Canto Flashcards
(noun) the highest part (usually the melody) in a piece of choral music
(noun) a major division of a long poem
Sounds like KAATO(cut in hindi) KAATO into parts
Short Definition : surrender; give up all resistance
(verb) surrender under agreed conditions
CAP tain It’s TU (too) LATE, we will have to surrender..
Short Definition : whim; sudden change of mind without any real cause
(noun) a sudden desire
Synonyms : impulse , whim
Example Sentence
he bought it on an impulse
the government put a CAP on the PRICE of RICE..because it keeps changing
hort Definition : (of a boat) turn over
(verb) overturn accidentally
Synonyms : turn turtle , turtle
if u want to know the size of a cap (which is generally present inside the cap), we need to overturn it to see the size
Short Definition : faultfinding; too critical
(adj) tending to find and call attention to faults
First word that comes to mind -Captain, who will always find and call attention to Faults which must be altered.
simiar to CAUTIOUS…cautious people FIND FAULTS in things
Short Definition : spacious
kə-ˈraf, -ˈräf\

Short Definition : glass water bottle; decanter
(noun) a bottle with a stopper; for serving wine or water
try to remember it as coffee + cafe …..
Glass water bottle is in car safe while driving

Short Definition : shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise, crab, etc.)
(noun) hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
Synonyms : cuticle , shell , shield
CARRY-PACE - the PACE of the turtule (animal with a hard shell) is slow because it has to CARRY its HARD SHELL
cardinal = মৌলিক , অপরিহার্
cardinal points = দিগবিন্দু
(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes
(noun) the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
Synonyms : cardinal number
(noun) a variable color averaging a vivid red
Synonyms : carmine
(noun) crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
Synonyms : cardinal grosbeak , cardinalis cardinalis , redbird , richmondena cardinalis
(adj) serving as an essential component
Synonyms : central , fundamental , key , primal
(adj) being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order
Example Sentence
cardinal numbers
cardinal’ also means pertaining to the ‘heart’ and the heart is the ‘most important’ part of our body. It is responsible for the working of our body.
Short Definition : lurch; sway from side to side; move with irregular swinging movement; stagger
(noun) pitching dangerously to one side
(verb) walk as if unable to control one’s movements
(verb) move sideways or in an unsteady way
careen sounds like car in rain…car will MOVE IN AN UNSTEADY manner in the rain.
Careen <==> Karenna Kapoor (Bollywood Actress) swaying(lurching) her body while dancing
(noun) a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect
(verb) represent in or produce a caricature of
Jim Carry is famous for his facial caricatures because he shows all kinds of distorted faces.
Caricature >> carry + nature, so..jim carry’s nature is to distort his face and imitate people to create a comic gesture

noun) playing a set of bells that are (usually) hung in a tower
Synonyms : bell ringing , carillon playing
When you r alone in your car in jungle and stucked in tree brunches you might lke to play Car-il-lone ( sounds like car alone)
- Carnage
(noun) the savage and excessive killing of many people
Synonyms : butchery , mass murder , massacre , slaughter
If uNder AGEd people drive the CAR, there is a possibility that he may kill people or animals on the road.
- Carnal
carnal = দেহজ , যৌন
have carnal knowledge of = 1. কারো সঙ্গে যৌন সংসর্গ করা 2. জাগতিক 3. ইহলৌকিক** **
1. carnal knowledge - the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man’’s penis is inserted into the woman’’s vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
2. carnal abuse - sexual intercourse with a girl who has not reached the age of consent (even if both parties participate willingly)###any lascivious contact by an adult with the sexual organs of a child (especially not involving sexual intercourse)
3. unlawful carnal knowledge - forbidden or tabu sexual intercourse between individuals
He bent over and said he would want to have carnalknowledge of me. Read Article
(adj) marked by the appetites and passions of the body
(adj) of or relating to the body or flesh
carnivorous animals love carnal food
- Carousal
wen u see a car driven unusual than the driver could b DRUNKEN -carousal : car unusual
- Carping
(noun) persistent petty and unjustified criticism
If you will PING with your CAR horn, people will shout at you…they will complain… CARPING..
- Carrion
(noun) the dead and rotting body of an animal; unfit for human food
Vultures CARRY ON the food process of decaying of dead animals(carrion)
- Cartographer
(noun) a person who makes maps
cartographer -> Gps shows map in car as graph. Its a map maker.
in order to drive a CAR you need city map, so you ask your GPS in car to act as a CARTOGRAPHER (a person who makes maps)
- castigation
(noun) a severe scolding
(noun) verbal punishment
In olden days lower CASTE ( one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society; social stratification; prestige) people were severely criticized…
- Casual
(adj) marked by blithe unconcern
Synonyms : insouciant , nonchalant
(adj) without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand
eg-a casual remark
(adj) appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions
Synonyms : daily , everyday
eg-casual clothes
(adj) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
Synonyms : cursory , passing , perfunctory
(adj) occurring from time to time
Synonyms : occasional
(adj) characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility
Synonyms : fooling
(adj) natural and unstudied
Synonyms : free-and-easy
- Castrate
(noun) a man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction
Synonym: eunuchs guarded the harem
(verb) remove the testicles of a male animal (demasculinise , demasculinize , emasculate),remove the ovaries of (alter , neuter , spay)
Transgenetic ppl whom cannot reproduce spends a lot of CASH to become STRATE (CA+STRATE=CASH+STRAIGHT)