Overview of Healthy Eating Habits Objectives- Ashley Flashcards
What are the recommended responsibilities of dentists and dental hygiene professionals regarding nutrition and oral health?
- Maintain current knowledge of nutrition recommendations as they relate to general and oral health disease
- effectively educate and counsel their patients about proper nutrition and oral health
what is a nutritionist?
may have a 4 year degree in foods and nutrition and usually works in public health setting
what is a registered dietitian?
has completed a minimum of a B.S in foods and nutrition with training in normal and clinical nutrition, food science, food service management, research and medical nutrition therapy.
What is the role of dental hygienists in promoting nutrition and oral health?
- Identify harmful dietary habits that may initiate oral disease
- Promote health and wellness as a health profession
- Identify patients needing referral to a registered dietitian for complex nutrition needs that may ultimately affect general health
- We have the opportunity to see patients on a regular basis than any other health professionals
- Many nutritional deficiencies and toxicities are first manifest in the oral cavity before signs appear elsewhere.
What are the main nutrients obtained from food?
What does a healthy eating pattern include?
- fruits
- vegetables
- protein
- dairy
- oil
what is a caloric balance?
Basic element of healthy eating patterns
why is a caloric balance important for healthy eating?
To maintain a set weight, the energy from food and drinks must equal the calories burned through physical activity and body functions.
Body weight is often evaluated using body mass index (BMI).
Nutrients provided in Vegetables?
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Potassium
Health Benefits in vegetables?
Naturally low in fat and cholesterol
what is the recommended intake for vegetables?
2½ cups daily
what are the recommended Vegetables?
- Dark Green, Red, and orange vegetables
- Legumes (Peas and Beans)
- Starchy Vegetables several times a week
Vegetables Forms include:
all fresh, frozen, canned, dried, cooked, or raw options and juices
What percentage of the U.S. population does not meet vegetable intake recommendations?
Health Benefits in fruits?
low in fat, sodium and calories
What portion of recommended fruit intake should come from whole fruits?
At least half of the recommended amount of fruit should come from whole fruits.
what is the recommended intake for fruits?
2 cups a day
fruit forms include:
Fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruits are recommended for their fiber content; juice should be minimized (low fiber, high sugar)
What percentage of the population meets the fruit intake recommendations?
About 80% of the population meets the fruit recommendations
what are Whole Grains?
Whole grains or grain products are made from the whole seed grain
what are some examples of whole grains?
- whole wheat
- oatmeal
- brown rice
- whole rye
- quinoa