Braid Flashcards

(noun) a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
(noun) trimming used to decorate clothes or curtains
Synonyms : braiding , gold braid
(verb) decorate with braids or ribbons
(verb) form or weave into a braid or braids
sounds like bride ,so one who trims and decorates

- (noun) the act of waving
- (verb) move or swing back and forth
- (verb) exhibit aggressively
(brandish a sword)
brandish = brand(brandy)…so once drink brandy will start waving foolishly…
(noun) an uproarious party
(noun) a noisy fight in a crowd
(verb) to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively
raw is war….
(noun) possessing muscular strength
Synonyms : brawniness , heftiness , muscle , muscularity , sinew
if you eat prawn you will become brawn,meaning muscular
we must use both BRAIN and BRAWN to maintain balance…!!!
(adj) (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful
Synonyms : hefty , muscular , powerful , sinewy
Example Sentence
a hefty athlete
a muscular boxer
powerful arms
Short Definition : insolent; without shame; bold; Ex. brazen lie; V: face with bold self-assurance or with unshamed confidence

(verb) face with defiance or impudence
(adj) made of or resembling brass (as in color or hardness)
Split the word brazen as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and brazen!
Short Definition : breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap; opening; V.
(noun) a failure to perform some promised act or obligation
(noun) a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)
Synonyms : break , falling out , rift , rupture , severance
(verb) act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
breach ==> brea(k)(ch)…break the contract
Short Definition : width; extent
(noun) the capacity to understand a broad range of topics
Synonyms : comprehensiveness , largeness
Example Sentence
a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject
a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views
(noun) the extent of something from side to side
Synonyms : width
Our functional breadth always exceeds our customers’ expectations.
We measured the height, breadth, and depth of each piece of furniture.
Short Definition : harness fitted about a horse’s head (used to restrain); curb; check; V: put a bridle on; control or restrain; show anger
- Definition
(noun) headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control
(verb) put a bridle on
Example Sentence
bridle horses
(verb) respond to the reins, as of horses
- Definition
(noun) the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
Synonyms : check , curb
Example Sentence
his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper - Definition
(verb) anger or take offense
Example Sentence
She bridled at his suggestion to elope
a bride bridles, ie, she restrains you( husband) from a lot things like friends, temper, food etc

Short Definition : uppermost edge of a cup; projecting rim (as on a hat); Ex. The glass was full to the brim; V: be full to the brim
- Definition
(noun) the top edge of a vessel or other container
Synonyms : lip , rim - Definition
(noun) a circular projection that sticks outward from the crown of a hat - Definition
(verb) be completely full
Example Sentence
His eyes brimmed with tears - Definition
(verb) fill as much as possible
Example Sentence
brim a cup to good fellowship
Short Definition : tawny or grayish with streaks or spots (of animals)

(adj) having a grey or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring; used especially of the patterned fur of cats
Synonyms : brinded , brindle , tabby
brindled-Remember BRINDA KARAT (communist party MP and prakash karat’s wife)…she wears a huge bindi …and is hence spotted
Short Definition : edge (at the top of a cliff); Ex. on the brink of the Grand Canyon
(noun) a region marking a boundary
Synonyms : threshold , verge
(noun) the edge of a steep place
(noun) the limit beyond which something happens or changes
on the brink of bankruptcy
brink sounds like “drink”. To drink wine you have to pour it from the edge of the glass

(noun) a decorative pin worn by women
Synonyms : breastpin , brooch
(verb) bring up a topic for discussion
Synonyms : initiate
When a Boy appROACH a girl for the first time,he needs to BROACH (bring up a topic for discussion), If you remain unable to ‘bring up a topic of discussion’, start talking about her beautiful broach(a decorative pin worn by women)
Short Definition : rich, figured(patterned) fabric
(noun) thick heavy expensive material with a raised pattern
(verb) weave a design into (textiles)
BROCADE—“BROKE-AID”..after buying rich fabric i was BROKE (LACK OF MONEY) and wanted financial AID..
Sounds like BROCODE… Barney Stinson of HIMYM is the inventor of Brocode who only wears suits => rich clothes
Short Definition : pamphlet

(noun) a small book usually having a paper cover
Synonyms : booklet , folder , leaflet , pamphlet
Short Definition : platitude; chemical compound used to calm excitement
(noun) any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; formerly used as a sedative but now generally replaced by safer drugs
(noun) a trite or obvious remark
Synonyms : banality , cliche , commonplace , platitude
Bro don’t mind.. A common statement to soothe someone.
Short Definition : sit on in order to hatch; think deeply or worry anxiously; N: the young of certain animals; group of young birds hatched at one time
(noun) the young of an animal cared for at one time
(verb) think moodily or anxiously about something
Synonyms : dwell
(verb) hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing
Synonyms : bulk large , hover , loom
Example Sentence
The terrible vision brooded over her all day long
(verb) be in a huff and display one’s displeasure
Synonyms : pout , sulk
Example Sentence
She is pouting because she didn’t get what she wanted
(verb) be in a huff; be silent or sullen
Synonyms : grizzle , stew
(verb) sit on (eggs)
Synonyms : cover , hatch , incubate
Example Sentence
Birds brood
The female covers the eggs
this word sounds like breed…..means to produce….so breeding of chickens…who are cared for at one time.

Short Definition : tolerate; endure; Ex. brook no interference; N: small stream
(noun) a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river)
Synonyms : creek
(verb) put up with something or somebody unpleasant
relate this to BROOK BOND tea….jst drink the tea and then u can tolerate any tension. :-)

Short Definition : bully; intimidate
(verb) be bossy towards
(verb) discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
bro+w/+beat,a brother likes to beat his siblings…like bullying them
Short Definition : graze; feed on growing grass; skim or glance at casually
(noun) vegetation (such as young shoots, twigs, and leaves) that is suitable for animals to eat
(noun) the act of feeding by continual nibbling
(verb) feed as in a meadow or pasture
(verb) eat lightly, try different dishes
There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing
Definition: 2
(noun) reading superficially or at random
(verb) shop around; not necessarily buying
I don’t need help, I’m just browsing
(verb) look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular