Denounce Flashcards
Short Definition : condemn; criticize; N. denunciation
- (verb) speak out against
- (verb) to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
Synonyms : brand , mark , stigmatise , stigmatize - (verb) announce the termination of, as of treaties
- (verb) give away information about somebody
Synonyms : betray , give away , grass , rat , shit , shop , snitch , stag , tell on
Denounce - Similar to announce. Announce is for all kind of information but denounce is to criticize
Short Definition : portray
- (verb) show in, or as in, a picture
Synonyms : picture , render , show - (verb) give a description of
Synonyms : describe , draw - (verb) make a portrait of
Synonyms : limn , portray
depict= de(the)+pic t(picture).So relate it to portrait.
Short Definition : regret; express sorrow and severe disapproval for something bad; Ex. deplore their violent behavior; ADJ. deplorable: very bad; deserving severe disapproval; Ex. deplorable living condition
(verb) express strong disapproval of
(verb) regret strongly
Synonyms : bemoan , bewail , lament
Example Sentence
I deplore this hostile action
DEeP LOud roaREd are heard from the cage of lion, refered they completely disapprove as they were removed from wild to the zoo.
Short Definition : spread out (troops) in an extended though shallow battle line; distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically
- (verb) place troops or weapons in battle formation
- (verb) to distribute systematically or strategically
de+ploy = de + play .. in a play, people are spread out. or: de+ploy = de+plot : a plot is made by the armed troops and they spread out in positions to implement it.
Short Definition : send out of the country; behave; N. deportation, deportment
- (verb) behave in a certain manner
Synonyms : acquit , bear , behave , carry , comport , conduct - (verb) hand over to the authorities of another country
Synonyms : deliver , extradite - (verb) expel from a country
Synonyms : exile , expatriate
de(away, remove)+port..think indian government planning to remove forieners from culkata port and sending them back to thier country.
Short Definition : dethrone; remove from office; give a deposition; testify
- (verb) force to leave (an office)
Synonyms : force out - (verb) make a deposition; declare under oath
Synonyms : depone , swear
DE(MEANS REMOVE) + POSE(POSITION) to remove somebody from his/her POSITION in his/her work place.
Short Definition : extreme corruption; wickedness; V. deprave
(noun) moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles
Synonyms : corruption , degeneracy , depravation , putrefaction
(noun) a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice
Synonyms : turpitude
Short Definition : express disapproval of; deplore; protest against; belittle; ADJ. deprecatory
- (verb) express strong disapproval of; deplore
- (verb) belittle
Synonyms : depreciate , vilipend
You can think of it as the opposite of appreciate (as in devalue against value). So lack of appreciation;ie,humiliation or belittling
Short Definition : lessen in value; belittle; represent as of little value
- (verb) belittle
Synonyms : deprecate , vilipend - (verb) lower the value of something
appreciate = value increases. depreciate = value decreases
Short Definition : plundering; destruction
(noun) an act of plundering and pillaging and marauding
Synonyms : predation
(noun) (usually plural) a destructive action
Synonyms : ravage
predation - relate it to the predator which plunders and then destroys.
Short Definition : work or appoint as a deputy; N. deputy: person who has the power to take charge when the leading person is away
(verb) act as a substitute
Synonyms : deputise , step in , substitute
(verb) appoint as a substitute
Synonyms : depute , deputise
just rmember DEPUTY this should give you the meaning of DEPUTIZE
Short Definition : insane
(adj) driven insane
Synonyms : crazed , half-crazed
DE (off) + RANGE…to be off the mental range, be insane
Short Definition : negligent; (of someone) neglectful of duty; (of something) deserted by an owner; abandoned; N: abandoned property; homeless or vagrant person
- (noun) a person without a home, job, or property
- (noun) a ship abandoned on the high seas
Synonyms : abandoned ship - (adj) worn and broken down by hard use
Synonyms : creaky , decrepit , flea-bitten , run-down , woebegone - (adj) forsaken by owner or inhabitants
Synonyms : abandoned , deserted - (adj) failing in what duty requires
Synonyms : delinquent , neglectful , remiss - (adj) in deplorable condition
Synonyms : bedraggled , broken-down , dilapidated , ramshackle , tatterdemalion , tumble-down
dairy + licked=> people will tend to abandon/discard a “dairy milk” chocolate that has been licked
Short Definition : neglect of duty; abandonment
- (noun) a tendency to be negligent and uncaring
Synonyms : delinquency , willful neglect - (noun) willful negligence
dereliction -> relics = the antiques. de + relic -> you lost the antiques due to negligence
Short Definition : ridicule; treat with contempt; make fun of; OP. respect
(verb) treat or speak of with contempt
de (off) -ride – u fell of a ride in front of ppl they will make fun of you ( ridicule)
Short Definition : ridicule; ADJ. derisive; CF. derisory
(noun) contemptuous laughter
(noun) the act of deriding or treating with contempt
Synonyms : ridicule
de (off) rision (reason), if you say something off reason, u r more prone to mockery.
Short Definition : expressing a low opinion; disparaging; V. derogate: detract; disparage
(adj) expressive of low opinion
Synonyms : derogative , disparaging
daroga der shomporke bangladesh er shobari low opinion ache, karon tara ghush ney
Short Definition : catch sight of (something distant)
(verb) catch sight of
Synonyms : espy , spot , spy
If 10(DES) people will CRY every body will notice them!!
(verb) violate the sacred character of a place or language
Synonyms : outrage , profane , violate
Example Sentence
desecrate a cemetery
violate the sanctity of the church
profane the name of God
pronounce it as de-sacred; i.e; spoiling its sanctity or sacredness.
Short Definition : what someone deserves
(noun) an outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved
Synonyms : comeupance , comeuppance
DESSERT(sweet) IS GIVEN TO THEM who deserve