Complicity Flashcards
Short Definition : participation; involvement (in a questionable act or a crime)
(noun) guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense
You come (COM), pee with your pal(pli) in a city.
Short Definition : bear one’s self; behave; Ex. comport oneself; N. comportment
(verb) behave well or properly
Synonyms : acquit , bear , behave , carry , conduct , deport
comport = com + port. All staff and High class people behave in manner. When you come (COM) to the airport (PORT), you need to behave with dignity.
Short Definition : mental calmness
(noun) steadiness of mind under stress
Synonyms : calm , calmness , equanimity
composure is like calm mental calmness
Short Definition : include; understand
(verb) get the meaning of something
Synonyms : apprehend , compass , dig , get the picture , grasp , grok , savvy
(verb) to become aware of through the senses
verb) include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory
Synonyms : cover , embrace , encompass
(verb) to become aware of through the senses
Synonyms : perceive
comp+rehend=remember advertisement i am a complan girl…complan makes ur memory sharp so u can grasp many things mentally
hort Definition : broad; including a lot or everything; thorough; inclusive
(noun) an intensive examination testing a student’s proficiency in some special field of knowledge
Synonyms : comp , comprehensive examination
(adj) broad in scope
Example Sentence
a comprehensive survey of world affairs
Short Definition : compelling; strong desire that is difficult to control; irresistible impulse
(noun) an urge to do or say something that might be better left undone or unsaid
Synonyms : irresistible impulse
(noun) using force to cause something to occur
Synonyms : coercion
compulsion(come+pulsor) means strong desire so he had a strong desire to come on pulsor
Short Definition : resulting from compulsion
(noun) a person with a compulsive disposition; someone who feels compelled to do certain things
(adj) caused by or suggestive of psychological compulsion
Example Sentence
compulsive drinking
(adj) strongly motivated to succeed
Synonyms : determined , driven
opposite of repulsive
Short Definition : remorse; strong uneasiness caused by guilt
(noun) a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)
Synonyms : remorse , self-reproach
come + puncture..(punch). You will say “come and punch me” only if you are in deep regret of having done something wrong.
Short Definition : link as in a chain
(verb) combine two strings to form a single one
(verb) add by linking or joining so as to form a chain or series
Example Sentence
concatenate terms
Split “concatenate” as come-cat-and-eat. All happens one after another as a chain work.
Short Definition : hollow; curved inwards; OP. convex
(adj) curving inward
consists of cave.. so hollow.. cave is always curved inwards
Short Definition : admit; acknowledge as being true (often reluctantly); yield; grant; Ex. concede a goal
- (verb) admit (to a wrongdoing)
Synonyms : confess , profess - (verb) be willing to concede
Synonyms : grant , yield - (verb) give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
Synonyms : cede , grant , yield
- (verb) acknowledge defeat
(noun) feelings of excessive pride
Synonyms : amour propre , self-love , vanity
(noun) an elaborate poetic image or a far-fetched comparison of very dissimilar things
(noun) a witty or ingenious turn of phrase
(noun) an artistic device or effect
(noun) the trait of being unduly vain and conceited; false pride
Synonyms : conceitedness , vanity
kaun(con)+ ceit(seat) . person who asks who sat on my seat is arrogant!
Short Definition : having a common center
(adj) having a common center
Synonyms : concentrical , homocentric
Example Sentence
concentric rings
Think of Con(com)Center…Com - Center…COMMON CENTER!!!
Short Definition : beginning; forming of an idea; fertilization; V. conceive: form an idea in the mind; devise; become pregnant; CF. inception
(noun) an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
Synonyms : concept , construct
(noun) the act of becoming pregnant; fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon
(noun) the event that occurred at the beginning of something
Synonyms : creation
(noun) the creation of something in the mind
Synonyms : design , excogitation , innovation , invention
conception is coming to a concept..or forming an idea.
Short Definition : mutually agreed on; done together by agreement; Ex. concerted effort; CF. in concert: working together
(adj) involving the joint activity of two or more
Synonyms : conjunct , conjunctive , cooperative
CONCERTS ### every on knows that concerts are done in a planned and determined way, especially by more than one person, government, country, etc,Synonyms: combined, joint, mutual, prearranged
Short Definition : reconciling; soothing; V. conciliate: reconcile; soothe; win the friendly feelings (by removing anger)
(adj) making or willing to make concessions
Synonyms : compromising , flexible
(adj) intended to placate
Synonyms : conciliative
Ex : spoke in a conciliating tone
Short Definition : brief and compact
(adj) expressing much in few words
con(KAM MEANS LESS)) + cise(SIZE)…….SO anything which is LESS in SIZE
Short Definition : private secret meeting
(noun) a confidential or secret meeting
con+cave = conversation in a cave .. having a secret conversation in the cave
Short Definition : prepare by mixing or combining; make up in concert; devise (something false) so as to deceive; Ex. concoct an elaborate excuse for being late; N. concoction
(verb) make a concoction (of) by mixing
(verb) prepare or cook by mixing ingredients
Synonyms : cook up
(verb) invent
Synonyms : trump up
(verb) devise or invent
Synonyms : dream up , hatch , think of , think up
coct - resembles a cocktail, prepared by mixing and combining. A conman is preparing it, in a concert disguised(make up) as a bartender
Short Definition : that which accompanies; Ex. Deafnes is a frequent concommitant of old age; ADJ: existing or happening together with something else
(noun) an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another
Synonyms : accompaniment , attendant , co-occurrence
(adj) following or accompanying as a consequence
Synonyms : accompanying , attendant , consequent , ensuant , incidental , resultant , sequent
con(together) + comitant(sounds like commitment) if we have committed to each other, we’ll go together