inflectional forms of a word
উদাহরণ , দৃষ্টান্ত
(noun) the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time
Example Sentence
- he framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm
_Definition_ (noun) the class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sentence (are in paradigmatic relation with one another)
Synonyms : substitution class
(noun) systematic arrangement of all the inflected forms of a word
(noun) a standard or typical example
Short Definition : something apparently contradictory in nature (that may nonetheless be true); statement that looks false but is actually correct
আপাতবিরোধী হইলেত্ত সত্য (N), আপার্তবৈপরীতা (N), প্রচলিত মতের বিরুদ্ধ মত (N), কূটাভাস (N), কূট (N)
you are unique but “everybody is unique” .this is a paradox
“All husbands are not married” is a paradox
(noun) (logic) a statement that contradicts itself
Example Sentence
- `I always lie’ is a paradox because if it is true it must be false
Short Definition : model of perfection; Ex. paragon of virtue
সম্পূর্ণতার বা পরমোত্কর্ষের আদর্শ
paragon which is a slipper brand makes products which are models for perfection
(noun) an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept
Synonyms : beau ideal , idol , perfection
(noun) model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
Synonyms : apotheosis , ideal , nonesuch , nonpareil , nonsuch , saint
Short Definition : foremost in importance; supreme; CF. para-: beyond; above; Ex. paranormal
সর্বোচ্চ , সর্বপ্রধান
paraMOUNT..(MOUNT EVEREST)..IS THE biggest mountain on the earth,so something SUPREME ,and BEYOND OUR REACH(LIKE MOUNT EVEREST) is paraMOUNT
(adj) having superior power and influence
Synonyms : overriding , predominant , predominate , preponderant ,preponderating
Example Sentence
- the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism
Short Definition : illicit lover
Paramour sounds like Paraya mard (in Hindi Language) - indicates some kind of illegal relationship.
paramour sounds like PARA(parallel) aMOuR(love)… as in parallel love.. which connotes a secret or illicit love.. lame i accept :D
(noun) a woman’s lover
Synonyms : fancy man
(noun) a woman who cohabits with an important man
Short Definition : psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution; N: ADJ: paranoid, paranoiac
para+NOIa; NOI in tamil means some disease,and para means beyond or forethought. hence this can be considered as “some disease of thinking urself a grandeur”
(noun) a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur
Short Definition : equipment; odds and ends used in a particular activity; personal belongings; Ex. photographic paraphernalia; CF. married woman’s property exclusive of her dowry
ব্যক্তিগত জিনিসপত্র
You remember this word by peripheral,means extra equipments..
(noun) equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.
Synonyms : appurtenance , gear
Short Definition : restate a passage in one’s own words while retaining thought of author; N: restatement of a text in other words
শব্দান্তরে প্রকাশ করা (V), শব্দান্তরিত করা (V), ভাষান্তর করা (V), শব্দান্তরে অর্থপ্রকাশ (N)
Para+phrase. (convert paragraph to a translation)
(noun) rewording for the purpose of clarification
Synonyms : paraphrasis
(verb) express the same message in different words
Short Definition : extremely dry; very thirsty; V. parch: make or become extremely dry (by exposure to heat)
দগ্ধ (Adj.), দগ্ধা (Adj.), শুষ্ক (Adj.), বিশুষ্ক (Adj.), রৌদ্রদগ্ধ (Adj.), ষৎ ভর্জিত (Adj.)
u remember we collected wood foe bokchoy and saad told poushi lets go to collect some parch which wr very dry..:)
(adj) toasted or roasted slightly
Example Sentence
- parched corn was a staple of the Indian diet
(adj) dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight
Parchment is a thin material made from hide; often calfskin, sheepskin or goatskin, and often split
Short Definition : writing material made from the skin of a sheep or goat
লেখা বা অনুরূপ কাজের জন্য উপযোগীকৃত পশুচর্ম
parch rhymes with march and it is meant for writing.parchment is maent for writing words on them that ia paper prepared from sheep or goat
(noun) a superior paper resembling sheepskin
(noun) skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on
Short Definition : cut away the outer covering or skin of (with a knife); trim; Ex. pare apples/expenses
খোসা ছাড়ান
Pare Pears’
Pare potatoes
Pare nails
Pare down one’s expenses
for pare,we can remember spare,”we generally say spare a little bit for us also”. Pare can be referred to a bit.
(verb) remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size
Synonyms : trim
(verb) strip the skin off
Example Sentence
- pare apples
(verb) cut small bits or pare shavings from
Synonyms : whittle
Example Sentence
- whittle a piece of wood
(verb) decrease gradually or bit by bit
Synonyms : pare down
Short Definition : area in the care of a single priest and served by one main church
parish = নিজস্ব গির্জা ও যাজক সংবলিত দেশের যাজনিক বিভাগবিশেষ , যাজকপল্লী
- *parish clerk** = যাজকপল্লীর দরিদ্রদের প্রদত্ত সরকারি ভাতা গ্রহন করা বা তাহার উপরে নির্ভর করা
- *parish register** = যাজক-পল্লীর অধিবাসীদের জন্ম মৃত্যু বিবাহ প্রভৃতি সম্বন্ধীয় বিবরণী
- *parish minister** = যাজক-পল্লীর যাজক
- *parish pump** = নিছক স্থানীয় স্বার্থসংক্রান্ত
- *parish lantern** = চাঁদ
pa + rish = my dad(pa) is rishi munni(priest)
(noun) a local church community
(noun) the local subdivision of a diocese committed to one pastor
Short Definition : equality; close resemblance; CF. disparate
parity = সমমর্যাদা , সমমূল্যতা
- *parity of prices** = মূল্যসমতা
- *parity of purchasing power** = ক্রয ক্ষমতার সমতা
- *purchasing power parity** = ক্রয়শক্তির ক্ষমতা
- *parity of exchange** = বিভিন্ন সরকার কর্তৃক নির্দিষ্ট মুদ্রা-বিনিময় হার
parity…….divide it like pari(pair)…pairs always exhibit equality in their choices.
