Epic Flashcards
E-spi-on age
Short Definition : spying
(noun) the systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets
spi on age.. in our teen age parents use to spy… whether children r’nt doin ne thing wrong.
Short Definition : philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge; N. epistemology
(noun) a specialist in epistemology
epistemologist: -concentrate on stem .if you want to reach the stem of any thing you should have knowledge
Short Definition : long heroic poem, novel, or similar work of art (celebrating the feats of a hero); ADJ: (of stories or events) resembling an epic; grand
- (noun) a long narrative poem telling of a hero’s deeds
Synonyms : epic poem , epos , heroic poem - (adj) very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
Synonyms : heroic , larger-than-life - (adj) constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic
Synonyms : epical
epic(E+PIC)excellent pics are described in novel and heroic poems
Short Definition : connoisseur of food and drink; gourmet; ADJ. epicurean; CF. Epicurus
(noun) a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)
Synonyms : bon vivant , epicurean , foodie , gastronome , gourmet
EPIC-CURRY…one who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD.
Short Definition : believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided; N.
- (noun) a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)
Synonyms : bon vivant , epicure , foodie , gastronome , gourmet - (adj) of Epicurus or epicureanism
Example Sentence
Epicurean philosophy - (adj) devoted to pleasure
Synonyms : hedonic , hedonistic - (adj) displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses
Synonyms : luxuriant , luxurious , sybaritic , voluptuary , voluptuous
EUROPEANS live luxurious life…..they dont give a shit to people who suffer…..so they are EPICUREAN
Short Definition : witty thought or saying, usually short
(noun) a witty saying
Synonyms : quip
telegram–>simple note….epigram—>witty note
Short Definition : short speech at conclusion of dramatic work
(noun) a short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play
Synonyms : epilog
(noun) a short passage added at the end of a literary work
Synonyms : epilog
Epilogue = Dialogue (at the end of a play/drama)
Short Definition : word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing; descriptive phrase to characterize a person (often contemptous)
- (noun) a defamatory or abusive word or phrase
Synonyms : name - (noun) descriptive word or phrase
Concentrate on the latter part of the word, epiTHET (Threat): If someone threatens you, he’s going to use abusive words
Short Definition : inscription in memory of a dead person (as on a tombstone)
(noun) an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there
(noun) a summary statement of commemoration for a dead person
Short Definition : perfect example or embodiment; brief summary; Ex. epitome of good manners; V. epitomize: make an epitome of; be an epitome of; embody
(noun) a standard or typical example
Synonyms : image , paradigm , prototype
Example Sentence
he is the prototype of good breeding
(noun) a brief abstract (as of an article or book)
Epi(EPIC)+tome(TOMB)…there is a EPIC about the TOMB of Mumtaz Mahal (TAJ MAHAL) that it takes nearly 200 years to complete that’s why it’s A PERFECT EXAMPLE of MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE
Short Definition : period of time
- (noun) a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
Synonyms : era - (noun) (astronomy) an arbitrarily fixed date that is the point in time relative to which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is recorded
Synonyms : date of reference - (noun) a unit of geological time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself divided into ages
ye pouch(mobile pouch)-it can be used for certain period of time….
Short Definition : tranquil; of even calm temper; (of temperature) steady; uniform
(adj) not varying
(adj) not easily irritated
Synonyms : even-tempered , good-tempered , placid
Equable rhymes like Equally stable, any one who is equally stable is not easily irritated.
Short Definition : calmness of temperament; composure
(noun) steadiness of mind under stress
Synonyms : calm , calmness , composure
Example Sentence
he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity
EQUAL+ENEMY(ity) Seeeing enemy as a friend i.e., with CALMNESS OF TEMPERAMENT.
Short Definition : rider on horseback; ADJ.
(noun) a man skilled in equitation
Synonyms : horseback rider , horseman
(adj) of or relating to or composed of knights
(adj) of or relating to or featuring horseback riding
pedestrian –> a person who travels by foot… Equestrian –> a person who travels on an equine(horse)(relating to the family equidae)
e+quest+rian(ryan)….ryan was a boy who went quest (onushondhan) to explore the forests he went on a HORSE RIDE
Short Definition : resembling a horse; Ex. equine face
(noun) hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck
Synonyms : equid
(adj) of or belonging to the family Equidae
vulpine-foxlike not wolf
lupine-wolflike not lion
Short Definition : period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal equinox; ADJ. equinoctial
(noun) either of two times of the year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth’s equator and day and night are of equal length
(noun) (astronomy) either of the two celestial points at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic
Synonyms : equinoctial point
Equi+ nocturnal.
