Conviction Flashcards
Short Definition : judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief
(noun) an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence
Synonyms : article of faith , strong belief
(noun) (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed
Synonyms : condemnation , judgment of conviction , sentence
Akon album “KONVICTED” it is said(=strong said(BELIEVED)) he was GUITY OF A CRIME and put in jail where he wrote songs to pass time
Short Definition : pleasantly merry; festive; joyous; gay; characterized by joviality; jovial
(adj) occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
Synonyms : good-time
con(together)vivi(bibi,wife) so if wife is with you,everything would be joyous
Short Definition : call together; Ex. convoke Parliament; N. convocation
(verb) call together
Synonyms : convene
con (with) + voke (vocal)….through ur vocals u call together
Short Definition : coiled around; twisted; involved; complicated; intricate; complex; N. convolution: twist; one of the convex folds of the surface of the brain
(adj) rolled longitudinally upon itself
Synonyms : convolute
Example Sentence
a convolute petal
(adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Synonyms : byzantine , involved , knotty , tangled , tortuous
Short Definition : violent uncontrollable shaking movement (caused by illness); V. convulse; ADJ. convulsive
(noun) a sudden uncontrollable attack
Synonyms : fit , paroxysm
(noun) violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles
Short Definition : flirt; flirtatious woman; woman who tries to attract the admiration of men without sincere feelings; V.
(noun) a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men
Synonyms : flirt , minx , prickteaser , tease , vamp , vamper
(verb) talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions
Synonyms : butterfly , chat up , coquet , dally , flirt , mash , philander , romance
woman says to man “COCK EAT”… just decipher..
hort Definition : extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress; V.
(noun) a series of sentinels or of military posts enclosing or guarding some place or thing
Short Definition : projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars);
(noun) a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing
Synonyms : pelmet , valance , valance board
(verb) furnish with a cornice
Corner+ nice= some thing nice in the corner.

Short Definition : horn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance; horn of plenty
(noun) a goat’s horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity
Synonyms : horn of plenty
(noun) the property of being extremely abundant
Synonyms : profuseness , profusion , richness
Cornu>>Hornu co pia
Short Definition : natural consequence (which naturally follows from something else)
(noun) (logic) an inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition
Seeing chunnu kakku’s Corolla gari and it served best it made natural consequence (of my desire) to buy our car
(noun) a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes
Synonyms : medical examiner
sounds like COlonel -a public office has to find out whether death is because of coronary disease or something unnatural
Short Definition : bodily (rather than spiritual); of a bodily form; material; tangible
(adj) having material or physical form or substance
Synonyms : material
(adj) affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit
Synonyms : bodily , corporal , somatic
Corporeal > Corpse/corpusles; which is a bodily term
Short Definition : very fat; N. corpulence
(adj) excessively fat
Synonyms : obese , rotund , weighty
Look at 2 things here
- Corp>> corpse >>Body
- Pul>>ful>> in bangla fula
Short Definition : collection (of writings or information); Ex. the corpus of Shakespear’s works; Cf. corpse
নির্দিষ্ট কোনো বিষয়ের ওপর রচনা সংকলন
(noun) capital as contrasted with the income derived from it
Synonyms : principal , principal sum
(noun) a collection of writings
Example Sentence
he edited the Hemingway corpus
(noun) the main part of an organ or other bodily structureimagine the CORPUS ie main body part of a CORPSE ie dead body :-)
Short Definition : red or white cell in the blood
(noun) (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
Synonyms : atom , molecule , mote , particle , speck
(noun) either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets
Synonyms : blood cell , blood corpuscle
Short Definition : destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period)
(verb) cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid
Synonyms : eat , rust
(verb) become destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid
Synonyms : rust
Short Definition : wrinkled; ridged
(adj) shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridges
Corrugated = Co + Rugged .. Rugged = not smooth or wrinkled… (eg. Rugged look)
Rugate tar mane onek wrinnkle pore gese, shorir er jotno na nite nite.
Short Definition : group that meets socially; select circle; close group of people with shared interests
(noun) an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
Synonyms : camp , clique , ingroup , inner circle , pack
sounds like KOTHARI (in hindi it means an enclosed room) – where people with common purposes meet.
sounds like KOTHARI (in hindi it means an enclosed room) – where people with common purposes meet.
Short Definition : approve; support; tolerate; Ex. countenance his rude behavior; N: face; appearance
(noun) the appearance conveyed by a person’s face
Synonyms : visage
(noun) formal and explicit approval
Synonyms : endorsement , imprimatur , indorsement , sanction , warrant
(count+ten) A ten year old kid is learning how to count upto 10 and his dad’s glance (countenance) gave kid a lot of encouragement
Short Definition : cancel; revoke (an order)
(noun) a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
(noun) a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
Mand>> officially, Counter>> against