(noun) functional equality
(noun) (physics) parity is conserved in a universe in which the laws of physics are the same in a right-handed system of coordinates as in a left-handed system
Synonyms : conservation of parity , mirror symmetry , space-reflection symmetry
(noun) (computer science) a bit that is used in an error detection procedure in which a 0 or 1 is added to each group of bits so that it will have either an odd number of 1’s or an even number of 1’s; e.g., if the parity is odd then any group of bits that arrives with an even number of 1’s must contain an error
Synonyms : check bit , parity bit
(noun) (mathematics) a relation between a pair of integers: if both integers are odd or both are even they have the same parity; if one is odd and the other is even they have different parity
(noun) (obstetrics) the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered
Synonyms : para
Short Definition : language; manner of speaking; idiom; Ex. in legal/common parlance
কথন , বাক্যালাপ , কথোপকথন
Focus on PAR(ticular) LAN(guage) So Parlance is a PARticular manner of speaking a LANguage.
(noun) a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language
Synonyms : idiom
Short Definition : conference (between opponents); CF. speak
বাক্যালাপ করা , পরামর্শ বা আলোচনা করা
parley sounds like parliament… where CONFERENCE is held between opponents …
(noun) a negotiation between enemies
(verb) discuss, as between enemies
Short Definition : narrow in scope or outlook; provincial; related to parishes
যাজকপল্লীসংক্রান্ত (Adj.), যাজকপল্লীযুক্ত (Adj.), সঙ্কীর্ণ সীমাবদ্ধ (Adj.), সংকীর্ণ (Adj.)
link this with paro….(of devdas)…whose parents were narrow in their outlook for devdas family , so they married her to someone else.
(adj) relating to or supported by or located in a parish
Example Sentence
- parochial schools
- *
(adj) narrowly restricted in outlook or scope
Synonyms : insular
Short Definition : fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage; sudden outburst
তীব্র বেদনা আক্রমণ , আকস্মিক প্রচণ্ড আক্রমণ
paroxysm sounds like “proxy” when we give proxy in class, we laugh a lot after class if it is successful. But professor may go in a rage if he gets to know about proxy and he may hit and give fit of pain or attack
(noun) a sudden uncontrollable attack
Synonyms : convulsion , fit
Example Sentence
- a paroxysm of giggling
Parquet, a type of wooden flooring
Short Definition : floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaic like matter; CF. strip: long narrow piece
নকশা-কাটা কা�� ের পাটাতন
Parquet basketball ground
sounds like carpet. which is made of different design.
(noun) a floor made of parquetry
Synonyms : parquet floor
(noun) seating on the main floor between the orchestra and the parquet circle
Short Definition : ward off a blow; deflect; Ex. He parried the unwelcome question very skillfully; N.
ব্যাহত করা (V), এড়ান (V), ব্যাহত করা (N), �� েকাইয়া রাখা (N), পরিহার (N)
sounds like “Harry” Potter who wards off the curse from Voldemort..
(noun) (fencing) blocking a lunge or deflecting it with a circular motion of the sword
(noun) a return punch (especially by a boxer)
Synonyms : counter , counterpunch
(verb) impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)
Example Sentence
- block an attack
- *
(verb) avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
Synonyms : circumvent , dodge , duck , elude , evade , fudge , hedge , put off ,sidestep , skirt
Short Definition : stinginess; excessive frugality; ADJ. parsimonious
অর্থব্যয়ে সতর্কতা (N), বিচক্ষণ বিবেচনাপূর্বক ব্যয় (N), মিতব্যয়িতা (N), ব্যয়কুণ্�� তা (N), কার্পণ্য (N)
parsi-purse,,,mony-money….one who will not take money from his purse - a greedy person.
(noun) extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily
Synonyms : parsimoniousness , penny-pinching , thrift
(noun) extreme stinginess
Synonyms : closeness , meanness , minginess , niggardliness , niggardness ,parsimoniousness , tightfistedness , tightness
Bielski partisans, a Jewish resistance group during World War II
Short Definition : one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party (with dislike of any others); N: strong supporter of a party; guerrilla
ইউরোপের মধ্যযুগীয় তরবারিধারী ব্যক্তি
partisan outlook = পক্ষ দৃষ্টি
A partisan says, ‘my party is my SON, my daughter, my mom & my dad’
(noun) a fervent and even militant proponent of something
Synonyms : drumbeater , zealot
(noun) an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity
Synonyms : enthusiast , partizan
(noun) a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries
Synonyms : partizan
(adj) devoted to a cause or party
Synonyms : partizan
Short Definition : upstart; newly rich person
ভুইফোড ব্যক্তি
he is a newly rich person so he will arrange a birthday VENU per (PAR) head.