Short Definition : balance; balancing force; equilibrium
(noun) equality of distribution
Synonyms : balance , counterbalance , equilibrium
equi + pose => If you hold an equal weight in both hands you will have a better pose.
Short Definition : eat away; wear away gradually by abrasion; Ex. The sea erodes the rocks.
- (verb) become ground down or deteriorate
Synonyms : eat at , gnaw , gnaw at , wear away
Example Sentence
Her confidence eroded - (verb) remove soil or rock
Synonyms : eat away , fret
Example Sentence
Rain eroded the terraces
iron rod in rain and sun, gets eroded
Short Definition : wandering (esp. in search of adventure); straying from proper moral standards; Ex. knight-erran
(adj) straying from the right course or from accepted standards
Example Sentence
errant youngsters
(adj) uncontrolled motion that is irregular or unpredictable
Example Sentence
an errant breeze
Same as Aberrant ..
Short Definition : (of a person or book) learned; full of learning; scholarly; N. erudition
(adj) having or showing profound knowledge
Synonyms : learned
R U DEITY? Are you a deity; deities are gods and know it all.
taken from rude+ite…in olden days people who were higly educated were basically very rude…as they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people
Short Definition : prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure that disobeys rules
(noun) a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful)
Synonyms : adventure , dangerous undertaking , risky venture
(noun) any carefree episode
Synonyms : lark
You cannot ESCAP(ad)E from the police by giving PRANK calls.
Short Definition : avoid habitually; Ex. eschew alcoholic drinks
(verb) avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
Synonyms : shun
es+CHEW… CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT
hort Definition : hard to understand; known only to the chosen few, esp. initiates; N. esoterica
(adj) confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle
Example Sentence
a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories
HISTORIC things are known to few people
Short Definition : like a spirit or fairy; unearthly light; heavenly; unusually refined; Ex. She has an ethereal beauty; CF. ether: upper air
(adj) of or containing or dissolved in ether
Example Sentence
ethereal solution
(adj) of heaven or the spirit
Synonyms : celestial , supernal
Ether is used in scents.Its smell is so pleasant that it makes person light and heavenly
ethereal = not real : like a spirit or fairy; unearthly heavenly
Short Definition : relating to races
(noun) a person who is a member of an ethnic group
Short Definition : study of humankind; study of the different races of human beings; CF. anthropology
(noun) the branch of anthropology that deals with the division of humankind into races and with their origins and distribution and distinctive characteristics
Short Definition : underlying character of a culture, group, etc.; character or ideas peculiar to a specific person, group, or culture; Ex. the company ethos
(noun) (anthropology) the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era
Example Sentence
the Greek ethos
Short Definition : study of word parts; study of the origins of words
- (noun) a history of a word
- (noun) the study of the sources and development of words
Short Definition : praising; full of eulogy
(adj) formally expressing praise
Synonyms : encomiastic , panegyric , panegyrical
If you have the “logic” or a logical reasoning, then everyone will surely PRAISE you.
Short Definition : expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone’s death; V. eulogize
(noun) a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently
Synonyms : eulogium
(noun) a formal expression of praise
Synonyms : encomium , paean , panegyric , pean
eulogy = eu-‘good’ + log ‘root: logue [dialogue, talk, speech]’ => Good speech
Short Definition : mild expression in place of an unpleasant one; ADJ. euphemistic
(noun) an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh
you+feminisn(sounds like) girls try to avoid certain words and circumlocate… so if u practise euphemism, you act like a female
hort Definition : sweet sound; ADJ. euphonious
(noun) any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds
Synonyms : music
Example Sentence
he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes
Sounds like SYMPHONY. Music is sweet sounding.
Short Definition : feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded; baseless) well-being; feeling of great happiness or well-being (when unreasonable); ADJ. euphoriaric
(noun) a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation
Synonyms : euphory
Short Definition : fleeting; vanishing; soon disappearing; V. evanesce
(adj) tending to vanish like vapor
Example Sentence
evanescent beauty
Eva apuke boltesi Eva ne scent (Vanishing Scent)
Short Definition : not frank; trying to hide the truth; eluding; evading; V. evade: avoid (a duty or responsibility) or escape from by deceit
(adj) deliberately vague or ambiguous
Eva apuke ami jkn jiggesh korlam sey palay gesilo keno? tkn sey evasive achoron korlo.
