Dossier Flashcards
Short Definition : file of documents on a subject or person; file; CF. bundle of papers labeled on the back
dossier = কোনো ব্যক্তি বা কোনো ঘটনা সম্পর্কিত তথ্যপঞ্জি
(noun) a collection of papers containing detailed information about a particular person or subject (usually a person’s record)
Dossier sounds like BOSS+here.. so ur boss is here n he needs d file!
Short Definition : senility; feeblemindedness of old age; Ex. In one’s dotage
dotage = ভীমরতি
(noun) mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
Synonyms : second childhood , senility
He reached to dotage still wants to marry, feels like bura boyosher vimroti.
DOT : Full stop, i.e the end… Thus Dotage is old age,near to death!
Short Definition : be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline
dote = ভীমরতি হওয়া , নির্বোধের মতো আসক্তি
(verb) be foolish or senile due to old age
(verb) shower with love; show excessive affection for
when you go on a date what will u do u shower her/him with love ri8 so dote=shower with love
Short Definition : sullen; gloomy; stubborn
(adj) stubbornly unyielding
Synonyms : dogged , persistent , pertinacious , tenacious , unyielding
(adj) harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
Synonyms : forbidding , grim
(adj) showing a brooding ill humor
Synonyms : dark , glowering , glum , moody , morose , saturnine , sour , sullen
He is so ‘rude’ he shows me the door (rhymes with dour) everytime I come to talk.
Short Definition : plunge into water or liquid; dip; immerse; drench; wet throughly; extinguish; throw water over; dowse
douse = জলে ভিজিয়ে দেওয়া , বন্ধ করা
(verb) put out, as of a candle or a light
Synonyms : put out
Example Sentence
Douse the lights
(verb) wet thoroughly
Synonyms : dowse(verb) lower quickly
Example Sentence
douse a sail
(verb) slacken
Synonyms : dowse
After toilet DO USE water thoroughly to wet ur butt :)
Short Definition : untidy (of a woman or clothes); slovenly; dressed in an unattractive way; shabby; CF. unattractive woman
dowdy = রুচিহীন , আলুথালু
- (noun) British marshal of the RAF who commanded the British air defense forces that defeated the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain (1882-1970)
Synonyms : baron hugh caswall tremenheere dowding , dowding , hugh dowding - (noun) deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust
Synonyms : pandowdy - (adj) lacking in smartness or taste
- (adj) primly out of date
Synonyms : frumpish , frumpy
a ROWDY person is DOWDY
Short Definition : disheartened; dejected; sad; directed downward
downcast = বিষণ্ন , অধোবদন
(noun) a ventilation shaft through which air enters a mine
(adj) directed downward
(adj) filled with melancholy and despondency
Synonyms : blue , depressed , dispirited , down , down in the mouth , downhearted , gloomy , grim , low , low-spirited
Downcast = Down + Cast; if a man is from low ‘caste’, he will remain sad among high caste people.
Short Definition : use a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals
- Definition
(noun) searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod
Synonyms : dowsing , rhabdomancy - Definition
(verb) wet thoroughly
Synonyms : douse - Definition
(verb) use a divining rod in search of underground water or metal - Definition
(verb) slacken
Synonyms : douse
Example Sentence
douse a rope - Definition
(verb) cover with liquid; pour liquid onto
Synonyms : douse , drench , soak , sop , souse
Example Sentence
souse water on his hot face
DOWn SEa :used for searching down sea
Short Definition : sleep lightly; nap
doze = ঝিমানো , তন্দ্রা
(noun) a light fitful sleep
Synonyms : drowse
(verb) sleep lightly or for a short period of time
Synonyms : drowse , snooze
Relate “doze” with “dozen” means 12 :- if u eat dozen bananas , u will get slight asleep due to overeating
Short Definition : dull; lacking color; cheerless ; Ex. drab coat/life
drab = ম্যাটমেটে বাদামী রং , একঘেয়েমি , বেশ্যা
- (noun) a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown
Synonyms : olive drab - (adj) lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise
Synonyms : dreary - (adj) lacking brightness or color; dull
Synonyms : sober , somber , sombre - (adj) of a light brownish green color
Synonyms : olive-drab - (adj) causing dejection
Synonyms : blue , dark , dingy , disconsolate , dismal , drear , dreary , gloomy , grim , sorry
Drab>> drobo in bangla means water i.e colourless, gloomy
RAB dressed in black but no colour anywr.