(noun) a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
Synonyms : arriviste , nouveau-riche , upstart
(adj) characteristic of someone who has risen economically or socially but lacks the social skills appropriate for this new position
Synonyms : nouveau-riche , parvenue , upstart
(adj) of or characteristic of a parvenu
Synonyms : parvenue
Short Definition : imitation of another’s style in musical composition or in writing; work of art openly imitating the works of other artists
অন্য গ্রন্থকার বা শিল্পীর অনুকরণে রচিত সাহিত্য বা শিল্প
PASTi+CHE……pasti…PASTE………..we do copy PASTE……while copying we imitate the style of others and paste it where we want
(noun) a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources
(noun) a work of art that imitates the style of some previous work
A pastoral lifestyle (see pastoralism) is that of shepherds herding livestock around open areas of land according to seasons and the changing availability of water and pasturage
Short Definition : rural; of rural life; idyllic; of a pastor
মেষপালকের জীবনসংক্রান্ত (Adj.), মেষপালকসংক্রান্ত (Adj.), চারণভূমিতুল্য (Adj.), যাজকসংক্রান্ত (Adj.), যাজকীয় পত্র (N), রাখালী কবিতা (N), যাজকীয় উপদেশ (N), গোষ্�� গীতি (N)
past(history)+oral—We believe that in the past people were of rural kind and we only study them orally in books..
(adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic
(noun) a letter from a pastor to the congregation
(noun) a literary work idealizing the rural life (especially the life of shepherds)
(adj) of or relating to a pastor
Example Sentence
- pastoral work
- a pastoral letter
(adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle
Synonyms : bucolic
(noun) a musical composition that evokes rural life
Short Definition : obvious; easily seen; open for the public to read; of or protected by a patent; Ex. patent to everyone; N.
patent = উন্মুক্ত , প্রকাশ্য , অধিকারপ্রাপ্ত , সুকৌশলে উদ্ভাবিত
- *patent stone floor** = 1. পেটেন্ট স্টোন মেঝে 2. কৃত্রিম পাথরের মেঝে
- *patent leather** = চকচকে মসৃণ পালিশওয়ালা চামড়া
- *patent office** = 1. কৃতিস্বত্ব কার্যালয় 2. পেটেন্ট অফিস
- *Patent-office** = যে সরকারী দফতর হইতে পেটেনট দেওয়া হয়
- *patent right** = পেটেনট-বলে লব্ধ একচেতিয়া অধিকার
- *patent medicine** = পেটেনট ঔষধ
- *patent-leather** = উত্তমরূপে বার্নিশ করা চামড়া
- *letters patent** = ক্ষমতাপত্র
relate it with patient….when you enter a hospital, you can easily judge a patient from the others. Something easily seen.
(noun) a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention
Synonyms : patent of invention
(noun) an official document granting a right or privilege
Synonyms : letters patent
(verb) obtain a patent for
Example Sentence
- Should I patent this invention?
- *
(verb) grant rights to; grant a patent for
(verb) make open to sight or notice
Example Sentence
- His behavior has patented an embarrassing fact about him
- *
(adj) (of a bodily tube or passageway) open; affording free passage
Short Definition : tender sorrow; pity; quality in art or literature that produces these feelings; Ex. pathos that runs through the novel
করুণ রস
path is the root word for feeling… when we say “oh”, its sound like something sad…. so pathos means a feeling that is sad… so sorrow
(noun) a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
Synonyms : poignancy
Example Sentence
- the film captured all the pathos of their situation
- *
(noun) a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others
Synonyms : commiseration , pity , ruth
Example Sentence
- the blind are too often objects of pity
- *
(noun) a style that has the power to evoke feelings
Patina (or) is a tarnish that forms on the surface of copper, bronze and similar metals (produced by oxidation or other chemical processes); stone; a sheen on wooden furniture produced by age, wear, and polishing; or any such acquired change of a surface through age and exposure.
Short Definition : green crust on old bronze works or copper; tone slowly taken by varnished painting
(noun) a fine coating of oxide on the surface of a metal
Patila(a utensil made of copper) gets rusted and a green layer called patina is formed on it.
Patila te pudina color porse..:)

Short Definition : local or provincial dialect
অমার্জিত বা প্রাদেশিক ভাষা
Split like PATO+IS.. PATO IS a brazillan player who speaks in his local brazillan language.
(noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
Synonyms : argot , cant , jargon , lingo , slang , vernacular
Example Sentence
- they don’t speak our lingo
- *
(noun) a regional dialect of a language (especially French); usually considered substandard
Short Definition : father and ruler of a family or tribe
কুলপতি (N), প্রতিষ্�� াতা (N), শ্রদ্ধেয় বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তি (N), প্রবীণতম বাসিন্দা (N), গোষ্�� ীপতি (N)
(noun) title for the heads of the Eastern Orthodox Churches (in Istanbul and Alexandria and Moscow and Jerusalem)
(noun) the male head of family or tribe
Synonyms : paterfamilias
(noun) any of the early biblical characters regarded as fathers of the human race
(noun) a man who is older and higher in rank than yourself
Short Definition : noble; aristocratic; N: person of high rank; aristocrat; CF. member of the governing classes in ancient Rome; CF. plebian
রোমান সাম্রাজ্যের সম্ভ্রান্ত ব্যক্তি , অভিজাত ব্যক্তি , অভিজাত বা সম্ভ্রান্ত সম্প্রদায়গত
consider ST PATRICK’S SCHOOL those who study in that school are noble
(noun) a person of refined upbringing and manners
(noun) a member of the aristocracy
Synonyms : aristocrat , blue blood
(adj) befitting a person of noble origin
Example Sentence
- a patrician nose
- *
(adj) belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
Synonyms : aristocratic , aristocratical , blue , blue-blooded , gentle
Short Definition : property inherited from a father
পৈতৃক সম্পত্তি (N), উত্তরাধিকার (N), জের (N), পিতৃধন (N)
Patri-> Paternal. Mony-> Money. Parimony = Paternal (Father) Money
(noun) a church endowment
(noun) an inheritance coming by right of birth (especially by primogeniture)
Synonyms : birthright
Short Definition : support; act superior toward; treat in a condescending manner; be a customer of; N. patron: one that supports; regular customer; N. patronage; CF. boycott
রক্ষা করা (V), সমর্থন করা (V), উপহার দেত্তয়া (V), উত্সাহ দেত্তয়া (V), পৃষ্�� পোষকতার ভান করা (V), জিনিসপত্র কেনা (V), পি�� চাপড়ান (V), পৃষ্�� পোষকতা করা (V)
PATRO(father)+NIZE(nice)….we get NICE SUPPORT from our FATHER
(verb) assume sponsorship of
Synonyms : patronise , sponsor
(verb) do one’s shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
Synonyms : buy at , frequent , patronise , shop , shop at , sponsor
(verb) treat condescendingly
Synonyms : condescend , patronise
(verb) be a regular customer or client of
Synonyms : keep going , patronage , patronise , support
Example Sentence
- We patronize this store
Short Definition : scarcity; dearth
সংখ্যার বা পরিমাণে স্বল্পতা
pau - paav as in paav bhaji and only one “paav” for the whole city…so obviously it will be scarce
Pauperism is a term meaning poverty or generally the state of being poor, but in English usage particularly the condition of being a “pauper”, i.e. in receipt of relief administered under the English Poor Laws.
Short Definition : very poor person
নিঃস্ব , কপর্দকশূণ্য ব্যক্তি , ভিক্ষোপজীবী
Person jisko “pau”(bread) “per” jina padata hai use poor person kahete hai
Short Definition : slight offense or fault; CF. sin
তুচ্চ দোষ , ত্রুটি
Remeber in college life we tend to commit slight crime in peccadillo restaurent…:)
(noun) a petty misdeed
Synonyms : indiscretion
Short Definition : pertaining to money
pecuniary = টাকাকড়ি-সংক্রান্ত , অর্থ ঘটিত , আর্থিক
- *pecuniary interest** = আর্থিক স্বার্থ
- *pecuniary loss** = অর্থদণ্ড
- *pecuniary help** = আর্থিক সাহায্য
- *pecuniary worry** = অর্থচিন্তা
(adj) relating to or involving money
Synonyms : monetary
Example Sentence
- monetary rewards
- he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services
Pedagogy (or) is the science and art of education, specifically instructional theory.
Short Definition : teaching; art of education
শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান , শিক্ষাদান
(noun) the principles and methods of instruction
Synonyms : pedagogics , teaching method
(noun) the profession of a teacher
Synonyms : instruction , teaching
Example Sentence
- he prepared for teaching while still in college
- pedagogy is recognized as an important profession
(noun) the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill
Synonyms : didactics , education , educational activity , instruction , teaching
Short Definition : scholar who overemphasizes book learning, trivial details of learning, or technicalities
Pedant rhymes with PATENT. Usually those students get PATENT who do research. Since they do research they must be scholar.
(noun) a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit
Synonyms : bookworm , scholastic
Short Definition : bookish; showing off learning; marked by an excessive ostentatious concern for book learning; N. pedantry
Can u smell the word ‘PANDIT’( “Scholar” in english) from “Pedantic”? PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff.
ped - to do with a child; pedantic = ped + anti + c; therefore not childlike; showing off bookish learning
(adj) marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects
A peddler, in British English pedlar, also known as a canvasser, cheapjack, monger, higler or solicitor (with negative connotations since the 16th century), is a travelling vendor of goods.
Short Definition : travel about selling (wares); CF. foot
জিনিসপত্র ফেরি করা (V), ফেরি করা (V), খুচরা বিক্রয় করা (V), গ্রহণ করতে বাধ্য করা (V), বাধ্য করা (V), গালগল্প রটনা করা (V), গুজব ছড়ানো (V), গুজব ছড়ান (V
Peddle ~ try to thnik of cycle paddle,a person paddles his cycle to move around streets and sell the toys.
(verb) sell or offer for sale from place to place
Pedestal (from French piédestal, Italian piedistallo, foot of a stall) is a term generally applied to the support of a statue or a vase.
Short Definition : support or base as for a pillar or statue
বেদীর ন্যায় আকারযুক্ত স্তম্ভমূল
set on pedestal = উচ্চ আসনে বসানো
ped(foot) + stal . So a place to place the foot. hence a support or base.
