Concordat Flashcards
Short Definition : formal agreement
(noun) a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
Synonyms : compact , covenant
After several discussion we concorded to meet AT CONCORD tower.
concord+at => harmony at something. so a formal agreement.
Short Definition : (derog.) bestow courtesies with a superior air; descend to the level of one considered inferior
(verb) behave in a patronizing and condescending manner
(verb) do something that one considers to be below one’s dignity
Synonyms : deign , descend
(verb) debase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way
Synonyms : lower oneself , stoop
(verb) treat condescendingly
Synonyms : patronise , patronize
It has the word descend in it ,it implies descending to a lower position
Short Definition : adequate; (of punishment) severe and well deserved
(adj) fitting or appropriate and deserved; used especially of punishment
CON ( kaun) amar DIGN (dignity) te agat kore? ami tar jonno adequate severe and well deserved sasthir bebostha korbo.
CON DIGN (convict dignity) if he accepts fitting and appropriate punishment for his crime he DESERVES to can regain his diginity
Short Definition : express condolences; N. condolence: sympathy for someone who has experienced great sorrow
(verb) express one’s sympathetic grief, on the occasion of someone’s death
Example Sentence
You must condole the widow
Short Definition : overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse
(verb) excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with
Synonyms : excuse
Con + Done= Consideration done
hort Definition : helpful; contributive; V. conduce; Ex. conduce to/towards
(adj) tending to bring about; being partly responsible for
Synonyms : contributing , contributive , contributory , tributary
working conditions are not conducive to productivity
conducive - come(con) + do(du) + civil work(cive)…..doing civil work is helpful & contributive
Conducive sounds like conductive. Conductivity, property of a metal, means passing electricity smoothly, i.e. helpfull in making it, conducive means helpful or favoring.
Short Definition : aqueduct; passageway for fluids
(noun) a passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric wires can pass
Example Sentence
the computers were connected through a system of conduits
CONDucting + circUIT = A passage for conducting oil/water/coffee/juice
Short Definition : tell in confidence (to a person one trusts); be confident about
(verb) reveal in private; tell confidentially
(verb) confer a trust upon
CONFIDENT; just remove NT bcums CONFIDE…very simple isnt it
Short Definition : seize; take possession of (private property) by official order (usu. as a punishment); commandeer
confiscate = বাজেয়াপ্ত করা , জব্দ করা , উপগ্রহণ করা
(verb) take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
Synonyms : attach , impound , seize , sequester
(adj) surrendered as a penalty
Synonyms : forfeit , forfeited
Con (with) fis (fist) cate (kate)=Salman (commander) took kate using his muscle (fist)
Short Definition : great fire
(noun) a very intense and uncontrolled fire
Synonyms : inferno
Con (with) flagration (fire)
Short Definition : flowing together; the place where two rivers flow together; crowd; gathering together
(noun) a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)
Synonyms : meeting
Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the All-eg-heny and Monon-ga-hela rivers
Confluence=’Connect’ by ‘Influence’
Confluence=Con(Together) + Fluence(Flow) =Flow Together
Short Definition : person who uncritically conforms to the customs of a group; OP. nonconformist: one who does not conform to accepted beliefs of norms
প্রথানুসারী , প্রথানুবর্তী , প্রচলসম্মত
(noun) someone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters)
(adj) marked by convention and conformity to customs or rules or styles
(adj) adhering to established customs or doctrines (especially in religion)
Synonyms : conforming
Short Definition : harmony; agreement with established rules or customs; similarity; Ex. behave in conformity with; V. conform: be similar; act in agreement; comply; Ex. conform to the rule; CF. conformance
(noun) correspondence in form or appearance
Synonyms : conformance
(noun) acting according to certain accepted standards
Synonyms : abidance , compliance , conformation
Conform it - Means agree to it
Short Definition : confuse; puzzle
(verb) be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly
Synonyms : bedevil , befuddle , confuse , discombobulate , fox , fuddle , throw
(verb) mistake one thing for another
Synonyms : confuse
Confound (Kaun found jokhon indian lokta proshno korlo tokhon bojha gelo etokhon bangla kotha sey kichu bujhenai, borong bangla nidite confused hoye gese)
Short Definition : freeze; coagulate
(verb) become gelatinous
Synonyms : jell , set
CONcentrated in Jelly (geal)
con + geal..geal…gelatinous..means to coagulate
con(together)+geal(jell)…jell together..nothing but solidify
Short Definition : pleasant; friendly; in agreement with one’s tastes and nature; Ex. congenial weather
congenial = সমপ্রকৃতিবিশিষ্ট , সমমনস্ক , সমরুচিসম্পন্ন , অমায়িক , উপযোগী , অনুকূল
not congenial = অশ্রেয়
(adj) suitable to your needs
(adj) (used of plants) capable of cross-fertilization or of being grafted
Genelia Desouza was suitable, appropriate ,compatible and pleasant for Jaane tu Janne na movie
Short Definition : existing at birth
(adj) present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development
Synonyms : inborn , innate
con + genital = genes. Inherited through the genes
Short Definition : corporation made up of several different companies in diversified fields; mass of various material gathered together; rock consisting of small stones held together by clay
- (noun) a composite rock made up of particles of varying size
Synonyms : pudding stone - (noun) a group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization
Synonyms : empire - (verb) collect or gather
Synonyms : accumulate , amass , cumulate , gather , pile up - (adj) composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass
Example Sentence
the conglomerate peoples of New England
conglomeration=conglomeration, which means uniting the globe
Short Definition : correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship; CF. congruity
(noun) the quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriate
Synonyms : congruity , congruousness
In maths we have congruent triangle that completely agree which each other in every property
Short Definition : pine tree (usu. evergreen); cone-bearing tree; ADJ. coniferous; CF. deciduous; CF. evergreen
conifer = শঙ্কুসদৃশ , মোচাকৃতি
(noun) any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
Synonyms : coniferous tree
conifer -> cone; so conifer means tree bearing cone like fruits
conifer refers to coniferous forests a typical forest bearing the same quality