Otitis Externa, Media, Glue Ear ☺️ Flashcards
- epidemiology, etiology
- presentation
Vv common in young children
- MOST COMMON - bacterial (S pneu, H inf, M catarrhalis)
- from URTI => viral
Ear pain - tugging
- fever
- hearing loss
- recent URTI symptoms
- discharge from perforation
Bulging tympanic membrane => loss of light reflex
Opaque/red TM
Perforated => discharge
- management
- complications
Self limiting, supportive - fluids, analgesia
Abx - peniciliin/erythromycin
- no improvement/worse in 4days
- systemic illness
- IC/high risk
- bilateral and U2
- perforation, discharge found
- mastoiditis
- meningitis, brain abscess
- VII paralysis
- epidemiology, etiology
- presentation
- MOST COMMON - P aeruginosa, S aureus
- common in swimmers, older adults
Itchy canal
Ear, tragus or pinna pain or tenderness
Conductive hearing loss
- management
- complications
Self limiting
Supportive - keep ear dry, analgesia + antibacterial otic drops
If IC, infection severe, spread beyond outer ear => ciprofloxacin
- cellulitis, pinna perichondritis/chondritis, abscess, parotitis
- COE - persistent inflammation from fungal infection
- MOE - lifethreatening progression to osteomyelitis in temporal
Signs of MOE
- pathophysiology
- presentation
- diagnosis
- management
OE found in IC and diabetics => infection of soft tissues and bony ear canal => temporal bone osteomyelitis
Diabetes/IC Severe, constant, deep ear pain Temporal headache Purulent discharge Dysphagia, hoarse, VII problems
Non resolving OE with increasing pain => urgent ENT
IV ABx with pseudomonas cover
Glue ear/OM with effusion
- epidemiology, etiology
- presentation
- investigations
Fluid collects within middle ear without acute infection signs
-MOST COMMON AFTER AOM in young children
Conductive hearing loss, tinnitus
Mild, intermittent ear pain with fullness
Speech, language delay in children
Pneumatic otoscopy
Tympanometry - assess eardrum reaction to sound
Audiometry - assess for hearing loss
Glue ear/OM with effusion
Watchful waiting for 3 months
- assess for worsening hearing, delay in reaching developmental milestones
- if symptoms persist => ENT referral
- if Downs => immediate referral
Non surgical
- autoinflation - drain fluid via auditory tube with Valsalva
- hearing aids - bilateral persistant OME
-grommet insertion into ear drum => fluid drainage. Will fall out in their own time