(noun) a support or foundation
Example Sentence
- the base of the lamp
- *
(noun) a position of great esteem (and supposed superiority)
Example Sentence
- they put him on a pedestal
- *
(noun) an architectural support or base (as for a column or statue)
Short Definition : ancestry; lineage
বংশতালিকা (N), বংশপরিচয় (N), কুলুজি (N), বংশবিবরণ (N
remember pedigree(food 4 dogs) its packety has dogs pic ie its ancestors pic ;p
(noun) the descendants of one individual
Synonyms : ancestry , blood , blood line , bloodline , descent , line , line of descent , lineage , origin , parentage , stemma , stock
Example Sentence
- his entire lineage has been warriors
- *
(noun) line of descent of a purebred animal
(noun) ancestry of a purebred animal
Synonyms : bloodline
(adj) having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal
Synonyms : pedigreed , pureblood , pureblooded , thoroughbred
Short Definition : one who has equal standing with another; nobleman; V: look intently; N. peerage; CF. peeress
সমকক্ষ ব্যক্তি , সহকর্মী
rhymes beer drink a beer with an equal person
(noun) a person who is of equal standing with another in a group
Synonyms : compeer , equal , match
(noun) a nobleman (duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron) who is a member of the British peerage
(verb) look searchingly
Example Sentence
- We peered into the back of the shop to see whether a salesman was around
Short Definition : having no equal; incomparable
ক্ষমতাহীন , অক্ষম , শক্তিহীন
peerless sounds like pair less, i.e. who or what has no pair or equal thing
(adj) eminent beyond or above comparison
Synonyms : matchless , nonpareil , one , one and only , unmatchable ,unmatched , unrivaled , unrivalled
Short Definition : bad-tempered; irritable; V. peeve: make angry
pee means toilet vish means wish so peeing in any place where u wish is irritable
pee+vish( pee means asking forcibly to drink,,, n vish is poison) so irritating easily..
(adj) easily irritated or annoyed
Synonyms : cranky , fractious , irritable , nettlesome , peckish , pettish , petulant ,scratchy , techy , testy , tetchy
Short Definition : (of a word or phrase) suggesting that someone is of little value; negative in connotation; having a belittling effect; Ex. Many women now considers ``housewife’’ a pejorative expression, because it pa
মূল্যহানিকর , মর্যদাহানিকর
SOmeone took ur PJ so u feel pejorarive
Owner of a Mitsubishi PAJERO belittles everyone on the road.
(adj) expressing disapproval
Synonyms : dislogistic , dyslogistic
Example Sentence
- dyslogistic terms like
nitwit' and
Short Definition : in confusion; disorderly; Ex. dash pell-mell
Sounds like pale-male i.e. if a guy looks pale then he must be experiencing some DISORDER (e.g can be due to disease)…so DISORDERLY or IN CONFUSION
(adj) with undue hurry and confusion
Synonyms : helter-skelter
Example Sentence
- a helter-skelter kind of existence with never a pause
- a pell-mell dash for the train
(adv) in a wild or reckless manner
Synonyms : harum-scarum
Example Sentence
- dashing harum-scarum all over the place
- running pell-mell up the stairs
Short Definition : fenced enclosure for animals; confining space; Ex. sheep pen; V: confine in a pen; enclose
The refill in the PEN is CONFINED to just some SPACE.Outer covering acts as a FENCED ENCLOSURE so that refill won’t come out while writing things down on pape
pen = রাজ-হংসী
- *fountain-pen** = 1. ঝর্নাকলম 2. ফাউন্টেন পেন
- *with a stroke of the pen** = কলমের এক খোঁচায়
- *pen-light** = কলমাকৃতি টর্চ
- *pen-friend** = যে অদেখা লোকের সঙ্গে কেবল পত্রযোগে বন্ধুত্ব স্থাপন করা হইয়াছে
- *light pen** = কলমের আকারের একটি বৈদ্যুতিক যন্ত্রাংশ
- *fountain pen** = ঝরনা কলম
- *pen-pal** = পত্রবন্ধু
- *wield the pen** = লেখা
- *pen-pusher** = কেরানি
- *on pen to paper** = লিখতে শুরু করা
(noun) a writing implement with a point from which ink flows
* * *
(noun) an enclosure for confining livestock
(noun) a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play
Synonyms : playpen
(noun) a correctional institution for those convicted of major crimes
Synonyms : penitentiary
(noun) female swan
(verb) produce a literary work
Penance is repentance of sins as well as the proper name of the Roman Catholic, Orthodox Christian, and Anglican Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation/Confession.
Short Definition : self-imposed punishment for sin; Ex. do penance for one’s sins; CF. penitent
‘penance’ can be read as ‘pain on us’ what we take as a punishment on ourself for our sins.
(noun) remorse for your past conduct
Synonyms : penitence , repentance
(noun) a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution
(noun) voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing
Synonyms : self-abasement , self-mortification
Short Definition : strong inclination; strong liking (esp. for something that is disapproved of by other people); Ex. penchant for fast cars
ঝোঁক , পছন্দ , রুচি
P= poushi has strong inclination; strong liking (esp. for something that is disapproved of by other people) d movie ENCHANT,
(noun) a strong liking
Synonyms : predilection , preference , taste
Example Sentence
- my own preference is for good literature
- the Irish have a penchant for blarney
Short Definition : repentant; N.
রমণীর অবচেতন মনে পুরুষ হইবার বাসনা
keno ami amr shob peni tent kine sesh kore fellam ….onutap…
(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor)
(adj) feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
Synonyms : repentant
Short Definition : study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation
“penology” is the study of people who have been “penalized” .. and penalized people are kept in the prison..
(noun) the branch of criminology concerned with prison management and prisoner rehabilitation
Synonyms : poenology
Short Definition : dreamily or deeply thoughtful; sadly thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness; contemplative; CF. think over
চিন্তানিমগ্ন , চিন্তাশীল , বিষণ্ণ
With a pen in your mouth, you are always indulged in somekind of thought.
