Bearing Flashcards
- (noun) relevant relation or interconnection
- (noun) the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
Synonyms : aim , heading
- (noun) dignified manner or conduct
- (noun) characteristic way of bearing one’s body
Synonyms : posture
- (noun) a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
- (adj) (of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain

(verb) make wet and dirty,
as from rain the bed and the rag was made wet thoroughly by the child.
(noun) the most direct route moving in a particular line(direction) like a bee
(verb) be envious of; set one’s heart on
(verb) wish ill or allow unwillingly be+grudge.
when u have grudge on somebody u always wish ill for him
Short Definition : obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obliged or indebted from gratitude Definition
(adj) under a moral obligation to someone
beholden –be+hold–> HOLDING somebody’s feet to THANK him.
Short Definition : harp on; dwell on tediously; explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; assail verbally; beat severely; attack physically
Definition (verb) to work at or to absurd length
Synonyms : belabour Example Sentence belabor the obvious Definition
(verb) attack verbally with harsh criticism
Synonyms : belabour
Example Sentence She was belabored by her fellow students
Definition (verb) beat soundly
Synonyms : belabour
divide this word like be(exist)+labor–laborer (person who does the labor)so if someone is working as a laborer at some place, they are generally thrashed verbally by their seniors and higher officers.
(verb) annoy persistently
Synonyms : badger , bug , pester , tease
(verb) surround so as to force to give up
The Turks besieged Vienna
be+league+r – focus on league ~ The opponent team harassed Dhanraj Pille to keep him out of the premier hockey LEAGUE
(verb) regret strongly
Synonyms : bewail , deplore , lament
bemoan – be mourn means express mourn – express sadness
Short Definition : determined;
Ex. bent on advancing in the business;
N: natural talent or inclination
- (noun) a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way
- (noun) grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens
- (noun) a special way of doing something
Synonyms : hang , knack he had a special knack for getting into trouble
- (adj) fixed in your purpose
Synonyms : bent on , dead set , out to bent on going to the theater
- (adj) used of the back and knees; stooped on bended knee
- (adj) of metal
Synonyms : crumpled , dented
(verb) leave or give by will after one’s death
‘be + qu + eath’ before quick death, ‘leave ur property to someone by a will’