Short Definition : female sheep
- (noun) a member of a people living in southern Benin and Togo and southeastern Ghana
- (noun) a Kwa language spoken by the Ewe in Ghana and Togo and Benin
- (noun) female sheep
Short Definition : selected passage (written or musical) taken from a longer work; V.
(noun) a passage selected from a larger work
Synonyms : excerption , extract , selection
(verb) take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy
Synonyms : extract , take out
ex+cer+pt= extract certain part (or passage)
Short Definition : treasury; Ex. Chancellor of the exchequer
(noun) the funds of a government or institution or individual
Synonyms : treasury
cheque ~ money ~ treasury
Short Definition : not subject to a duty or obligation; free from a duty; V.
(verb) grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to
Synonyms : free , relieve
(verb) grant exemption or release to
Synonyms : excuse , let off , relieve
(adj) (of goods or funds) not subject to taxation
Synonyms : nontaxable
att-empt -> to do some thing ; ex-empt -> to get relieve from some thing
Short Definition : dig out of the ground; remove from a grave
(verb) dig up for reburial or for medical investigation; of dead bodies
Synonyms : disinter
ex meaning out and hume sounds similar to human…so exhume is to take out the human body from the grave.
Short Definition : (of costs or demands) excessive; exceeding reasonable bounds
(adj) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
Synonyms : extortionate , outrageous , steep , unconscionable , usurious
Example Sentence
exorbitant rent
ex(out) + orbit - that is out of orbit or limitations that are binding it.
exorbitant price of 3d tv.
Short Definition : meaningless word; interjection; profane oath; swear-word
(noun) profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger
Synonyms : curse , curse word , cuss , oath , swearing , swearword
u remember wn ur ex splitted from u she uttered meaningless word to u
Short Definition : explain in detail; interpret; clarify; CF. explicable
(verb) make plain and comprehensible
Synonyms : explain
(verb) elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses
Synonyms : develop , formulate
ex-plicate—> explain complicate things
hort Definition : rejoice
- (verb) feel extreme happiness or elation
Synonyms : be on cloud nine , jump for joy , walk on air - (verb) to express great joy
Synonyms : exuberate , jubilate , rejoice , triumph
Example Sentence
Who cannot exult in Spring?
EXam+resULT - he was very happy when the exam result was out because he had topped in his exams.
Short Definition : vex; annoy or make angry (by testing the patience)
(verb) exasperate or irritate
Synonyms : aggravate , exacerbate
(verb) make furious
Synonyms : incense , infuriate
(verb) make worse
Synonyms : aggravate , exacerbate , worsen
Example Sentence
This drug aggravates the pain
Exasperate>> Exacerbate
wn u get agry u tell that amake separate kore deo…:)
Short Definition : demand and obtain by force; Ex. exact a promise from him; N. exaction
(verb) claim as due or just
Synonyms : demand
Short Definition : very bad; detestable
(adj) of very poor quality or condition
Synonyms : deplorable , miserable , woeful , wretched
(adj) deserving a curse
Synonyms : damnable
exeCRABle - “crab” looks very bad!!
Short Definition : explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible) passages
(noun) an explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible)
Exegesis- EXEcuted, JESUS please explain how Jesus was executed.
Short Definition : curse; express abhorrence for; detest
(verb) find repugnant
Synonyms : abhor , abominate , loathe
(verb) curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment
Synonyms : accurse , anathematise , anathematize , anathemise , anathemize , comminate
*.exe file is a ‘curse’ for my computer, it (ate) my computer (cr)= exe-cr-ate
Short Definition : serving as a model; outstanding; Ex. exemplary punishment/behavior; N. exemplar: typical example; model
(adj) worthy of imitation
Synonyms : model
(adj) serving to warn
Synonyms : admonitory , cautionary , monitory , warning
Short Definition : show by example; furnish an example; serve as an example of; Ex. His pictures exemplify that sort of painting.
(verb) be characteristic of
Synonyms : represent
Example Sentence
This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue
(verb) clarify by giving an example of
Synonyms : illustrate , instance
amplify with example
Short Definition : effort; expenditure of much physical work; V. exert oneself: make a great effort
(noun) use of physical or mental energy; hard work
Synonyms : effort , elbow grease , sweat , travail
Exertion sounds like action. While doing any action we use our effort.
