Delirium Flashcards
Short Definition : mental disorder marked by confusion; uncontrolled excitement; ADJ. delirious
(noun) state of violent mental agitation
Synonyms : craze , frenzy , fury , hysteria
(noun) a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations
split it as deli + r(i)um… taking rum daily will cause mental disorder
Short Definition : flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river
- (noun) a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water
Example Sentence
the Mississippi River delta - (noun) an object shaped like an equilateral triangle
- (noun) the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet
Short Definition : deceive
(verb) be false to; be dishonest with
Synonyms : cozen , deceive , lead on
very close to the word elude, and when you elude someone in a clever way ,you are actually deceiving them.
Short Definition : flood; rush; V.
(noun) an overwhelming number or amount
Synonyms : flood , inundation , torrent
(noun) a heavy rain
Synonyms : cloudburst , downpour , pelter , soaker , torrent , waterspout
(noun) the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land
Synonyms : alluvion , flood , inundation
(verb) fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid
Synonyms : flood , inundate , swamp
(verb) charge someone with too many tasks
Synonyms : flood out , overwhelm
(verb) fill or cover completely, usually with water
Synonyms : inundate , submerge
del[dell company]uge[huge]…so when the Del company advertised it’s product, there was a huge rush of requests, a deluge of requests.
Short Definition : false belief; hallucination; deluding; Ex. delusions of grandeur; Ex. under the delusion that
(noun) (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
Synonyms : psychotic belief
(noun) a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea
Synonyms : hallucination
(noun) the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas
Synonyms : head game , illusion
sounds like illusion which is nothing but false belief
Short Definition : deceptive; likely to delude; misleading; raising vain hopes; Ex. delusive promises
(adj) inappropriate to reality or facts
Synonyms : false
think about delude (deceive) and elusive (evasive, deceptive)
Short Definition : dig; search deeply; investigate
(verb) turn up, loosen, or remove earth
Synonyms : cut into , dig , turn over
delve sounds like delve out the shelves for your girlfriends photo
Short Definition : person who appeals to people’s prejudice; false leader of people; CF. demagoguery
(noun) a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices
Synonyms : demagog , rabble-rouser
democracy+agog-an agog man leading democracy will only try to win peoples support by using unreasonable and emotional arguments
Short Definition : disgrace; humiliate; debase in dignity; behave
(verb) reduce in worth or character, usually verbally
Synonyms : degrade , disgrace , put down , take down
it could be interfered as we are ‘de’creasing the ‘mean’ing of something
Short Definition : behavior; bearing
(noun) (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
Synonyms : behavior , behaviour , conduct , demeanour , deportment
demeanor === The manner ?
Short Definition : insane
(adj) affected with madness or insanity
Synonyms : brainsick , crazy , disturbed , mad , sick , unbalanced , unhinged
de + MENT + ed..focus on the bold letters ment(MENTAL)…..SO A MENTAL PERSON IS AN INSANE PERSON.
Short Definition : death
- (noun) the time when something ends
Synonyms : death , dying - (verb) transfer by a lease or by a will
de-mise, de-mice to terminate all those mice. Give them death.
Short Definition : destruction; V. demolish
- (noun) an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
Synonyms : destruction , wipeout - (noun) the act of demolishing
Short Definition : of or pertaining to the people
- (noun) a simplified cursive form of the ancient hieratic script
Synonyms : demotic script - (noun) the modern Greek vernacular
Synonyms : romaic - (adj) of or written in or belonging to the form of modern Greek based on colloquial use
- (adj) of or for the common people
demo means relating to people like in a democracy.
Short Definition : object (because of doubts, scruples); raise an objection (showing qualms); hesitate; Ex. demur at the idea of working on Sunday
- (noun) (law) a formal objection to an opponent’s pleadings
Synonyms : demurral , demurrer - (verb) take exception to
Synonyms : except - (verb) enter a demurrer
sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object!
De muri khaway de…. :)
Short Definition : (of a woman or child) grave; quiet and serious; coy; pretending to be demure
(adj) affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
Synonyms : coy , overmodest
demur is the one who objects; demure is who doest not object, who is reserved and shy
Short Definition : (animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident of a particular place; regular visitor
(noun) a person who inhabits a particular place
Synonyms : dweller , habitant , indweller , inhabitant
(noun) a plant or animal naturalized in a region
this word rhymes with the word citizen (which can be related to the above meaning)
Short Definition : religious group; unit in a system; name or designation; CF. denominator: common trait or characteristic
(noun) a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith
(noun) a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money
(noun) identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
Synonyms : appellation , appellative , designation
Short Definition : meaning; distinguishing by name; V. denote: indicate; refer to directly; mean; CF. connotation
- (noun) the act of indicating or pointing out by name
Synonyms : indication
2. (noun) the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to Synonyms : extension , reference
denotation means, ‘meaning’ and connotation means ‘implied meaning or secondary meaning’. Its easier to remember both together.
Short Definition : final outcome; final development of the plot of a play or other literary work; the end of a story when everything is explained
(noun) the outcome of a complex sequence of events
(noun) the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work
de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company’s FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT