Bruise Flashcards
Short Definition : injure without breaking the skin; N.
Sounds like “Bru”-the coffee….imagine a cup of hot BRU Coffee felt on ur hand..u got injured and ur skin got discolored though ur bones remained unbroken :-P

Short Definition : main impact or shock (of an attack or blow); Ex. brunt of the argument
(noun) main force of a blow etc
If you are the oldest child, you might bear the brunt of your parents’ anger, even if you are not the instigator of the misdeed. Brunt means the worst part of something.
brunt-run is the word to check .people will run,wen there is an impact or shock.
Idioms & Phrases
bear the brunt (Put up with the worst of some bad circumstance)
Short Definition : blunt; abrupt; curt; not wanting to waste time being nice
(adj) marked by rude or peremptory shortness
Synonyms : brusk , curt , short
brush kyun??? I dont want to brush and kiss you directly!!!
If you ask a salesperson with help finding something and all you get in response is a brusque “Everything’s out on the shelves,” you’ll probably take your business elsewhere. A brusque manner of speaking is unfriendly, rude, and very brief.

(noun) someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation
Synonyms : pirate , sea robber , sea rover
(verb) live like a buccaneer
bhukka(bucca)+ neer(pani in hindi) bhukka pani main pirate hi banega…….
French boucanier woodsman, pirate (in the 17th century West Indies), from boucaner to smoke meat, from boucan wooden frame for smoking meat
Short Definition : rustic; pastoral
(noun) a country person
Synonyms : peasant , provincial
(noun) a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
Synonyms : eclogue , idyl , idyll
(adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic
Synonyms : arcadian , pastoral
(adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle
Synonyms : pastoral
bucolic like alcoholic for urban people and bucolic for RURAL people
(noun) a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers
Synonyms : counter , sideboard
(noun) a meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves
(noun) usually inexpensive bar
Synonyms : snack bar , snack counter
(verb) strike against forcefully
Synonyms : batter , knock about
Winds buffeted the tent
(verb) strike, beat repeatedly
Synonyms : buff
in a buffet in taj hotel if u eat a lot and dont hav any money to pay…“ufff” says the waiter, “tu to gaya beta” and he hits u, he hits u hard and he keeps on hitting and hitting and hitting, untill ther’s nothing left to hit any
(noun) a rude or vulgar fool
Synonyms : clown
A Baffoon is a cartoon.
(noun) a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior
Synonyms : clown , goof , goofball , merry andrew
This word sounds like ‘ but fool’. Therefore, it is a stupid person.
Short Definition : clowning
(noun) an imaginary monster used to frighten children
Synonyms : bogeyman , booger , boogeyman , bugbear
(noun) a source of concern
Example Sentence
the old bugaboo of inflation still bothers them
boo!! u use it when u wonna scare relates to a ghost..ghosts are bugbears n they the baseless terror since they dont stand on floor
bugaboo = mugamboo Remember the main villain of movie mr India( amrish puri )= mogamboo khush hua >> he did so much terror in movie
For bagla bagh(tiger) asbooo
(verb) cause to bulge or swell outwards
Synonyms : bulk
\ˈbu̇l-yən, -ˌyän\
(noun) a mass of precious metal
(noun) gold or silver in bars or ingots
He has billions, and so he buys bullions
(noun) an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes
Synonyms : rampart , wall
(noun) a fencelike structure around a deck (usually plural)
(noun) a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away
(verb) defend with a bulwark
BULL + WORK–BULLs were carrying bricks for the WORK of a wall construction.
Bulwark: Bull war k time strong wall banana chahiye, taki ko usse par kar public par na aajay
Short Definition : mismanage; blunder; botch; blow; spoil by clumsy behavior
(verb) spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly
(verb) make a mess of, destroy or ruin
(noun) an embarrassing mistake
bungle like jungle ….. if on a long drive you lose your way and end up in a jungle…. now that’s a blunder….
jungle me mangal is a bungle
Short Definition : able to float; cheerful and optimistic; N. buoyancy; Ex. buoyancy of wood/water/American market
(adj) tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas
Synonyms : floaty
buoyant balloons
(adj) characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
Synonyms : chirpy , perky
buoyant = Boy + ant when a boy feels like an ant, which is very light , he feels very light and lively.
(noun) nonelective government officials
(noun) a government that is administered primarily by bureaus that are staffed with nonelective officials
(noun) any organization in which action is obstructed by insistence on unnecessary procedures and red tape
bureau(noun……..means..a source which provide information..may be an office or an organization.)+cracy(means…goverment or the rule….)……….a goverment run by officials……or officials doing the kind of work that either a rular or a g
(noun) a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of comic skits and short turns (and sometimes striptease
(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody’s style, usually in a humorous way
Synonyms : charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , put-on , sendup , spoof , takeoff , travesty
(verb) make a parody of
Synonyms : parody , spoof
(adj) relating to or characteristic of a burlesque
BURLESQUE = BURY + RESQUE. I want either to bury or rescue myself before they insult me in this CARICATURE/PARODY
Short Definition : piece of sculpture showing a person’s head, shoulders, and upper chest; V: break up; arrest; Ex. crimebuster
(noun) a complete failure
Synonyms : fizzle , flop
(noun) an occasion for excessive eating or drinking
Synonyms : binge , bout , tear
(verb) ruin completely
Synonyms : break
(adj) lacking funds
(noun) a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building
(verb) reinforce with a buttress
(verb) make stronger or defensible
remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a padding when ypu sit, giving support.. :)
(adj) (of a woman’s body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves
Synonyms : bosomy , busty , curvaceous , curvy , full-bosomed , sonsie , sonsy , stacked , voluptuous , well-endowed
a generation ago…buxom actresses were popular
generally women having lot of bucks (money) are Buxom.

Short Definition : small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
(noun) a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
Synonyms : conspiracy
(verb) engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
Synonyms : complot , conjure , conspire , machinate
cabal (Kabul), remember this place….Bin Laden and his men secretly united in kabul(cabal) to promote their interest, i.e. 9/11 attack..
(noun) a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons)
(noun) a secret store of valuables or money
(noun) (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics
Synonyms : memory cache
(verb) save up as for future use
Synonyms : hive up , hoard , lay away , squirrel away , stash
sounds like cash.. So, hide your cash somewhere.