(adj) deeply or seriously thoughtful
Synonyms : brooding , broody , contemplative , meditative , musing , pondering ,reflective , ruminative
Example Sentence
- Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the ‘Byronic hero’ - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man
- *
(adj) showing pensive sadness
Synonyms : wistful
Example Sentence
- the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty
Short Definition : partial shadow (in an eclipse); CF. almost shadow
pen under an umbrella will be invisble unders umbrella’s shadow
(noun) a fringe region of partial shadow around an umbra
Short Definition : extreme poverty; stinginess; ADJ. penurious: very poor; stingy
pen+ru(pee)………no rupee to buy a pen
(noun) a state of extreme poverty or destitution
Synonyms : indigence , need , pauperism , pauperization
Example Sentence
- their indigence appalled him
- a general state of need exists among the homeless
Short Definition : landless agricultural worker; bond servant; menial worker; N. peonage
পিয়ন (N), চাপরাসী (N), খেতমজুর (N), কৃর্ষিমজুর (N)
(noun) a laborer who is obliged to do menial work
Synonyms : drudge , galley slave , navvy
Percussion instrument, a large group of musical instruments
Short Definition : striking one object against another sharply; Ex. percussion instrument; N: striking together of two bodies; sound caused by percussion
সঙ্ঘর্ষ , আঘাত , টোকর শব্দ
percussion cap = 1. অল্পপরিমাণ বারুদ যা সত্যিকারের বা খেলনা বন্দুকে বিস্ফোরক হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় 2. টোটা 3. ক্যাপ your brother stole your perk striked him sharply with cushion which is full of explosive material
(noun) the act of playing a percussion instrument
(noun) the act of exploding a percussion cap
(noun) the section of a band or orchestra that plays percussion instruments
Synonyms : percussion section , rhythm section
(noun) tapping a part of the body for diagnostic purposes
Synonyms : pleximetry
Short Definition : damnation; complete ruin; hell
সর্বনাশ , নরকবাস
It sounds like partition.. So Relate perdition to Partition of India in 1947 due to which several families were completely ruined.
(noun) (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment
Synonyms : hell , infernal region , inferno , nether region , pit
Example Sentence
- Hurl’d headlong…To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
Short Definition : journey; V. peregrinate
পর্যটন (N), ভ্রমণ (N), সফর (N), যাত্রা (N), চরণ - চারণ (N)
per(a person)+egri(every)+nation=a person travelling to every nation
(noun) traveling or wandering around
Short Definition : demanding and leaving no choice; imperative; Ex. peremptory decree/knock
সুদৃঢ় (Adj.), সুনিশ্চিত (Adj.), প্রভুত্বব্যঁজক (Adj.), অটল (Adj.), অবশ্য পালনীয় (Adj.)
param=god says has to be obeyed without questioning.( read the word with sentance frm some other source online only then ull get the meaning of the word which implies other mnemonics given here are worng check out cambridge ad
(adj) putting an end to all debate or action
Example Sentence
- a peremptory decree
(adj) not allowing contradiction or refusal
Example Sentence
- spoke in peremptory tones
- peremptory commands
(adj) offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power
Synonyms : autocratic , bossy , dominating , high-and-mighty , magisterial
Short Definition : something long-lasting; perennial plant; ADJ: lasting through the year or many years; lasting for a long time; enduring
(noun) (botany) a plant lasting for three seasons or more
* * *
(adj) lasting three seasons or more
Example Sentence
- the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant
(adj) lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal
Example Sentence
- perennial happiness
(adj) recurring again and again
Synonyms : recurrent , repeated
Example Sentence
- perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements
Short Definition : treacherous; disloyal; N. perfidy: treachery
অবিশ্বাসী (Adj.), বিশ্বাসহীন (Adj.), বিশ্বাসঘাতক (Adj.), অবিশ্বস্ত (Adj.)
the person who is fid by per person… t evryone ended with perfidious as you can not maintain fidelity to everyone…:)
per+FID+ious.. FID stands for fidelity.. i.e. loyalty.. hence perfidious is its opposite
(adj) tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans
Synonyms : punic , treacherous
Example Sentence
- Punic faith
- the perfidious Judas
Short Definition : done routinely and with little care; superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; Ex. perfunctory kiss
যেমন-তেমনভাবে কৃত , যন্ত্রবত্ অর্থাত্ আন্তরিকতাশূন্য
PARAI(other’s)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else’s factory, you would casually care about it
(adj) as a formality only
Synonyms : pro forma
(adj) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
Perigee is the point at which an object makes its closest approach to the Earth.
Short Definition : point of moon’s orbit when it is nearest the earth; CF. apogee
মাথার খুলি , করোটি , বুদ্ধি
(noun) periapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth
Short Definition : walking about from place to place (to work); moving; Ex. peripatetic school of philosophy
ইতস্ততঃ ভ্রমণরত , ইতস্ততঃ ভ্রমণরত ব্যক্তি , আ্যারিসটটলের অনুগামী ব্যক্তি
peripatetic weaving instructor = ভ্রমন্ত বয়ন-শিক্ষ
Short Definition : false testimony while under oath; V. perjure oneself: testify falsely under oath
মিথ্যা হলফ , শপথভঙ্গ
per(phir)+jury -> jury ke saamne saach batt sy phir jana
abjure-> renounce adjure-> plead conjure-> conspire; magic related; perjure:lie in court
(noun) criminal offense of making false statements under oath
Synonyms : bearing false witness , lying under oath
Short Definition : allowing much freedom; lenient; Ex. permissive society
অনুমতিদায়ক , সহনশীল
permissive legislation = অনুমতিমূলক আইন
permissive person tends to give permission to everyone…means lenient
(adj) not preventive
(adj) granting or inclined or able to grant permission; not strict in discipline
Example Sentence
- direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive
- permissive parents
Short Definition : very harmful; deadly; very destructive; Ex. pernicious effect/anemia
সর্বনাশা (Adj.), মারাত্মক (Adj.), ধ্বংসক (Adj.), অপকারী (Adj.), অনিষ্টকর (Adj.), হানিকর (Adj.), ক্ষতিকর (Adj.), খারাপ (Adj.), ক্ষতিকারক (Adj.)