Short Definition : invigorating and refreshing; cheering; V. exhilarate: make cheerful and excited; Ex. exhilarated by the ride in the sports car
(adj) making lively and cheerful
Synonyms : stimulating
(adj) making lively and joyful
Synonyms : elating
hilarating -> hilarious means cheering
Short Definition : urge (by strong argument or advice); Ex. The general exhorted his men to fight bravely; N. exhortation
(verb) spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts
Synonyms : barrack , cheer , inspire , pep up , root on , urge , urge on
(verb) force or impel in an indicated direction
Synonyms : press , urge , urge on
My friend EXHORTED us that we go for the EXORCIST movie and we EXCORIATED him for such an EXECRABLE idea.but then we EXCULPATED him
my ex gf is vry hot(hort)…she urges men .
Short Definition : urgent situation; ADJ. exigent
(noun) a pressing or urgent situation
Example Sentence
the health-care exigency
(noun) a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action
Synonyms : emergency , pinch
exigency ~ exit + emergency; you remember the emergency exit, only when at the time of an urgent situation
Short Definition : small in amount; minute
(adj) extremely scanty
exe+go+us: Very small people go to us in exe class.
Short Definition : acquit; exculpate; free from blame or guilt
(verb) pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
Synonyms : acquit , assoil , clear , discharge , exculpate
Example Sentence
The suspect was cleared of the murder charges
Exonerate:Exo+Nerate(Narrate=Narrator),Just Imagine Exo(Exo Dish Wash Bar) is Narrating(Nerate) this story….As I killed lot of gems,but court didnt punished me,they pardoned me(absolved from blame) because i killed bad germs.
Short Definition : departure (of a large number of people)
(noun) a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment
Synonyms : hegira , hejira
(noun) the second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus
Synonyms : book of exodus
110 jon er camp theke chole gelo
Short Definition : drive out evil spirits
(verb) expel through adjuration or prayers
Synonyms : exorcize
Example Sentence
exorcise evil spirits
Short Definition : not native; from another part of the world; strange; intriguingly unusual; Ex. exotic flower/dress
- (adj) being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world
Synonyms : alien - (adj) strikingly strange or unusual
exotic honeymoon…to try something unusual :p
Short Definition : talk at length; speak or write in detail
(verb) add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
Synonyms : dilate , elaborate , enlarge , expand , exposit , expound , flesh out , lucubrate
expatiate - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your brain talking some nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at length.
Short Definition : exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land; V: exile; banish; leave one’s country
(noun) a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country
Synonyms : exile , expat
(verb) expel from a country
Synonyms : deport , exile
read EXPATRIATE as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person withdrew from his native land and settled somewhere else.
Short Definition : suitable (for a particular purpose although not necessarily morally correct); practical; politic(prudent); N: something expedient
(noun) a means to an end; not necessarily a principled or ethical one
(adj) serving to promote your interest
Example Sentence
was merciful only when mercy was expedient
(adj) appropriate to a purpose; practical
pronounce it like “experienced”…an experienced person is always SUITABLE for making decisions..
Short Definition : hasten; make go faster
(verb) speed up the progress of; facilitate
Synonyms : hasten
EX(exceed)+PED(read it as speed)+ITE……hence to speed up means to expedite !!!!!
listen it like speed it
In amazon wn u ship something you see expedite shipping process.
Short Definition : make amends for (a sin)
(verb) make amends for
Synonyms : aby , abye , atone
If u want to get back ur ex pia (gf) u hv to make amends/atone for your sin to keave her.
hort Definition : totally clear; definite; outspoken
(adj) precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication
Synonyms : expressed
(adj) in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term
Synonyms : denotative
opposite of implicit
Short Definition : explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition: explaining; exhibition
(adj) serving to expound or set forth
Synonyms : expositive
You exposed urself to ppl wearing small dress, u need to explain y u did it to ur lover and parent
.EXPOSitory comes with EXPOS(e) means to allow something to be seen. Something that is expository allows it to be seen or to be clear and thereby to be EXPLANATORY.
Short Definition : explain
- (verb) add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
Synonyms : dilate , elaborate , enlarge , expand , expatiate , exposit , flesh out , lucubrate - (verb) state
Synonyms : exposit , set forth
can u please EXPLAIN what is ur “ex” doin with ur “pound”(money)
Short Definition : take possession of (often for public use and without payment)
(verb) deprive of possessions
ex+propriate; ex+property…so depriving someone of his property
Short Definition : cancel; remove a word or name (from a book or list); erase
(verb) remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line
Synonyms : excise , scratch , strike
expunge rhymes with sponge..which is used to remove dirt..
Short Definition : delicate; very finely made; extremely beautiful; Ex. exquisite piece of jewelry
(adj) intense or sharp
Synonyms : keen
(adj) lavishly elegant and refined
Synonyms : recherche
(adj) delicately beautiful
Synonyms : dainty
(adj) of extreme beauty
Example Sentence
her exquisite face
plz don’t “SQUEEZE IT”…it’s extremely delicate
In Beauty magazine I found this word.