Short Definition : extremely severe; Ex. draconian punishment; CF. Draco: Athenian politician
(adj) of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws
Example Sentence
Draconian measures
dracon(SOUNDS LIKE DRACULA)…and a dracula as we have seen in movies, gives EXTREMELY SEVERE PUNISHMENT to people.
Whoever disturbs Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter gets a Draconian punishment from Snape.
Short Definition : sediment in a liquid; lees; worthless residue
dregs = তলানি (N), গাদ (N), ধোয়ানি (N), কাইট (N)
(noun) sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid
Synonyms : settlings
sounds like drugs…they are worthless residues and are not to be taken
When i bought the lotion to reduce my blackheads, there were sediments (dregs) deposited in the bottle.
Short Definition : flow or fall in drops; let saliva flow out slowly from the mouth; move a ball; N.
dribble = মুখ দিয়ে লালা গড়ানো , বল কাটানো
(noun) flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid
Synonyms : drip , trickle
(noun) saliva spilling from the mouth
Synonyms : drivel , drool , slobber
(noun) the propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks
Synonyms : dribbling
(verb) run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream
Synonyms : filter , trickle
(verb) let or cause to fall in drops
Synonyms : drip , drop
(verb) propel,
Synonyms : carry
(verb) let saliva drivel from the mouth
Synonyms : drivel , drool , slabber , slaver , slobber
dribble sounds like nipple infeeding botte nipple the milk comes drop by drop;
Short Definition : nonsense; foolishness; V: talk nonsense
drivel = নাল পড়া , আবোলতাবোল বকা
(noun) a worthless message
Synonyms : garbage
(noun) saliva spilling from the mouth
Synonyms : dribble , drool , slobber
(verb) let saliva drivel from the mouth
Synonyms : dribble , drool , slabber , slaver , slobber
“Drive to Hell” why any one will say that. its totally nonsense. Drive + el(hell) = Nonsense
Short Definition : queer and amusing
(adj) comical in an odd or whimsical manner
D (the) roll (role) of Johnny Lever always being DROLL in most of the movies.
Short Definition : talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee; N.
drone = পুং-মৌমাছি , পরশ্রমজীবী , গুনগুন শব্দ , দূর-নিয়ন্ত্রিত চালকবিহীন উড়োজাহাজ বা ক্ষেপনাস্ত্র , অলসভাবে কাটিয়ে দেওয়া
(noun) stingless male bee in a colony of social bees (especially honeybees) whose sole function is to mate with the queen
(noun) an unchanging intonation
Synonyms : droning , monotone
(noun) someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
Synonyms : dawdler , laggard , lagger , poke , trailer
(noun) an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control
Synonyms : pilotless aircraft , radio-controlled aircraft
(noun) a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone
Synonyms : bourdon , drone pipe
(verb) make a monotonous low dull sound
Example Sentence
The harmonium was droning on
think abt t film drona…it was a boring piece of watch/talk.
Short Definition : bend or hang downward; become weakened; Ex. His shoulders drooped with tiredness; N.
(noun) a shape that sags
Synonyms : sag
Example Sentence
there was a sag in the chair seat
(verb) droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
Synonyms : flag , sag , swag
(verb) hang loosely or laxly
Synonyms : loll
Example Sentence
His tongue lolled
(verb) become limp
Synonyms : wilt
Example Sentence
The flowers wilted
DROOP - DROP - hang or sag like a dried up flower.
Short Definition : waste matter; worthless impurities
dross = আবর্জনা
(noun) worthless or dangerous material that should be removed
Synonyms : impurity
Example Sentence
there were impurities in the water
(noun) the scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals
Synonyms : scoria , slag
Ever weekend I have to clean the dross deposited on metal tape.. that was totally gross.
Short Definition : do drudgery; N: person who drudges
drudge = ক্রীতদাস
- (noun) one who works hard at boring tasks
Synonyms : hack , hacker
- (noun) a laborer who is obliged to do menial work
Synonyms : galley slave , navvy , peon - (verb) work hard
Synonyms : dig , fag , grind , labor , labour , moil , toil , travail
amader garage e dinmojur, chakor lokra drudgery kore
Short Definition : questionable; (of something) causing doubt; (of someone) filled with doubt; N. dubiety
dubious = দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত
(adj) fraught with uncertainty or doubt
Synonyms : doubtful
(adj) open to doubt or suspicion
Synonyms : doubtful , dubitable , in question
(adj) not convinced