word can be divided like per+nicious..nicious when pronounced sounds like noxious…so noxious.. something harmful
(adj) exceedingly harmful
Synonyms : baneful , deadly , pestilent
(adj) working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
Short Definition : conclusion of an oration; perorating; V. perorate: conclude a speech; speak at great length
বক্তৃতার উপসংহার (N), সবিস্তার ভাষণ (N)
PER(periphery)+ORATION. It means periphery of an oration i.e edge/conclusion of the oration
Per+oration–Part after ORATION = PERORATION, that is the concluding section of an oration.
(noun) a flowery and highly rhetorical oration
(noun) (rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration
Example Sentence
- he summarized his main points in his peroration
Short Definition : commit an offense; do (something wrong)
সাধন করা , রুচিগর্হিত কিছু করা
someone stole ur pet and u found them sellinng in front of shoe store per pet rate 99 cent…:)
(verb) perform an act, usually with a negative connotation
Example Sentence
- perpetrate a crime
Short Definition : everlasting
perpetual = চিরস্থায়ী , অনন্ত , অবিরাম
- *perpetual succession** = চিরন্তন অস্তিত্ব
- *perpetual calender** = সর্বকালিক পঞ্জিকা
- *perpetual debenture** = চিরস্থায়ী ঋণপত্র
peghaal para…
rhyme with rituals…rituals are everlasting
(adj) uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
Synonyms : ceaseless , constant , incessant , never-ending , unceasing ,unremitting
(adj) continuing forever or indefinitely
Synonyms : aeonian , ageless , eonian , eternal , everlasting , unceasing ,unending
Short Definition : make perpetual; make something last for a long time; preserve from extinction; N. perpetuity
চিরস্থায়ী করা , অনন্ত বা অবিরাম স্থায়িত্ব দেওয়া
PAR PE CHUA (touched feet) - if you touch feet of old ppl they say “may you perpetuate
(verb) cause to continue or prevail
Example Sentence
- perpetuate a myth
Short Definition : continue steadily in spite of difficulties
অটলভাবে চালাইয়া যাওয়া , চেষ্টা করিতে থাকা , অধ্যবসায়ী হওয়া
PERsistent in SEVERE condition.
persevere=persistent+severe,he is very severely persistent.
(verb) be persistent, refuse to stop
Synonyms : hang in , hang on , hold on , persist
Example Sentence
- he persisted to call me every night
- The child persisted and kept asking questions
Short Definition : attractive (in personality or appearance)
সুদেহী , সুদর্শন
sona kitna sona hain sone jaisa tera mon..karisma kapoor
per often means to complete or completely.. and sona in punjabi means attractive and beautiful.. hence completely attractive..
(adj) (of persons) pleasant in appearance and personality
Personification is an ontological metaphor in which a thing or abstraction is represented as a person.
Short Definition : represent (an inanimate object) as a person; be the embodiment or perfect example of; Ex. She is evil/patience personified; N. personification
ব্যক্তিরূপে প্রকাশ করা , মূর্ত করা , রূপায়িত করা
(verb) invest with or as with a body; give body to
Synonyms : body
(verb) represent, as of a character on stage
Example Sentence
- Derek Jacobi was Hamlet
- *
(verb) attribute human qualities to something
Synonyms : personate
Example Sentence
- The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous
Short Definition : (of someone) having insight; penetrating; astute
_ Definition_
(adj) mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
Synonyms : clear-eyed , clear-sighted
Example Sentence
- too clear-eyed not to see what problems would follow
- chaos could be prevented only by clear-sighted leadership
- much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument
(adj) acutely insightful and wise
Short Definition : clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity
persPICuity, PIC stands for picture, and picture is worth a thousand words, clear expression
(noun) clarity as a consequence of being perspicuous
Synonyms : perspicuousness , plainness
Short Definition : (of something) plainly expressed; easy to understand; Ex. perspicuous comments
perspicuous = প্ৰাঞ্জল
not suspicious.. absolutely clear
(adj) (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
Synonyms : crystal clear , limpid , lucid , luculent , pellucid
Short Definition : (esp. of a girl or young woman) impertinent; forward; trim; jaunty; Ex. pert young miss/hat
অশিষ্ট , আগবাড়া
pert has 2 meaning 1. student pert martese class e
2.PERT plus shampoo diye amar pranhin chule pran fire pelam..
(adj) characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
Synonyms : impertinent , irreverent , saucy
Example Sentence
- a certain irreverent gaiety and ease of manner
Short Definition : holding tenaciously to an action; stubborn; persistent
নিরতিশয় নাছোড়বান্দা , একগুঁয়ে , অদম্য , দুর্দম
pertinacious = per (at) + teenage : The age before teenage is where a person shows a childish behaviour and is very stubborn in a negative sense.
(adj) stubbornly unyielding
Synonyms : dogged , dour , persistent , tenacious , unyielding
Short Definition : suitable; to the point; relevant
প্রাসঙ্গিক (Adj.), সম্পর্কযুক্ত (Adj.), অধিকারভুক্ত (Adj.), যথাযথ (Adj.), উপযুক্ত (Adj.)
pert(read like part)+in it. to take part in. it(something) must be suitable.