Short Definition : (of something written or painted) still in existence
(adj) still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost
Example Sentence
extant manuscripts
Remember it as a short of EXISTANT. Wrong spelling but does the job.
Opposite of extinct is extant
Short Definition : not planned; impromptu; extempore
(adj) with little or no preparation or forethought
Synonyms : ad-lib , extemporary , extempore , impromptu , off-the-cuff , offhand , offhanded , unrehearsed
TEMPORARILY done in haste and so not planned.
Short Definition : weaken; mitigate; lessen the seriousness of (bad behavior)
(verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
Synonyms : mitigate , palliate
Example Sentence
The circumstances extenuate the crime
rhymes with attenuate meaning WEAKEN
Short Definition : root up; uproot; destroy completely
(verb) destroy completely, as if down to the roots
Synonyms : eradicate , exterminate , root out , uproot
(verb) pull up by or as if by the roots
Synonyms : deracinate , root out , uproot
(verb) surgically remove (an organ)
Lord Rama destroyed Ravana by shooting a tir-teer(arrow) in his pate(belly).
Extirpate~~~Exterminate or Extract
Short Definition : praise very highly; glorify
(verb) praise, glorify, or honor
Synonyms : exalt , glorify , laud , proclaim
Extol = Ex + Tol. My EX-Girlfriend always praised the ‘Tall’ guys highly in front of me. And so our relationship ended!
Short Definition : wring from; get money by threats, etc.; obtain by force or threats; CF. extortionate: exorbitant
- (verb) obtain through intimidation
- (verb) obtain by coercion or intimidation
Synonyms : gouge , rack , squeeze , wring - (verb) get or cause to become in a difficult or laborious manner
Synonyms : wring from
Short Definition : projection; conjecture; V. extrapolate: infer (unknown information) from known information
(noun) (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values
(noun) an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and observations
Vote pole gonona kore bola jay/dharona kora jay BNP jitbe.
During election time many news channels show extrapole of elections they just try to make predict who will going to win election based on current known information extrapolation is similar
Short Definition : surrender of prisoner by one state to another; Ex. extradition treaty; V. extradite
(noun) the surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a statute or treaty)
ex-tradition.. like tradition is handed down through generations.. so its something to do with passing/giving.. here its a surrendering of a prisoner between two states! This might help you..
Short Definition : not essential; irrelevant; superfluous; external; coming from the outside; Ex. extraneous details/noise/to the subject
(adj) not pertinent to the matter under consideration
Synonyms : immaterial , impertinent , orthogonal
Think of news channels….EXTRA+NEWS…In order to get TRP, news channels show irrelevant or unrelated things hence the news are most of the times EXTRANEOUS
Short Definition : free from an entanglement or difficulty; disentangle
(verb) release from entanglement of difficulty
Synonyms : disencumber , disentangle , untangle
Example Sentence
I cannot extricate myself from this task
concentrate on ex+tric…mr.EX(X) PLAYED A TRIC(k) in order to FREE himself from the prison
Extricate is opp of intricate
Short Definition : external; not essential or inherent; extraneous; OP. intrinsic
(adj) not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside
Example Sentence
extrinsic evidence
Extrinsic is opposite of Intrinsic
Short Definition : person interested mostly in external objects and actions
- (noun) (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings
Synonyms : extravert - (adj) being concerned with the social and physical environment
Synonyms : extravert , extraverted , extravertive , extroverted , extrovertive
Short Definition : force or push out; thrust out; shape (plastic or metal) by forcing through a die
(verb) form or shape by forcing through an opening
Synonyms : squeeze out
Example Sentence
extrude steel
EXTRA RUDE to get into shape
INtrude is to enter whereas extrude is to force or push OUT (ex means out)
Short Definition : overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. exuberant: high-spirited and li
- (noun) joyful enthusiasm
- (noun) overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval
Synonyms : ebullience , enthusiasm
jkn tmr ex uber (gl)ance dey/ approval dey tumi joyful enthusiasm niye abar milito how
Short Definition : flow out slowly; discharge (gradually); give forth; N. exudation
(verb) release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities
Synonyms : exudate , ooze , ooze out , transude
Example Sentence
exude sweat through the pores
(verb) make apparent by one’s mood or behavior
Example Sentence
She exudes great confidence
ooze out liquid=exude :)
exclude is to remove and exude is to remove but slowly..like oozing out of liquid..;)