(adj) having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand
Example Sentence
- a list of articles pertinent to the discussion
- remarks that were to the point
Short Definition : disturb greatly
ক্ষুব্ধ করা (V), হতবুদ্ধি করা (V), বিমূঢ় করা (V), বিহ্বল করা (V), চিন্তান্বিত করা (V), উদ্বিগ্ন করা (V), চিন্তিত করা (V), বিভ্রান্ত করা (V), বিরক্ত করা (V), কষ্ট দেত্তয়া (V), শান্তিভঙ্গ করা (V), বিচলিত করা (V), বিব্রত করা (V), জ্বালাতন করা (V), চঁচল করা (V)
per+turb = pertaining turbulance
perturb sounds like “disturb”
(verb) disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
Synonyms : cark , disorder , disquiet , distract , trouble , unhinge
Example Sentence
- She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill
- *
(verb) disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom
Example Sentence
- The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion
- *
(verb) cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull
Example Sentence
- The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet
- *
(verb) throw into great confusion or disorder
Synonyms : derange , throw out of kilter
Example Sentence
- Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt
Short Definition : read through with care; N. perusal
পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খরূপে পরীক্ষা করা , পর্যবেক্ষণ করা , মনোযোগের সঙ্গে পা�� করা
when you are PER(..pertaining) to USE some device.. u first READ the MANUAL with CARE before testing the device..
(verb) examine or consider with attention and in detail
Example Sentence
- Please peruse this report at your leisure
Short Definition : spread throughout; V. pervade: (of smells, ideas, feelings) spread throughout; charge; permeate
পরিব্যাপক (Adj.), অনুপ্রবেশপ্রবণ (Adj.), ব্যাপ্তিশিীল (Adj.)
perva(means festival in hindi) festivals are spread thorughout
(adj) spreading or spread throughout
Synonyms : permeant , permeating , permeative
Example Sentence
- armed with permeative irony…he punctures affectations
- the pervasive odor of garlic
- an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion
Short Definition : purposely continuing to do something wrong; stubbornly wrongheaded; perverted; directed away from what is right; wicked and unacceptable; Ex. perverse satisfaction; Ex. Hannibal Lecter in a perverse m
বিপথগামী , ন্যায়ভ্রষ্ট , বিকৃত , স্বেচ্চাচারী , উচ্ছৃখল
Can be related to Pervez Musharaff… who was stubbornly wrongheaded; perverted, directed away from what is right; wicked and unacceptable..
(adj) resistant to guidance or discipline
Synonyms : contrary , obstinate , wayward
Example Sentence
- Mary Mary quite contrary
- an obstinate child with a violent temper
- a perverse mood
- wayward behavior
(adj) deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good
Synonyms : depraved , perverted , reprobate
(adj) marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict
Example Sentence
- took perverse satisfaction in foiling her plans
Short Definition : corruption; turning from right to wrong
ন্যায়ভ্রষ্টতা (N), বিপথগমন (N), বিকৃতি (N), স্বেচ্ছাচারিতা (N), সত্যপথচু্যতি (N), উচ্ছৃঙ্খলতা (N), কামবিকৃতি (N), দুর্বৃত্তি (N), বিকার (N)
perfect version of getting money is corruption
(noun) a curve that reverses the direction of something
Example Sentence
- the tendrils of the plant exhibited perversion
- perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords
(noun) an aberrant sexual practice
Synonyms : sexual perversion
(noun) the action of perverting something (turning it to a wrong use)
Example Sentence
- it was a perversion of justice
Short Definition : corrupt; turn from right to wrong; misuse; Ex. perverted sexual desire/scientific knowledge; N: person whose sexual behavior is not natural
বিপথগামী করা , অর্থ বিকৃত করা
“(per)vert” sounds like “(di)vert”. so diverting from norms
(verb) change the inherent purpose or function of something
Example Sentence
- Don’t abuse the system
- The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers
(verb) practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive
Synonyms : convolute , sophisticate , twist , twist around
(noun) a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
Synonyms : degenerate , deviant , deviate
(verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
Synonyms : corrupt , debase , debauch , demoralise , demoralize , deprave ,misdirect , profane , subvert , vitiate
Short Definition : belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess; tendency to take the gloomiest possible view of a situation; ADJ. pessimistic
সম্ভাব্য সৃষ্টির মধ্যে বর্তমান জগতই সর্বনিকৃষ্ট বা জগত সুখের বদলে দুঃখই পূর্ণ , দুখঃবাদ , মন্দগ্রাহিতা
opposite of OPTIMISM
(noun) the feeling that things will turn out badly
(noun) a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things
Short Definition : tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar
মুষল , নোড়া , নুড়ি , গুঁড়া করা , মুষল ব্যবহার করা
(noun) machine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing ores
Synonyms : stamp
(noun) a heavy tool of stone or iron (usually with a flat base and a handle) that is used to grind and mix material (as grain or drugs or pigments) against a slab of stone
(noun) a club-shaped hand tool for grinding and mixing substances in a mortar
(verb) grind, mash or pulverize in a mortar
Example Sentence
- pestle the garlic
In geology, petrifaction or petrification is the process by which organic material is converted into stone through the replacement of the original material and the filling of the original pore spaces with minerals.
Short Definition : turn to stone; cause to become stonelike; stun or paralyze
প্রস্তরীভূত বা শিলীভূত করা , আণবিক রদবদলের দ্বারা অশ্মীভূত করা , প্রস্তরবত্ ক�� িন করা , ভয়ে অসাড় করা